Laravel: Interview Questions and Answers
Here are the questions that you might get in an interview about Laravel. The questions are divided into sections, so you can jump to any specific section if you want to.
Here are the questions that you might get in an interview about Laravel. The questions are divided into sections, so you can jump to any specific section if you want to.
Let’s see how we can cast/convert one data type to another data type in PHP. We can as one data type to another using one of the following- Casting operator and Functions.
Let’s see how we can cast/convert one data type to another data type in PHP. We can as one data type to another using one of the following- Casting operator and Functions.
enumerate() adds a counter to an iterable. The iterable can be a string, list, tuple, or dictionary. enumerate() returns an “enumerate” object, that produces an index/serial and value pair while iterating over it. This way we can track the position of the item and value at the same time.
Start with the keyword “lambda”. Then put the list of parameters, which are separated by commas. Put colon(:) after that. Finally, write the return value or expression. Only one expression can be here, which is returned.
id() function returns an integer, that is an unique identifier for the object. The id will be unique, and stays the same for the object lifetime.
Boolean represents a value that can be either true or false. Everything that is evaluated to a boolean can be one of 2 values- True, False
There are 2 main ways we can add padding to a string in Python- Using string formatting functions, Using f-strings.
To save created_by and updated_by user information in a laravel model- first create migrations for the the new fields, and then register events on model boot.
Facade works as an abstraction layer, over the underlying complex system. The client communicates with the facade, and the facade communicates with the subsystems. In this article, we discuss the implementation of the Facade Pattern in Python.