Linux Command: ls (list files and directories)
Use ‘ls’ command to get the list of files and directory.
Use ‘ls’ command to get the list of files and directory.
Use “history” command to get the list of the history of command execution in the terminal.
Using the “find” command we can search for files in a directory hierarchy.
Use the command “cp” to copy files and directories from one location to another.
Use the following command to get a clear terminal screen. The following commands are handy and provide very easy-to-use options and/or shortcuts.
Using the technique of piping we can send the standard output of one command as the standard input of another command. This way we can build a complex and advanced process(step-by-step) to perform complicated tasks.
Use “cd” to change the working directory.
We can create a shortcut or alias of any command. This is useful when we have some complex command that we use frequently, and we want an easy way to run that command, instead of copying and pasting it over and over again.
Linux commands are case-sensitive and are written in lowercase. Let’s take a look at some basic information about Linux commands, and then we will dive deep into the individual commands.
An object in Python(and in general OOP) is a collection of data, and the behavior associated with the different aspects of the object. Object-Oriented Programming(OOP) refers to, objects being the primary focus while programming and modeling all real-world entities as objects. So when we analyze a problem, we need to identify 2 things- Class is … Read more