Posts by category
- Category: AWS
- Category: Data Structure
- Data Structure: Breadth First Search(BFS)
- Data Structure: Heap
- Data Structure: Linked List
- Data Structure: Doubly Linked List
- Data Structure: Graph
- Data Structure: Hash Table
- Data Structure: Priority Queue
- Data Structure: Binary Heap[Max & Min]
- Data Structures
- Data Structure: Binary Search Tree(BST)
- Data Structure: Stack
- Data Structure: Queue
- Data Structure: Singly Linked List
- Category: Design Pattern
- Design Pattern: Facade Pattern in Python
- Design Pattern: Decorator Pattern in Python
- Design Pattern: Composite Pattern in Python
- Design Pattern: Bridge Pattern in Python
- Design Pattern: Adapter Pattern in Python
- Design Pattern: Prototype Pattern in Python
- Design Pattern: Builder Pattern in Python
- Design Pattern: Abstract Factory Pattern in Python
- Design Pattern: Factory Pattern in Python
- Design Pattern: Singleton Pattern in Python
- Design Pattern: Visitor Pattern in PHP
- Design Pattern: Template Method Pattern in PHP
- Design Pattern: Strategy Pattern in PHP
- Design Pattern: State Pattern in PHP
- Design Pattern: Observer Pattern in PHP
- Design Pattern: Memento Pattern in PHP
- Design Pattern: Mediator Pattern in PHP
- Design Pattern: Interpreter Pattern in PHP
- Design Pattern: Iterator Pattern in PHP
- Design Pattern: Command Pattern in PHP
- Design Pattern: Chain of Responsibility Pattern in PHP
- Design Pattern: State Pattern in Go
- Design Pattern: Proxy Pattern in PHP
- Design Pattern: Flyweight Pattern in PHP
- Design Pattern: Facade Pattern in PHP
- Design Pattern: Decorator Pattern in PHP
- Design Pattern: Composite Pattern in PHP
- Design Pattern: Bridge Pattern in PHP
- Design Pattern: Adapter Pattern in PHP
- Design Pattern: Prototype Pattern in PHP
- Design Pattern: Builder Pattern in PHP
- Design Pattern: Abstract Factory Pattern in PHP
- Design Pattern: Factory Pattern in PHP
- Design Pattern: Template Method Pattern in Go
- Design Pattern: Visitor Pattern in Go
- Design Pattern: Strategy Pattern in Go
- Design Pattern: Visitor Pattern in TypeScript
- Design Pattern: Template Method Pattern in TypeScript
- Design Pattern: Strategy Pattern in TypeScript
- Design Pattern: State Pattern in TypeScript
- Design Pattern: Observer Pattern in TypeScript
- Design Pattern: Observer Pattern in Go
- Design Pattern: Memento Pattern in TypeScript
- Design Pattern: Memento Pattern in Go
- Design Pattern: Mediator Pattern in TypeScript
- Design Pattern: Mediator Pattern in Go
- Design Pattern: Iterator Pattern in TypeScript
- Design Pattern: Iterator Pattern in Go
- Design Pattern: Interpreter Pattern in TypeScript
- Design Pattern: Interpreter Pattern in Go
- Design Pattern: Command Pattern in TypeScript
- Design Pattern: Command Pattern in Go
- Design Pattern: Chain of Responsibility Pattern in TypeScript
- Design Pattern: Chain of Responsibility Pattern in Go
- Design Pattern: Proxy Pattern in Go
- Design Pattern: Flyweight Pattern in Go
- Design Pattern: Proxy Pattern in TypeScript
- Design Pattern: Facade Pattern in Go
- Design Pattern: Flyweight Pattern in TypeScript
- Design Pattern: Facade Pattern in TypeScript
- Design Pattern: Decorator Pattern in TypeScript
- Design Pattern: Composite Pattern in TypeScript
- Design Pattern: Decorator Pattern in Go
- Design Pattern: Bridge Pattern in TypeScript
- Design Pattern: Composite Pattern in Go
- Design Pattern: Adapter Pattern in TypeScript
- Design Pattern: Bridge Pattern in Go
- Design Pattern: Adapter Pattern in Go
- Design Pattern: Prototype Pattern in TypeScript
- Design Pattern: Prototype Pattern in Go
- Design Pattern: Builder Pattern in TypeScript
- Design Pattern: Abstract Factory Pattern in Go
- Design Pattern: Factory Pattern in Go
- Design Pattern: Abstract Factory Pattern in TypeScript
- Design Pattern: Builder Pattern in Go
- Design Pattern: Factory Pattern in TypeScript
- Design Pattern: Proxy Pattern in Java
- Design Pattern: Prototype Pattern in Java
- Design Pattern: Visitor Pattern
- Design Pattern: Visitor Pattern in Java
- Design Pattern: Template Method Pattern
- Design Pattern: Template Method Pattern in Java
- Design Pattern: State Pattern
- Design Pattern: State Pattern in Java
- Design Pattern: Observer Pattern
- Design Pattern: Observer Pattern in Java
- Design Pattern: Memento Pattern
- Design Pattern: Memento Pattern in Java
- Design Pattern: Mediator Pattern in Java
- Design Pattern: Mediator Pattern
- Design Pattern: Iterator Pattern
- Design Pattern: Iterator Pattern in Java
- Design Pattern: Interpreter Pattern
- Design Pattern: Interpreter Pattern in Java
- Design Pattern: Command Pattern in Java
- Design Pattern: Command Pattern
- Design Pattern: Chain of Responsibility Pattern in Java
- Design Pattern: Chain of Responsibility Pattern
- Design Pattern: Prototype Pattern
- Design Pattern: Builder Pattern in Java
- Design Pattern: Builder Pattern
- Design Pattern: Abstract Factory Pattern in Java
- Design Pattern: Bridge Pattern in Java
- Design Pattern: Bridge Pattern
- Design Pattern: Composite Pattern in Java
- Design Pattern: Composite Pattern
- Design Pattern: Strategy Pattern
- Design Pattern: Decorator Pattern
- Design Pattern: Decorator Pattern in Java
- Design Pattern: Proxy Pattern
- Design Pattern: Flyweight Pattern in Java
- Design Pattern: Flyweight Pattern
- Design Pattern: Facade Pattern in Java
- Design Pattern: Facade Pattern
- Design Pattern: Adapter Pattern in Java
- Design Pattern: Adapter Pattern
- Design Pattern: Strategy Pattern in Java
- Design Pattern: Singleton Pattern in Go
- Design Pattern: Singleton Pattern in PHP
- Design Pattern: Singleton Pattern in TypeScript
- Design Pattern: Factory Pattern in Java
- Design Pattern: Singleton Pattern in Java
- Design Pattern: Abstract Factory Pattern
- Design Patterns [classic/core patterns for OOP]
- Design Pattern: Factory Pattern
- Design Pattern: Singleton Pattern
- Category: Design Principle
- Design Principle: SOLID Principles
- Design Principle: Dependency Inversion Principle(DIP)
- Design Principle: Interface Segregation Principle(ISP)
- Design Principle: Liskov Substitution Principle(LSP)
- Design Principle: Open/Closed Principle(OCP)
- Design Principle: Single Responsibility Principle(SRP)
- Design Principle: Program to Interfaces, Not Implementations
- Design Principle: Composition Over Inheritance(COI)
- Design Principle: Encapsulate What Varies(EWV)
- Design Principles
- Category: Docker
- Category: JavaScript
- JavaScript: Data Types and Type Conversion
- JavaScript: Pass by Value VS Pass by Reference
- JavaScript: Hoisting [ variable and function ]
- JavaScript: Variable Scope [ includes scope chain and const scope ]
- JavaScript: Variable and Constant [ includes var vs let vs const ]
- JavaScript: Tagged Template Literals
- JavaScript Programming
- JavaScript: Event Capturing and Bubbling [event propagation in detail]
- JavaScript: “use strict” – [strict mode]
- JavaScript: [Uncaught SyntaxError] Unexpected token o in JSON at position 1
- JavaScript: this – [full explanation]
- Category: Laravel
- Laravel: Interview Questions and Answers
- Laravel: Save created_by, and updated_by User Information
- Laravel: Installation and Directory Structure
- Laravel: Maintenance Mode [proper usage with internal working]
- Laravel Framework
- Laravel: Repository Pattern [with Unit Test]
- Laravel: Run Queue in the Background using PM2
- Laravel: env() getting null value when used with config:cache
- Category: Linux
- Category: Linux Command
- Linux Command: Wildcards [Globbing]
- Linux Command: Others [simple utility commands]
- Linux Command: touch (create file)
- Linux Command: tail (output last part of files)
- Linux Command: Redirecting Input/Output Stream Flow
- Linux Command: mv (move files and directories)
- Linux Command: rm (remove files or directories)
- Linux Command: man (system manual reference)
- Linux Command: mkdir (create/make directory)
- Linux Command: ls (list files and directories)
- Linux Command: history (command execution history)
- Linux Command: find (search for files)
- Linux Command: cp (copy files and directories)
- Linux Command: clear and reset (with clear left and right hotkeys)
- Linux Command: Piping (output of one command, as input of another)
- Linux Command: cd (change working directory)
- Linux Command: Aliases(create command aliases or shortcuts)
- Linux Commands
- Linux Command: User and Group Management
- Linux Command: Cheat Sheet
- Category: MongoDB
- MongoDB Method: db.collection.aggregate()
- MongoDB Method: db.collection.getIndexes()
- MongoDB Method: db.collection.createIndex()
- MongoDB Method: db.collection.deleteOne()
- MongoDB Method: db.collection.updateMany()
- MongoDB Method: db.collection.updateOne()
- MongoDB Method: db.collection.insertMany()
- MongoDB Method: db.collection.insertOne()
- MongoDB Method: db.collection.findOne()
- MongoDB Method: db.collection.find()
- MongoDB: Client Library/Driver Connection Setup
- MongoDB Tutorials
- MongoDB: Installation
- Category: MSSQL
- Category: MySQL
- MySQL: JSON [Data Type]
- MySQL: Error 1118 – Row size too large
- MySQL Tutorials
- MySQL: Error 1153 – Got a packet bigger than ‘max_allowed_packet’ bytes
- MySQL: Pivot Table – Pivot Rows to Columns Dynamically
- MySQL: Clone/Duplicate Table (with or without data)
- MySQL: Find and Delete Duplicate Rows (for single/multiple columns)
- MySQL: CAST any Data Type as INTEGER
- MySQL: Check Database and Table Size
- MySQL: Select Latest Record for Each Group
- MySQL: Error 1045 – Access denied for user
- Category: Nginx
- Category: NodeJS
- Category: PHP
- Category: Python
- Python class: enumerate [add counter to an iterable]
- Python: Lambda Function
- Python function: id() [get object identity]
- Python: Boolean [Data Type]
- Python: String Padding
- Python: Decorator
- Python: Access Control(attribute and method)
- Python: Getter, Setter, and Deleter
- Python: Float [Data Type] (includes Decimal and Complex Numbers)
- Python: Class and Object
- Python: Mathematical Operators
- Python: Generator
- Python: package
- Python: Function
- Python: if…else [Control Flow]
- Python: Set [Data Type]
- Python: Dictionary [Data Type]
- Python: List [Data Type]
- Python: Tuple [Data Type]
- Python: Integer [Data Type]
- Python: String [Data Type]
- Python: Data Types
- Python: Type Conversion
- Python: Operators
- Python: Variables and Scope
- Python: Program Structure
- Python: Interactive Mode
- Python: Installation
- Python: Hello World
- Python function: print() [printing in Python]
- Python Programming
- Category: Redis
- Redis Command: GEOSEARCH
- Redis Command: GEOPOS
- Redis Command: GEOHASH
- Redis Command: RPUSH
- Redis Command: GEODIST
- Redis Command: GEOADD
- Redis Command: SREM
- Redis Command: SMEMBERS
- Redis Command: SADD
- Redis Command: HINCRBY
- Redis Command: HVALS
- Redis Command: HKEYS
- Redis Command: HGETALL
- Redis Command: HGET
- Redis Command: HSET
- Redis Command: RESTORE
- Redis Command: DUMP
- Redis: Backup and Restore [ full DB and single key ]
- Redis: Configuration [all important configs]
- Redis Command: BLPOP
- Redis Command: LTRIM
- Redis Command: LREM
- Redis Command: LSET
- Redis Command: LPOP
- Redis Command: LMPOP
- Redis Command: LPOS
- Redis Command: LINSERT
- Redis Command: LLEN
- Redis Command: LINDEX
- Redis Command: LMOVE
- Redis Command: LRANGE
- Redis Command: LPUSH
- Redis Command: STRLEN
- Redis Command: GETRANGE
- Redis Command: DECR
- Redis Command: INCR
- Redis Command: APPEND
- Redis Command: MSETNX
- Redis Command: MSET
- Redis Command: GETDEL
- Redis Command: GETEX
- Redis Command: MGET
- Redis Command: SET
- Redis Command: GET
- Redis Tutorials
- Redis: Key Management
- Redis: Access Control List(ACL) – [Complex Permission for Users]
- Redis: Password Authentication(AUTH) [Default User]
- Redis: Installation [Docker / Linux / MacOS / Windows]
- Category: Shell Scripting
- Category: Software Versioning
- Category: SSE