Configure Microsoft SQL Server using Docker and Azure data studio
Here is the easiest config and process that you can use for SQL Server on Docker and Azure Data Studio.
Here is the easiest config and process that you can use for SQL Server on Docker and Azure Data Studio.
In production you have to run this command using some process manager that will keep the command running. 2 most simple ways to do that is using Supervisor or PM2.I use pm2 in such cases, as this seems simpler to me. Let’s see how to use PM2 for running Laravel workers in the background.
To avoid this situation, never use env(“ANY_VAR”) directly in your code. Instead, use it like config(“config_file_name.var_name”).
This ‘this’ keyword is very confusing when you are writing code, especially when you read others’ code.This article’s goal is to eradicate those confusions. You have to remember a few things about ‘this’ and consider where you are using it and how you are using it.
In this article, we are discussing the process of getting the latest records for each group using SQL. For the demonstration, we have some data in a table (check the table below). In the table, there is entry_id, which is the primary key, there is city which is the name of the city, there is date, and rain_measurement.
I have installed Nginx on one of my servers. The target was to run a blog there. After everything was set up, the blog was running, but I faced a problem while uploading a file.The server was returning an Nginx error – 413 – Request Entity Too Large.
User management in Linux is one of the most important things for the system administrators. But as a developer/software engineer you also have to do it sometime. This article is here to help you with that.
Sequelize is the most common node ORM for databases like, MySQL, MariaDB, Postgres, Microsoft SQL Server, SQLite etc. In this article we are going to set up sequelize for any node framework.
The simplest solution for sending an email with Node would be to use Sendmail. If you want to send an HTML email, use handlebar or ejs for handling the template (I am using ejs here).
Linux has hundreds of commands. But most people need a minimal subset of those. This cheat sheet is here to help you with that.I have created a cheat sheet base on my most used commands. Hopefully, you will also find that useful.