Redis Command: LLEN
Get the length of a list. We get zero as a result for a non-existing list and an exception is thrown for a wrong data type.
Get the length of a list. We get zero as a result for a non-existing list and an exception is thrown for a wrong data type.
Get an element from a list at a specific index. Time complexity of this command is O(N). Here N is the number of items that we have to go through to get the specified index. In the case of positive indexing, the counting starts from the HEAD/Left. In the case of negative indexing, the counting starts from the TAIL/Right end.
Pop an item from one list and push it to another list. We have full control of the source and destination, and on which end of both lists we want to perform the operation. As the command RPOPLPUSH is deprecated, this LMOVE command can be used as a substitute for that.
Retrieve items from a list. This command gets the items of a list by start and end indexes. This is the most used command for checking and fetching items from a list. To retrieve all the items from the list use start_index=0 and stop_index=-1. Like- LRANGE mysimplelist 0 -1
Prepend one or more elements to the list. The element is added to the head/left of the list, this command is named LPUSH(L+PUSH). If LPUSH command is used and a list does not exist for the key, then a list is created first and LPUSH is applied after that.
Get the length of the saved string value of the
Get substring from a string value. The substring is obtained from the specified
Decrease the value stored in
Increase the value stored in
Append the provided string