Shell Scripting
Shell is like a container, that accepts commands from the user/other programs and sends them to the kernel after parsing and processing.
Linux Command: touch (create file)
“touch” is the most handy command to create a new file in Linux.
Linux Command: tail (output last part of files)
Use the “tail” command to get the last lines of a file.
Linux Command: Redirecting Input/Output Stream Flow
By default the standard output will show on terminal. But we can redirect the output to some other source, like a file.
Linux Command: mv (move files and directories)
Use “mv” to move file or directory to another location. The same command can be used to rename a file.
Linux Command: rm (remove files or directories)
Use “rm” to remove files or directories. The usage of the command is straightforward-
Linux Command: man (system manual reference)
The “man” command comes from the word “manual”, which gives information about any command from the Linux manual.
Linux Command: mkdir (create/make directory)
Create new directory(s) with the provided name(s). If the directories do not exist then the directories are created. We get an error if the directory already exists.