Python: Program Structure

We can structure our Python program in 3 ways- All these 3 ways can be combined together to create a full program. Sequential Steps Output: Conditional Steps Output: Repeated Steps Output:

Python: Interactive Mode

Interactive mode is the quickest way you can start using Python. To use the Python interactive shell we just need Python installed on the machine. Start Interactive Shell Then just type the command “python“, and you will get into the interactive shell- Or if you have Python 3 installed separately, and available as the command … Read more

Python: Hello World

As a tradition here is the code for the “hello world” program in Python. Create a file with any name you prefer. We are naming the file as “hello”. Then extension of the file should be “.py”. Now, add the following code to the file “”-

Docker: Image


A Docker image is – Docker Image vs Container Let’s have a clear idea about what an image is and how it is related to a container- Check Images Use the following command to get the list of all docker images on your machine- Output: Pull Images We can pull images from the docker hub, … Read more

PHP: SplFixedArray


SplFixedArray is a data structure provided by the Standard PHP Library(SPL). Works similar to the array but is memory efficient. So when memory consumption is a concern in some part of your PHP application then use SplFixedArray instead of standard array.

Docker: Architecture


Docker is a platform for managing container-based applications. Using the container-based approach we can separate our application from the actual physical machine, and run it in a self-contained environment.