Method Name | db.collection.findOne() |
Usage | Find first document in a collection or view |
Group | ![]() |
db.collection.findOne(query, projection, options)
Find the first document in a specific collection or view, that matches the provided filter. We get a single document that fulfills the criteria.
- If the provided criteria match multiple documents in the collection/view, then this command returns the first document.
- If no sorting condition is provided, then MongoDB uses the natural order. And the natural order is the order in which sequence the data is stored in the storage space.
- In fixed-size collections(Capped collection) natural order is the order in which data was inserted.
Parameter | Description | Type | Optional |
query | Filters for the document. Pass a document with the field and value. To get all the documents, don’t send this param or send an empty document. | document | True |
projection | Fields that we want to return in the result. Ignore this param, if you want to return all the fields. | document | True |
options | Additional options. | document | True |
- To ignore providing any filter use
or justdb.collection.findOne()
. - We can use all the query operators like $and, $or, $eq, $gte, etc. in the query parameter.
- We can decide which field to return or ignore in the result. the
field is included until it is explicitly ignored in the projection.
Return Value
Return value | Case for the return value | Type |
A document | On success this method returns a document | document |
- In Mongo Shell we get the result of the method directly. But as this command returnes a cursor, we can save the result of find method in MongoDB shell and then iterate over it-
var customers = db.customer.find();
while(customers.hasNext()) {
Here are a few examples of the method usage-
# MongoDB db.collection.findOne() method demo
# Insert some documents
bigboxcode> db.customer.insertMany([
"name": "Izabella Conroy",
"age": 19,
"phone": "108-679-2154",
"address": {
"street": "11 North Vineyard Drive",
"city": "Pueblo West",
"state": "CO",
"postalCode": "81007"
"name": "Alisa Parker",
"age": 72,
"phone": "768-319-1054",
"address": {
"street": "8532 Ingalls Circle",
"city": "Arvada",
"state": "CO",
"postalCode": "80003"
"name": "Eloise Weber",
"age": 29,
"phone": "618-357-2104",
"address": {
"street": "632 Belmar Drive",
"city": "Edmond",
"state": "OK",
"postalCode": "73025"
acknowledged: true,
insertedIds: {
'0': ObjectId('65be325487bc09975c93a972'),
'1': ObjectId('65be325487bc09975c93a973'),
'2': ObjectId('65be325487bc09975c93a974')
# Find one document from cutomer collection
bigboxcode> db.customer.findOne()
_id: ObjectId('65be325487bc09975c93a972'),
name: 'Izabella Conroy',
age: 19,
phone: '108-679-2154',
address: {
street: '11 North Vineyard Drive',
city: 'Pueblo West',
state: 'CO',
postalCode: '81007'
# Apply fitler where age=29
bigboxcode> db.customer.findOne({age: 29})
_id: ObjectId('65be325487bc09975c93a974'),
name: 'Eloise Weber',
age: 29,
phone: '618-357-2104',
address: {
street: '632 Belmar Drive',
city: 'Edmond',
state: 'OK',
postalCode: '73025'
# Apply filter where age >= 29
bigboxcode> db.customer.findOne({age: {$gte: 29}})
_id: ObjectId('65be325487bc09975c93a973'),
name: 'Alisa Parker',
age: 72,
phone: '768-319-1054',
address: {
street: '8532 Ingalls Circle',
city: 'Arvada',
state: 'CO',
postalCode: '80003'
# Use $or operator for the query filter
bigboxcode> db.customer.findOne({$or: [{age: {$gt: 29}}, {"address.postalCode": "81007"}]})
_id: ObjectId('65be325487bc09975c93a972'),
name: 'Izabella Conroy',
age: 19,
phone: '108-679-2154',
address: {
street: '11 North Vineyard Drive',
city: 'Pueblo West',
state: 'CO',
postalCode: '81007'
# Set projection to get name, phone, and postalCode only
bigboxcode> db.customer.findOne({age: 29}, { name: 1, phone: true, "address.postalCode": 1})
_id: ObjectId('65be325487bc09975c93a974'),
name: 'Eloise Weber',
phone: '618-357-2104',
address: { postalCode: '73025' }
# Ignore properties
bigboxcode> db.customer.findOne({}, { name: false, phone: 0, "": 0})
_id: ObjectId('65be325487bc09975c93a972'),
age: 19,
address: {
street: '11 North Vineyard Drive',
state: 'CO',
postalCode: '81007'
# Apply filter that doesn't return any result
bigboxcode> db.customer.findOne({age: 299999999})
# Use regex to filter by matching value of a field
bigboxcode> db.customer.findOne({name: {$regex : /^alisa/i}})
_id: ObjectId('65be325487bc09975c93a973'),
name: 'Alisa Parker',
age: 72,
phone: '768-319-1054',
address: {
street: '8532 Ingalls Circle',
city: 'Arvada',
state: 'CO',
postalCode: '80003'
# Use regex
bigboxcode> db.customer.findOne({"address.street": {$regex : /drive/i}})
_id: ObjectId('65be325487bc09975c93a972'),
name: 'Izabella Conroy',
age: 19,
phone: '108-679-2154',
address: {
street: '11 North Vineyard Drive',
city: 'Pueblo West',
state: 'CO',
postalCode: '81007'
# Try to use findOne() one a non existing collection
# We get null
bigboxcode> db.wrong_collection.findOne()
- Use dot(.) to access a field in a nested object, like –
Code Implementations
Here are the usage examples of the MongoDB method in NodeJS, Python, Golang, Java programming languages.
// MongoDB db.collection.findOne() method examples in Golang
package main
import (
const uri = "mongodb://bigboxuser:bigboxpass@localhost:27017/?maxPoolSize=20&w=majority"
func main() {
// Initiate mongo client
mongoClient, err := mongo.Connect(context.TODO(), options.Client().ApplyURI(uri))
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("MongoDB connection error: ", err)
defer mongoClient.Disconnect(context.Background())
// Initiate collection instance
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Second)
defer cancel()
customerCollection := mongoClient.Database("bigboxcode").Collection("customer")
wrongCollection := mongoClient.Database("bigboxcode").Collection("wrong_collection")
// Insert some documents
insertResult, err := customerCollection.InsertMany(ctx, []interface{}{
"name": "Izabella Conroy",
"age": 19,
"phone": "108-679-2154",
"address": map[string]interface{}{
"street": "11 North Vineyard Drive",
"city": "Pueblo West",
"state": "CO",
"postalCode": "81007",
"name": "Alisa Parker",
"age": 72,
"phone": "768-319-1054",
"address": map[string]interface{}{
"street": "8532 Ingalls Circle",
"city": "Arvada",
"state": "CO",
"postalCode": "80003",
"name": "Eloise Weber",
"age": 29,
"phone": "618-357-2104",
"address": map[string]interface{}{
"street": "632 Belmar Drive",
"city": "Edmond",
"state": "OK",
"postalCode": "73025",
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Command: db.customer.insertMany() | Result: ", insertResult)
var commandResult bson.M
// Find one document from cutomer collection
err = customerCollection.FindOne(ctx, bson.M{}).Decode(&commandResult)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Command: db.customer.findOne() | Result: ", commandResult)
// Apply fitler where age=29
err = customerCollection.FindOne(ctx, bson.M{"age": 29}).Decode(&commandResult)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Command: db.customer.findOne({age: 29}) | Result: ", commandResult)
// Apply filter where age >= 29
err = customerCollection.FindOne(ctx, bson.M{"age": bson.M{"$gte": 29}}).Decode(&commandResult)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Command: db.customer.findOne({age: {$gte: 29}}) | Result: ", commandResult)
// Use $or operator for the query filter
filter := bson.M{"$or": []bson.M{{"age": bson.M{"$gt": 29}}, {"address.postalCode": "81007"}}}
err = customerCollection.FindOne(ctx, filter).Decode(&commandResult)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Command: db.customer.findOne({$or: [{age: {$gt: 29}}, {"address.postalCode": "81007"}]}) | Result: ", commandResult)
// Set projection to get name, phone, and postalCode only
findOptions := options.FindOne().SetProjection(bson.M{"name": 1, "phone": true, "address.postalCode": 1})
err = customerCollection.FindOne(ctx, bson.M{"age": 29}, findOptions).Decode(&commandResult)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Command: db.customer.findOne({age: 29}, { name: 1, phone: true, "address.postalCode": 1}) | Result: ", commandResult)
// Ignore properties
findOptions = options.FindOne().SetProjection(bson.M{"name": false, "phone": 0, "": 0})
err = customerCollection.FindOne(ctx, bson.M{}, findOptions).Decode(&commandResult)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Command: db.customer.findOne({}, { name: false, phone: 0, "": 0}) | Result: ", commandResult)
// Apply filter that doesn't return any result
err = customerCollection.FindOne(ctx, bson.M{"age": 299999999}).Decode(&commandResult)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Command: db.customer.findOne({age: 299999999}) | Result: ", commandResult)
// Use regex to filter by matching value of a field
regexPattern := primitive.Regex{Pattern: "^alisa", Options: "i"}
err = customerCollection.FindOne(ctx, bson.M{"name": bson.M{"$regex": regexPattern}}).Decode(&commandResult)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Command: db.customer.findOne({name: {$regex : /^alisa/i}}) | Result: ", commandResult)
// Use regex
regexPattern = primitive.Regex{Pattern: "drive", Options: "i"}
err = customerCollection.FindOne(ctx, bson.M{"address.street": bson.M{"$regex": regexPattern}}).Decode(&commandResult)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Command: db.customer.findOne({"address.street": {$regex : /drive/i}}) | Result: ", commandResult)
// Try to use findOne() one a non existing collection, We get null
var wrongCommandResult bson.M
err = wrongCollection.FindOne(ctx, nil).Decode(&wrongCommandResult)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Command: db.wrong_collection.findOne() | Result: ", wrongCommandResult)
Command: db.customer.insertMany() | Result: &{[ObjectID("65c0a2d2945b344c8e8a3c63") ObjectID("65c0a2d2945b344c8e8a3c64") ObjectID("65c0a2d2945b344c8e8a3c65")]}
Command: db.customer.findOne() | Result: map[_id:ObjectID("65c0a2d2945b344c8e8a3c63") address:map[city:Pueblo West postalCode:81007 state:CO street:11 North Vineyard Drive] age:19 name:Izabella Conroy phone:108-679-2154]
Command: db.customer.findOne({age: 29}) | Result: map[_id:ObjectID("65c0a2d2945b344c8e8a3c65") address:map[city:Edmond postalCode:73025 state:OK street:632 Belmar Drive] age:29 name:Eloise Weber phone:618-357-2104]
Command: db.customer.findOne({age: {$gte: 29}}) | Result: map[_id:ObjectID("65c0a2d2945b344c8e8a3c64") address:map[city:Arvada postalCode:80003 state:CO street:8532 Ingalls Circle] age:72 name:Alisa Parker phone:768-319-1054]
Command: db.customer.findOne({$or: [{age: {$gt: 29}}, {"address.postalCode": "81007"}]}) | Result: map[_id:ObjectID("65c0a2d2945b344c8e8a3c63") address:map[city:Pueblo West postalCode:81007 state:CO street:11 North Vineyard Drive] age:19 name:Izabella Conroy phone:108-679-2154]
Command: db.customer.findOne({age: 29}, { name: 1, phone: true, "address.postalCode": 1}) | Result: map[_id:ObjectID("65c0a2d2945b344c8e8a3c65") address:map[postalCode:73025] age:19 name:Eloise Weber phone:618-357-2104]
Command: db.customer.findOne({}, { name: false, phone: 0, "": 0}) | Result: map[_id:ObjectID("65c0a2d2945b344c8e8a3c63") address:map[postalCode:81007 state:CO street:11 North Vineyard Drive] age:19 name:Eloise Weber phone:618-357-2104]
mongo: no documents in result
Command: db.customer.findOne({age: 299999999}) | Result: map[_id:ObjectID("65c0a2d2945b344c8e8a3c63") address:map[postalCode:81007 state:CO street:11 North Vineyard Drive] age:19 name:Eloise Weber phone:618-357-2104]
Command: db.customer.findOne({name: {$regex : /^alisa/i}}) | Result: map[_id:ObjectID("65c0a2d2945b344c8e8a3c64") address:map[city:Arvada postalCode:80003 state:CO street:8532 Ingalls Circle] age:72 name:Alisa Parker phone:768-319-1054]
Command: db.customer.findOne({"address.street": {$regex : /drive/i}}) | Result: map[_id:ObjectID("65c0a2d2945b344c8e8a3c63") address:map[city:Pueblo West postalCode:81007 state:CO street:11 North Vineyard Drive] age:19 name:Izabella Conroy phone:108-679-2154]
document is nil
Command: db.wrong_collection.findOne() | Result: map[]
- Use the “
” method from “mongo-go-driver
“ - Signature of the method-
FindOne(ctx, filter, options)
// db.collection.findOne() method example in NodeJS
import { MongoClient } from "mongodb";
// Define MongoDB connection URI
const uri = "mongodb://bigboxuser:bigboxpass@";
// Create a client
const mongo = new MongoClient(uri);
await mongo.connect();
const database = mongo.db("bigboxcode");
const customerCollection = database.collection("customer");
const wrongCollection = database.collection("wrong_collection");
// Insert some documents
let commandResult = await customerCollection.insertMany([
name: "Izabella Conroy",
age: 19,
phone: "108-679-2154",
address: {
street: "11 North Vineyard Drive",
city: "Pueblo West",
state: "CO",
postalCode: "81007",
name: "Alisa Parker",
age: 72,
phone: "768-319-1054",
address: {
street: "8532 Ingalls Circle",
city: "Arvada",
state: "CO",
postalCode: "80003",
name: "Eloise Weber",
age: 29,
phone: "618-357-2104",
address: {
street: "632 Belmar Drive",
city: "Edmond",
state: "OK",
postalCode: "73025",
console.log("Command: db.customer.insertMany() | Result: ", commandResult);
// Find one document from cutomer collection
commandResult = await customerCollection.findOne();
console.log("Command: db.customer.findOne() | Result: ", commandResult);
// Apply fitler where age=29
commandResult = await customerCollection.findOne({ age: 29 });
"Command: db.customer.findOne({age: 29}) | Result: ",
// Apply filter where age >= 29
commandResult = await customerCollection.findOne({ age: { $gte: 29 } });
"Command: db.customer.findOne({age: {$gte: 29}}) | Result: ",
// Use $or operator for the query filter
commandResult = await customerCollection.findOne({
$or: [{ age: { $gt: 29 } }, { "address.postalCode": "81007" }],
'Command: db.customer.findOne({$or: [{age: {$gt: 29}}, {"address.postalCode": "81007"}]}) | Result: ',
// Set projection to get name, phone, and postalCode only
commandResult = await customerCollection.findOne(
{ age: 29 },
{ name: 1, phone: true, "address.postalCode": 1 }
'Command: db.customer.findOne({age: 29}, { name: 1, phone: true, "address.postalCode": 1}) | Result: ',
// Ignore properties
commandResult = await customerCollection.findOne(
{ name: false, phone: 0, "": 0 }
'Command: db.customer.findOne({}, { name: false, phone: 0, "": 0}) | Result: ',
// Apply filter that doesn't return any result
commandResult = await customerCollection.findOne({ age: 299999999 });
"Command: db.customer.findOne({age: 299999999}) | Result: ",
// Use regex to filter by matching value of a field
commandResult = await customerCollection.findOne({
name: { $regex: /^alisa/i },
"Command: db.customer.findOne({name: {$regex : /^alisa/i}}) | Result: ",
// Use regex
commandResult = await customerCollection.findOne({
"address.street": { $regex: /drive/i },
'Command: db.customer.findOne({"address.street": {$regex : /drive/i}}) | Result: ',
// Try to use findOne() one a non existing collection, We get null
commandResult = await wrongCollection.findOne();
console.log("Command: db.wrong_collection.findOne() | Result: ", commandResult);
// Close connection
await mongo.close();
Command: db.customer.insertMany() | Result: {
acknowledged: true,
insertedCount: 3,
insertedIds: {
'0': new ObjectId('65bfa13b33c6e85418509e6d'),
'1': new ObjectId('65bfa13b33c6e85418509e6e'),
'2': new ObjectId('65bfa13b33c6e85418509e6f')
Command: db.customer.findOne() | Result: {
_id: new ObjectId('65bfa13b33c6e85418509e6d'),
name: 'Izabella Conroy',
age: 19,
phone: '108-679-2154',
address: {
street: '11 North Vineyard Drive',
city: 'Pueblo West',
state: 'CO',
postalCode: '81007'
Command: db.customer.findOne({age: 29}) | Result: {
_id: new ObjectId('65bfa13b33c6e85418509e6f'),
name: 'Eloise Weber',
age: 29,
phone: '618-357-2104',
address: {
street: '632 Belmar Drive',
city: 'Edmond',
state: 'OK',
postalCode: '73025'
Command: db.customer.findOne({age: {$gte: 29}}) | Result: {
_id: new ObjectId('65bfa13b33c6e85418509e6e'),
name: 'Alisa Parker',
age: 72,
phone: '768-319-1054',
address: {
street: '8532 Ingalls Circle',
city: 'Arvada',
state: 'CO',
postalCode: '80003'
Command: db.customer.findOne({$or: [{age: {$gt: 29}}, {"address.postalCode": "81007"}]}) | Result: {
_id: new ObjectId('65bfa13b33c6e85418509e6d'),
name: 'Izabella Conroy',
age: 19,
phone: '108-679-2154',
address: {
street: '11 North Vineyard Drive',
city: 'Pueblo West',
state: 'CO',
postalCode: '81007'
Command: db.customer.findOne({age: 29}, { name: 1, phone: true, "address.postalCode": 1}) | Result: {
_id: new ObjectId('65bfa13b33c6e85418509e6f'),
name: 'Eloise Weber',
age: 29,
phone: '618-357-2104',
address: {
street: '632 Belmar Drive',
city: 'Edmond',
state: 'OK',
postalCode: '73025'
Command: db.customer.findOne({}, { name: false, phone: 0, "": 0}) | Result: {
_id: new ObjectId('65bfa13b33c6e85418509e6d'),
name: 'Izabella Conroy',
age: 19,
phone: '108-679-2154',
address: {
street: '11 North Vineyard Drive',
city: 'Pueblo West',
state: 'CO',
postalCode: '81007'
Command: db.customer.findOne({age: 299999999}) | Result: null
Command: db.customer.findOne({name: {$regex : /^alisa/i}}) | Result: {
_id: new ObjectId('65bfa13b33c6e85418509e6e'),
name: 'Alisa Parker',
age: 72,
phone: '768-319-1054',
address: {
street: '8532 Ingalls Circle',
city: 'Arvada',
state: 'CO',
postalCode: '80003'
Command: db.customer.findOne({"address.street": {$regex : /drive/i}}) | Result: {
_id: new ObjectId('65bfa13b33c6e85418509e6d'),
name: 'Izabella Conroy',
age: 19,
phone: '108-679-2154',
address: {
street: '11 North Vineyard Drive',
city: 'Pueblo West',
state: 'CO',
postalCode: '81007'
Command: db.wrong_collection.findOne() | Result: null
- Use NodeJS “
” method from the package “mongodb“. - Method signatures are-
findOne(): Promise<WithId<TSchema> | null>
findOne(filter: Filter<TSchema>): Promise<WithId<TSchema> | null>
findOne(filter: Filter<TSchema>, options: FindOptions): Promise<WithId<TSchema> | null>
findOne<T = TSchema>(): Promise<T | null>
findOne<T = TSchema>(filter: Filter<TSchema>): Promise<T | null>
findOne<T = TSchema>(filter: Filter<TSchema>, options?: FindOptions): Promise<T | null>
- Definition of
–interface FindOptions<TSchema extends Document = Document> extends Omit<CommandOperationOptions, 'writeConcern'> {
limit?: number;
sort?: Sort;
projection?: Document;
skip?: number;
hint?: Hint;
timeout?: boolean;
tailable?: boolean;
awaitData?: boolean;
batchSize?: number;
returnKey?: boolean;
min?: Document;
max?: Document;
maxTimeMS?: number;
maxAwaitTimeMS?: number;
noCursorTimeout?: boolean;
collation?: CollationOptions;
allowDiskUse?: boolean;
singleBatch?: boolean;
allowPartialResults?: boolean;
showRecordId?: boolean;
let?: Document;
oplogReplay?: boolean;
# db.collection.findOne() method example in Python
from pymongo import MongoClient
import re
# Create MongoDB client
mongo_client = MongoClient("mongodb://bigboxuser:bigboxpass@")
# Select database and collection
mongo_database = mongo_client.bigboxcode
customer_collection = mongo_database.customer
wrong_collection = mongo_database.wrong_collection
# Insert some documents
command_result = customer_collection.insert_many(
"name": "Izabella Conroy",
"age": 19,
"phone": "108-679-2154",
"address": {
"street": "11 North Vineyard Drive",
"city": "Pueblo West",
"state": "CO",
"postalCode": "81007",
"name": "Alisa Parker",
"age": 72,
"phone": "768-319-1054",
"address": {
"street": "8532 Ingalls Circle",
"city": "Arvada",
"state": "CO",
"postalCode": "80003",
"name": "Eloise Weber",
"age": 29,
"phone": "618-357-2104",
"address": {
"street": "632 Belmar Drive",
"city": "Edmond",
"state": "OK",
"postalCode": "73025",
print("Command: db.customer.insertMany() | Result: ", command_result.inserted_ids)
# Find one document from cutomer collection
commandResult = customer_collection.find_one()
print("Command: db.customer.findOne() | Result: ", commandResult)
# Apply fitler where age=29
commandResult = customer_collection.find_one({"age": 29})
print("Command: db.customer.findOne({age: 29}) | Result: ", commandResult)
# Apply filter where age >= 29
commandResult = customer_collection.find_one({"age": {"$gte": 29}})
print("Command: db.customer.findOne({age: {$gte: 29}}) | Result: ", commandResult)
# Use $or operator for the query filter
commandResult = customer_collection.find_one(
"$or": [{"age": {"$gt": 29}}, {"address.postalCode": "81007"}],
'Command: db.customer.findOne({$or: [{age: {$gt: 29}}, {"address.postalCode": "81007"}]}) | Result: ',
# Set projection to get name, phone, and postalCode only
commandResult = customer_collection.find_one(
{"age": 29}, {"name": 1, "phone": True, "address.postalCode": 1}
'Command: db.customer.findOne({age: 29}, { name: 1, phone: true, "address.postalCode": 1}) | Result: ',
# Ignore properties
commandResult = customer_collection.find_one(
{}, {"name": False, "phone": 0, "": 0}
'Command: db.customer.findOne({}, { name: false, phone: 0, "": 0}) | Result: ',
# Apply filter that doesn't return any result
commandResult = customer_collection.find_one({"age": 299999999})
print("Command: db.customer.findOne({age: 299999999}) | Result: ", commandResult)
# Use regex to filter by matching value of a field
regex_pattern = re.compile("^alisa", re.IGNORECASE)
commandResult = customer_collection.find_one(
"name": {"$regex": regex_pattern},
"Command: db.customer.findOne({name: {$regex : /^alisa/i}}) | Result: ",
# Use regex
regex_pattern = re.compile("drive", re.IGNORECASE)
commandResult = customer_collection.find_one(
"address.street": {"$regex": regex_pattern},
'Command: db.customer.findOne({"address.street": {$regex : /drive/i}}) | Result: ',
# Try to use findOne() one a non existing collection, We get null
commandResult = wrong_collection.find_one()
print("Command: db.wrong_collection.findOne() | Result: ", commandResult)
# Close connection
Command: db.customer.insertMany() | Result: [ObjectId('65bfbece680b9d78037609d4'), ObjectId('65bfbece680b9d78037609d5'), ObjectId('65bfbece680b9d78037609d6')]
Command: db.customer.findOne() | Result: {'_id': ObjectId('65bfbece680b9d78037609d4'), 'name': 'Izabella Conroy', 'age': 19, 'phone': '108-679-2154', 'address': {'street': '11 North Vineyard Drive', 'city': 'Pueblo West', 'state': 'CO', 'postalCode': '81007'}}
Command: db.customer.findOne({age: 29}) | Result: {'_id': ObjectId('65bfbece680b9d78037609d6'), 'name': 'Eloise Weber', 'age': 29, 'phone': '618-357-2104', 'address': {'street': '632 Belmar Drive', 'city': 'Edmond', 'state': 'OK', 'postalCode': '73025'}}
Command: db.customer.findOne({age: {$gte: 29}}) | Result: {'_id': ObjectId('65bfbece680b9d78037609d5'), 'name': 'Alisa Parker', 'age': 72, 'phone': '768-319-1054', 'address': {'street': '8532 Ingalls Circle', 'city': 'Arvada', 'state': 'CO', 'postalCode': '80003'}}
Command: db.customer.findOne({$or: [{age: {$gt: 29}}, {"address.postalCode": "81007"}]}) | Result: {'_id': ObjectId('65bfbece680b9d78037609d4'), 'name': 'Izabella Conroy', 'age': 19, 'phone': '108-679-2154', 'address': {'street': '11 North Vineyard Drive', 'city': 'Pueblo West', 'state': 'CO', 'postalCode': '81007'}}
Command: db.customer.findOne({age: 29}, { name: 1, phone: true, "address.postalCode": 1}) | Result: {'_id': ObjectId('65bfbece680b9d78037609d6'), 'name': 'Eloise Weber', 'phone': '618-357-2104', 'address': {'postalCode': '73025'}}
Command: db.customer.findOne({}, { name: false, phone: 0, "": 0}) | Result: {'_id': ObjectId('65bfbece680b9d78037609d4'), 'age': 19, 'address': {'street': '11 North Vineyard Drive', 'state': 'CO', 'postalCode': '81007'}}
Command: db.customer.findOne({age: 299999999}) | Result: None
Command: db.customer.findOne({name: {$regex : /^alisa/i}}) | Result: {'_id': ObjectId('65bfbece680b9d78037609d5'), 'name': 'Alisa Parker', 'age': 72, 'phone': '768-319-1054', 'address': {'street': '8532 Ingalls Circle', 'city': 'Arvada', 'state': 'CO', 'postalCode': '80003'}}
Command: db.customer.findOne({"address.street": {$regex : /drive/i}}) | Result: {'_id': ObjectId('65bfbece680b9d78037609d4'), 'name': 'Izabella Conroy', 'age': 19, 'phone': '108-679-2154', 'address': {'street': '11 North Vineyard Drive', 'city': 'Pueblo West', 'state': 'CO', 'postalCode': '81007'}}
Command: db.wrong_collection.findOne() | Result: None
- Use method “
” from redis-py. - Signature of the method is –
def find_one(self, filter: Optional[Any] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)
// db.collection.findOne() method example in Java
import com.mongodb.client.*;
import com.mongodb.client.model.Filters;
import org.bson.Document;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
public class FindOne {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String uri = "mongodb://bigboxuser:bigboxpass@localhost:27017/";
try (MongoClient mongoClient = MongoClients.create(uri)) {
MongoDatabase database = mongoClient.getDatabase("bigboxcode");
MongoCollection<Document> customerCollection = database.getCollection("customer");
MongoCollection<Document> wrongCollection = database.getCollection("wrong_collection");
// Insert some documents
List<Document> documents = Arrays.asList(
new Document("name", "Izabella Conroy")
.append("age", 19)
.append("phone", "108-679-2154")
.append("address", new Document("street", "11 North Vineyard Drive")
.append("city", "Pueblo West")
.append("state", "CO")
.append("postalCode", "81007")),
new Document("name", "Alisa Parker")
.append("age", 72)
.append("phone", "768-319-1054")
.append("address", new Document("street", "8532 Ingalls Circle")
.append("city", "Arvada")
.append("state", "CO")
.append("postalCode", "80003")),
new Document("name", "Eloise Weber")
.append("age", 29)
.append("phone", "618-357-2104")
.append("address", new Document("street", "632 Belmar Drive")
.append("city", "Edmond")
.append("state", "OK")
.append("postalCode", "73025"))
System.out.println("Command: db.customer.insertMany() | Result: " + documents);
// Find one document from cutomer collection
Document findOneResult = customerCollection.find().first();
System.out.println("Command: db.customer.findOne() | Result: " + findOneResult.toString());
// Apply fitler where age=29
findOneResult = customerCollection.find(Filters.eq("age", 29)).first();
"Command: db.customer.findOne({age: 29}) | Result: " + findOneResult.toString());
// Apply filter where age >= 29
findOneResult = customerCollection.find(Filters.gte("age", 29)).first();
"Command: db.customer.findOne({age: {$gte: 29}}) | Result: " + findOneResult.toString());
// Use $or operator for the query filter
findOneResult = customerCollection.find(Filters.or("age", 29), Filters.eq("address.postalCode", "81007"))).first();
"Command: db.customer.findOne({$or: [{age: {$gt: 29}}, {"address.postalCode": "81007"}]}) | Result: " + findOneResult.toString());
// Set projection to get name, phone, and postalCode only
findOneResult = customerCollection.find(Filters.eq("age", 29)).projection(new Document("name", 1).append("phone", true).append("address.postalCode", 1)).first();
System.out.println("Command: db.customer.findOne({age: 29}, { name: 1, phone: true, "address.postalCode": 1}) | Result: " + findOneResult.toString());
// Ignore properties
findOneResult = customerCollection.find().projection(new Document("name", false).append("phone", 0).append("", 0)).first();
System.out.println("Command: db.customer.findOne({}, { name: false, phone: 0, "": 0}) | Result:" + findOneResult.toString());
// Apply filter that doesn't return any result
findOneResult = customerCollection.find(Filters.eq("age", 299999999)).first();
System.out.println("Command: db.customer.findOne({age: 299999999}) | Result: " + findOneResult);
// Use regex to filter by matching value of a field
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("^alisa", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
findOneResult = customerCollection.find(Filters.regex("name", pattern)).first();
"Command: db.customer.findOne({name: {$regex : /^alisa/i}}) | Result: " + findOneResult.toString());
// Use regex
pattern = Pattern.compile("drive", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
findOneResult = customerCollection.find(Filters.regex("address.street", pattern)).first();
System.out.println("Command: db.customer.findOne({"address.street": {$regex : /drive/i}}) | Result: " + findOneResult.toString());
// Try to use findOne() one a non existing collection, We get null
findOneResult = wrongCollection.find().first();
System.out.println("Command: db.wrong_collection.findOne() | Result: " + findOneResult);
Command: db.customer.insertMany() | Result: [Document{{name=Izabella Conroy, age=19, phone=108-679-2154, address=Document{{street=11 North Vineyard Drive, city=Pueblo West, state=CO, postalCode=81007}}, _id=65c0adb3c6364f5e75ae469c}}, Document{{name=Alisa Parker, age=72, phone=768-319-1054, address=Document{{street=8532 Ingalls Circle, city=Arvada, state=CO, postalCode=80003}}, _id=65c0adb3c6364f5e75ae469d}}, Document{{name=Eloise Weber, age=29, phone=618-357-2104, address=Document{{street=632 Belmar Drive, city=Edmond, state=OK, postalCode=73025}}, _id=65c0adb3c6364f5e75ae469e}}]
Command: db.customer.findOne() | Result: Document{{_id=65c0adb3c6364f5e75ae469c, name=Izabella Conroy, age=19, phone=108-679-2154, address=Document{{street=11 North Vineyard Drive, city=Pueblo West, state=CO, postalCode=81007}}}}
Command: db.customer.findOne({age: 29}) | Result: Document{{_id=65c0adb3c6364f5e75ae469e, name=Eloise Weber, age=29, phone=618-357-2104, address=Document{{street=632 Belmar Drive, city=Edmond, state=OK, postalCode=73025}}}}
Command: db.customer.findOne({age: {$gte: 29}}) | Result: Document{{_id=65c0adb3c6364f5e75ae469d, name=Alisa Parker, age=72, phone=768-319-1054, address=Document{{street=8532 Ingalls Circle, city=Arvada, state=CO, postalCode=80003}}}}
Command: db.customer.findOne({$or: [{age: {$gt: 29}}, {"address.postalCode": "81007"}]}) | Result: Document{{_id=65c0adb3c6364f5e75ae469c, name=Izabella Conroy, age=19, phone=108-679-2154, address=Document{{street=11 North Vineyard Drive, city=Pueblo West, state=CO, postalCode=81007}}}}
Command: db.customer.findOne({age: 29}, { name: 1, phone: true, "address.postalCode": 1}) | Result: Document{{_id=65c0adb3c6364f5e75ae469e, name=Eloise Weber, phone=618-357-2104, address=Document{{postalCode=73025}}}}
Command: db.customer.findOne({}, { name: false, phone: 0, "": 0}) | Result:Document{{_id=65c0adb3c6364f5e75ae469c, age=19, address=Document{{street=11 North Vineyard Drive, state=CO, postalCode=81007}}}}
Command: db.customer.findOne({age: 299999999}) | Result: null
Command: db.customer.findOne({name: {$regex : /^alisa/i}}) | Result: Document{{_id=65c0adb3c6364f5e75ae469d, name=Alisa Parker, age=72, phone=768-319-1054, address=Document{{street=8532 Ingalls Circle, city=Arvada, state=CO, postalCode=80003}}}}
Command: db.customer.findOne({"address.street": {$regex : /drive/i}}) | Result: Document{{_id=65c0adb3c6364f5e75ae469c, name=Izabella Conroy, age=19, phone=108-679-2154, address=Document{{street=11 North Vineyard Drive, city=Pueblo West, state=CO, postalCode=81007}}}}
Command: db.wrong_collection.findOne() | Result: null
- Use the method “
” fromMongoCollection
. Then use the “first()
” method to get the first result. There is no dedicated method for the findOne in the Java package. - Signatures of the method are-
FindIterable<TDocument> find()
FindIterable<TDocument> find(Bson filter)
FindIterable<TDocument> find(ClientSession clientSession)
FindIterable<TDocument> find(ClientSession clientSession, Bson filter)
Source Code
Use the following links to get the source code used in this article-
Source Code of | Source Code Link |
Command Examples | ![]() |
NodeJS Implementation | ![]() |
Python Implementation | ![]() |
Golang Implementation | ![]() |
Java Implementation | ![]() |
Related Methods
Command | Details |
db.collection.find() | ![]() |
db.collection.findAndModify() | ![]() |
db.collection.findOneAndUpdate() | ![]() |
db.collection.findOneAndReplace() | ![]() |
db.collection.findOneAndDelete() | ![]() |
db.collection.distinct() | ![]() |
db.collection.count() | ![]() |
db.collection.countDocuments() | ![]() |