JavaScript: Hoisting [ variable and function ]

Hoisting deals with variables or function usage before its definition. Hoisting happens for the variables defined with “var”. For the variables defined with “let” or constants defined with “const”, hoisting will not happen. Hoisting happens for both variables and functions.

Python function: print() [printing in Python]

print function is used to print/output text on the screen or to a file. print() is a built-in function in Python. Generally, we just pass a string as the first parameter, and the string literal is printed. We can use single or double quotes to enclose the string literals, as both are allowed to represent strings in Python.

Redis Command: SADD

Add one or more items/members to a set. Multiple member elements are supported in the command. So we can add one or more members to the same set at the same time. If the key does not exist, then it is created and then members are added to it. If the item/member element already exists in the set, then it is ignored.