PHP: Interface vs Abstract Class vs Trait
Here is a comparison between Interface, Abstract class, and Trait in PHP. Let’s take a look at that side-by-side comparison in a table.
Here is a comparison between Interface, Abstract class, and Trait in PHP. Let’s take a look at that side-by-side comparison in a table.
An Abstract class is a partially implemented class, as the abstract methods(in the class) do not contain their definition. Those methods are defined in the class that extends the Abstract class.
A Doubly linked list is similar to a Singly Linked List, but it holds reference to the previous node also. So we can traverse both forward and backward from any node. In this article, we are discussing in detail, the implementation of Doubly Linked List in JavaScript and TypeScript.
Interfaces are contract that ensures the availability of methods/actions that an object must contain. By implementing an interface, a class agrees to contain the definitions of the methods declared in the interface. Interfaces have just the declaration/signature of the method, and the classes(that implement the interface) must have the definition of those methods.
Graphs are data structures with connected nodes/vertexes. We are using the adjacency list approach to represent a Graph here. In this article, we are discussing the implementation of Graph in JavaScript and TypeScript.
PHP is one of the most popular programming languages for web application development. PHP is easy to learn and easy to use. PHP stands for “PHP Hypertext Preprocessor”.
Traits facilitate code reuse in PHP by providing a simple way to define functionality and reuse those functionalities when we need it. Traits do not comply with the “is-a” nature of inheritance, so traits do not follow the true strict inheritance. As we can use multiple traits in a class, so it compensates for the lack of multiple inheritance nature of PHP.
Hash table data structure is used to store key-value data pairs. Main benefit of using a Hash Table is the performance improvements for set and get operation of data. In this article, we are discussing the implementation of Hash Table in JavaScript and TypeScript.
Priority queues are very frequently used data structures. Used to generate a queue so that we can process the items based on the priority of it. In this article, we are discussing the implementation of Priority Queue in JavaScript and TypeScript.
Enabling maintenance mode allows us to show nice and use friendly messages when our application is going through some maintenance work under the hood, and we are not able to serve.