Python: Abstract Class

Abstract class works as a blueprint for other classes. We can not instantiate an abstract class, but extend it. Abstract class contains abstract methods, which do not definition of the method. We need to add the definition of those abstract methods, in the child(class that extends abstract class) class. WARNING Abstract classes and methods are … Read more

PHP: Type Casting


While performing any operation PHP will try to cast variables to the appropriate data type as per the operation requirement. But sometimes we need to do it explicitly.

PHP: Data Types


Scalar Types Type Description Boolean Integer Float String Integer Number Format Description Example Decimal Normal decimal numbers 86 Binary Binary numbers start with 0b or 0B (Zero then capital or small “B”) 0b1010110 Octal Octal numbers start with 0(Zero) 0126 Hexadecimal Hex numbers start with 0x or 0X (Zero and then capital or small “X”) … Read more