Python: Abstract Class
Abstract class works as a blueprint for other classes. We can not instantiate an abstract class, but extend it. Abstract class contains abstract methods, which do not definition of the method. We need to add the definition of those abstract methods, in the child(class that extends abstract class) class. WARNING Abstract classes and methods are … Read more
Python: Access Control(attribute and method)
Python does access control differently. Let’s discuss access control in Python in depth-
Python: Getter, Setter, and Deleter
Getters and setters work as the entry point for managing and manipulating data for an object of a class. In this article, we are discussing the getter, setter, and deleter for the property of a Python class.
Python: Float [Data Type] (includes Decimal and Complex Numbers)
We can use a floating point number to represent a decimal number. In Python we can represent 3 types of floating values- NOTES All these 3 types are immutable. That means when any of the above types of data is created in memory, it is never changed. Reassigning a new value to any of the … Read more
Python: Boolean [Data Type]
There are 2 built-in Boolean objects in Python- If we convert any other data type to Boolean, it will be either True or False. Create Boolean We can use the “bool” function to create a boolean. If no param is provided then it returns false- Output: Or we can just assign a Boolean value – … Read more