Laravel Tutorials
Laravel: Installation and Directory Structure
Let’s see how can we install or setup a Laravel application. And what files and directories do we get after the installation is complete.
Laravel: Maintenance Mode [proper usage with internal working]
Enabling maintenance mode allows us to show nice and use friendly messages when our application is going through some maintenance work under the hood, and we are not able to serve.
Laravel Framework
Laravel framework facilitates faster development and increased productivity. As a batteries-included framework, Laravel includes many many built-in features, that save a lot of time.
Laravel: Repository Pattern [with Unit Test]
The Repository pattern just moves the Eloquent model usage to the repositories. We will use the repository from our controller to perform database operations. We will still be using the Eloquent models inside our repository.
Laravel: Run Queue in the Background using PM2
In production you have to run this command using some process manager that will keep the command running. 2 most simple ways to do that is using Supervisor or PM2.I use pm2 in such cases, as this seems simpler to me. Let’s see how to use PM2 for running Laravel workers in the background.
Laravel: env() getting null value when used with config:cache
To avoid this situation, never use env(“ANY_VAR”) directly in your code. Instead, use it like config(“config_file_name.var_name”).