MongoDB Method: db.collection.createIndex()
Create an index on a collection. We can set index based on fields, and also can set index with specific name.
Create an index on a collection. We can set index based on fields, and also can set index with specific name.
Delete a single document. We can select document(s) by filter and delete the first one using this method. If multiple documents match the filter criteria, then the first one will be deleted.
Update/modify multiple documents of a collection. The documents are select by using a filter, and all the documents matching the criteria are updated by this method. updateMany() will update all the documents matching the filter criteria.
Docker is a platform for managing container-based applications. Using the container-based approach we can separate our application from the actual physical machine, and run it in a self-contained environment.
Update/modify a single existing document in a collection. The selection of the document is done by using some filters. If the collection does not already exist, then we have pass “upsert” option, if we want to create a new document.
Insert multiple documents to collection. We provide an array of documents, and each of those documents are added to the collection.
Insert one document to collection. This command is recommended if we just need to add only one document. If the collection does not already exist, then a collection will be created first when we apply this insertOne() method.
Find the first document in a specific collection or view, that matches the provided filter. We get a single document that fulfills the criteria. If the provided criteria match multiple documents in the collection/view, then this command returns the first document.
JavaScript variables are dynamically typed. That means variables do not have any fixed type, we don’t have to define/set type explicitly. The type of the variable can change during execution. For example, a variable can contain a string and then later it can contain a number, and later some other data.
Find all the geo position members saved in a geoindex, which are within a certain distance and in a certain area(circular or box). This command can be used as a substitute for GEORADIUS and GEOREDIUSBYMEMBER commands, as those commands are deprecated.