Redis Command: GEOHASH


Command NameGEOHASH
UsageGet geohash of geo index member(s)
Group geo
ACL Category@read
Time ComplexityO(1)


  • Time complexity of the operation is O(1) for each member.


GEOHASH <key> [ <member1> [ <member2> ... ]]


Get the geohash string for one or more geo index members. We can add some members(longitude, latitude, member_name) to a geoindex using “GEOADD” command, then we can get the geohash of those members using this GEOHASH command.


  • The returned geohash is an 11-character long string.
  • This command uses the standard geohash algorithm. 2 geohash strings with similar prefixes indicate that, the points are closer. But 2 different prefixes do not ensure that, those points are far away, as those can be closer, because of the nature of the actual algorithm.


<key>Name of the key that holds the geo indexkeykey
<member>Name of the member(s) location saved in the geo indexmemberstringTrueTrue


  • <member> is optional. If <member> is not provided then the command returns (empty array).

Return Value

Return valueCase for the return valueType
Array of geohash valuesOn success, it returns the array of the geohash values of the membersarray[string]
(empty array)If the key does not exist and/or members are not provided(empty array)
errorIf the applied to the wrong data type.error


  • Geohash values are returned in the same sequence, as the provided members.
  • (nil) is returned for any non-existing member.
  • If the key does not exist, then it returns (empty array).
  • If <member> is not provided, then it returns (empty array).
  • If the command is applied to a key that is not a hash, then the following error is returned-
    (error) WRONGTYPE Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value


Here are a few examples of the usage examples of the command-

# Redis GEOHASH command examples

# Add members to a geo index named bigboxcity> geoadd bigboxcity 2.352222 48.856613 Paris 100.501762 13.756331 Bangkok 114.109497 22.396427 "Hong Kong" 139.691711 35.689487 Tokyo 12.496365 41.902782 Rome
(integer) 5

# Check members saved in bigboxcity> zrange bigboxcity 0 -1
1) "Rome"
2) "Paris"
3) "Bangkok"
4) "Hong Kong"
5) "Tokyo"

# Check geohash of a single member> geohash bigboxcity Paris
1) "u09tvw0f6s0"

# Check geohash of multiple members> geohash bigboxcity Rome "Hong Kong" Tokyo Paris Bangkok
1) "sr2ykk5t6k0"
2) "wecpkt5uxu0"
3) "xn774c06kf0"
4) "u09tvw0f6s0"
5) "w4rqqbr0kv0"

# Check geohash of multiple members
# But pass one non existing member name 
# We get (nil) for the non existing member> geohash bigboxcity Rome "Hong Kong" Tokyo WrongMemberValueHere Bangkok
1) "sr2ykk5t6k0"
2) "wecpkt5uxu0"
3) "xn774c06kf0"
4) (nil)
5) "w4rqqbr0kv0"

# Check geohash of a non existing members
# (nil) is returned for the non existing members> geohash bigboxcity wrongmember1 wrongmember2 wrongmember3
1) (nil)
2) (nil)
3) (nil)

# Check the command without any member
# We get an empty array> geohash bigboxcity
(empty array)

# Pass a wrong non existing key
# we get an empty array> geohash wrongkey
(empty array)

# Pass wrong key and wrong members
# Returns (nil) for all those members> geohash wrongkey membera memberb memberc
1) (nil)
2) (nil)
3) (nil)

# Set string value> set bigboxstr "some string here"

# Try to use GEOHASH with some key that is not a geindex
# We get an error, for using key of wrong type> geohash bigboxstr abc
(error) WRONGTYPE Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value

Code Implementations

Here are the example implementations of the command in Golang, NodeJS, Java, C#, PHP, Python, Ruby-

// Redis GEOHASH command example in Golang

package main

import (


var rdb *redis.Client
var ctx context.Context

func init() {
	rdb = redis.NewClient(&redis.Options{
		Addr:     "localhost:6379",
		Username: "default",
		Password: "",
		DB:       0,

	ctx = context.Background()

func main() {

	* Add members to a geo index named bigboxcity
	* Command: geoadd bigboxcity 2.352222 48.856613 Paris 100.501762 13.756331 Bangkok 114.109497 22.396427 "Hong Kong" 139.691711 35.689487 Tokyo 12.496365 41.902782 Rome
	* Result: (integer) 5
	getaddResult, err := rdb.GeoAdd(ctx, "bigboxcity",
		&redis.GeoLocation{Longitude: 2.352222, Latitude: 48.856613, Name: "Paris"},
		&redis.GeoLocation{Longitude: 100.501762, Latitude: 13.756331, Name: "Bangkok"},
		&redis.GeoLocation{Longitude: 114.109497, Latitude: 22.396427, Name: "Hong Kong"},
		&redis.GeoLocation{Longitude: 139.691711, Latitude: 35.689487, Name: "Tokyo"},
		&redis.GeoLocation{Longitude: 12.496365, Latitude: 41.902782, Name: "Rome"},

	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Command: geoadd bigboxcity 2.352222 48.856613 Paris 100.501762 13.756331 Bangkok 114.109497 22.396427 "Hong Kong" 139.691711 35.689487 Tokyo 12.496365 41.902782 Rome | Error: " + err.Error())

	fmt.Println("Command: geoadd bigboxcity 2.352222 48.856613 Paris 100.501762 13.756331 Bangkok 114.109497 22.396427 "Hong Kong" 139.691711 35.689487 Tokyo 12.496365 41.902782 Rome | Result: ", getaddResult)

	* Check members saved in bigboxcity
	* Command: zrange bigboxcity 0 -1
	* Result:
	*      1) "Rome"
	*      2) "Paris"
	*      3) "Bangkok"
	*      4) "Hong Kong"
	*      5) "Tokyo"
	zrangeResult, err := rdb.ZRange(ctx, "bigboxcity", 0, -1).Result()

	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Command: zrange bigboxcity 0 -1 withscores | Error: " + err.Error())

	fmt.Println("Command: zrange bigboxcity 0 -1 withscores | Result: ", zrangeResult)

	* Check geohash of a single member
	* Command: geohash bigboxcity Paris
	* Result:
	*      1) "u09tvw0f6s0"
	geohashResult, err := rdb.GeoHash(ctx, "bigboxcity", "Paris").Result()

	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Command: geohash bigboxcity Paris | Error: " + err.Error())

	fmt.Println("Command: geohash bigboxcity Paris | Result: ", geohashResult)

	* Check geohash of multiple members
	* Command: geohash bigboxcity Rome "Hong Kong" Tokyo Paris Bangkok
	* Result:
	*      1) "sr2ykk5t6k0"
	*      2) "wecpkt5uxu0"
	*      3) "xn774c06kf0"
	*      4) "u09tvw0f6s0"
	*      5) "w4rqqbr0kv0"
	geohashResult, err = rdb.GeoHash(ctx, "bigboxcity", "Rome", "Hong Kong", "Tokyo", "Paris", "Bangkok").Result()

	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Command: geohash bigboxcity Rome "Hong Kong" Tokyo Paris Bangkok | Error: " + err.Error())

	fmt.Println("Command: geohash bigboxcity Rome "Hong Kong" Tokyo Paris Bangkok | Result: ", geohashResult)

	* Check geohash of multiple members
	* But pass one non existing member name
	* We get (nil) for the non existing member
	* Command: geohash bigboxcity Rome "Hong Kong" Tokyo WrongMemberValueHere Bangkok
	* Result:
	*      1) "sr2ykk5t6k0"
	*      2) "wecpkt5uxu0"
	*      3) "xn774c06kf0"
	*      4) (nil)
	*      5) "w4rqqbr0kv0"
	geohashResult, err = rdb.GeoHash(ctx, "bigboxcity", "Rome", "Hong Kong", "Tokyo", "WrongMemberValueHere", "Bangkok").Result()

	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Command: geohash bigboxcity Rome "Hong Kong" Tokyo WrongMemberValueHere Bangkok | Error: " + err.Error())

	fmt.Println("Command: geohash bigboxcity Rome "Hong Kong" Tokyo WrongMemberValueHere Bangkok | Result: ", geohashResult)

	* Check geohash of a non existing members
	* (nil) is returned for the non existing members
	* Command: geohash bigboxcity wrongmember1 wrongmember2 wrongmember3
	* Result:
	*      1) (nil)
	*      2) (nil)
	*      3) (nil)
	geohashResult, err = rdb.GeoHash(ctx, "bigboxcity", "wrongmember1", "wrongmember2", "wrongmember3").Result()

	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Command: geohash bigboxcity wrongmember1 wrongmember2 wrongmember3 | Error: " + err.Error())

	fmt.Println("Command: geohash bigboxcity wrongmember1 wrongmember2 wrongmember3 | Result: ", geohashResult)

	* Check the command without any member
	* We get an empty array
	* Command: geohash bigboxcity
	* Result: (empty array)
	geohashResult, err = rdb.GeoHash(ctx, "bigboxcity").Result()

	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Command: geohash bigboxcity | Error: " + err.Error())

	fmt.Println("Command: geohash bigboxcity | Result: ", geohashResult)

	* Pass a wrong non existing key
	* we get an empty array
	* Command: geohash wrongkey
	* Result: (empty array)
	geohashResult, err = rdb.GeoHash(ctx, "wrongkey").Result()

	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Command: geohash wrongkey | Error: " + err.Error())

	fmt.Println("Command: geohash wrongkey | Result: ", geohashResult)

	* Pass wrong key and wrong members
	* Returns (nil) for all those members
	* Command: geohash wrongkey membera memberb memberc
	* Result:
	*      1) (nil)
	*      2) (nil)
	*      3) (nil)
	geohashResult, err = rdb.GeoHash(ctx, "wrongkey", "membera", "memberb", "memberc").Result()

	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Command: geohash wrongkey membera memberb memberc | Error: " + err.Error())

	fmt.Println("Command: geohash wrongkey membera memberb memberc | Result: ", geohashResult)

	* Set string value
	* Command: set bigboxstr "some string here"
	* Result: OK
	setResult, err := rdb.Set(ctx, "bigboxstr", "soem string here", 0).Result()

	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Command: set bigboxstr "some string here" | Error: " + err.Error())

	fmt.Println("Command: set bigboxstr "some string here" | Result: " + setResult)

	* Try to use GEOHASH with some key that is not a geindex
	* We get an error, for using key of wrong type
	* Command: geohash bigboxstr abc
	* Result: (error) WRONGTYPE Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value
	geohashResult, err = rdb.GeoHash(ctx, "bigboxstr", "abc").Result()

	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Command: geohash bigboxstr abc | Error: " + err.Error())

	fmt.Println("Command: geohash bigboxstr abc | Result: ", geohashResult)



Command: geoadd bigboxcity 2.352222 48.856613 Paris 100.501762 13.756331 Bangkok 114.109497 22.396427 "Hong Kong" 139.691711 35.689487 Tokyo 12.496365 41.902782 Rome | Result:  5
Command: zrange bigboxcity 0 -1 withscores | Result:  [Rome Paris Bangkok Hong Kong Tokyo]
Command: geohash bigboxcity Paris | Result:  [u09tvw0f6s0]
Command: geohash bigboxcity Rome "Hong Kong" Tokyo Paris Bangkok | Result:  [sr2ykk5t6k0 wecpkt5uxu0 xn774c06kf0 u09tvw0f6s0 w4rqqbr0kv0]
Command: geohash bigboxcity Rome "Hong Kong" Tokyo WrongMemberValueHere Bangkok | Result:  [sr2ykk5t6k0 wecpkt5uxu0 xn774c06kf0  w4rqqbr0kv0]        
Command: geohash bigboxcity wrongmember1 wrongmember2 wrongmember3 | Result:  [  ]
Command: geohash bigboxcity | Result:  []
Command: geohash wrongkey | Result:  []
Command: geohash wrongkey membera memberb memberc | Result:  [  ]
Command: set bigboxstr "some string here" | Result: OK
Command: geohash bigboxstr abc | Error: WRONGTYPE Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value
Command: geohash bigboxstr abc | Result:  []


  • Use “GeoHash” method from redis-go module.
  • Signature of the method is-
    • GeoHash(ctx context.Context, key string, members ...string) *StringSliceCmd
// Redis GEOHASH command example in JavaScript(NodeJS)

import { createClient } from "redis";

// Create redis client
const redisClient = createClient({
  url: "redis://default:@localhost:6379",

redisClient.on("error", (err) =>
  console.log("Error while connecting to Redis", err)

// Connect Redis client
await redisClient.connect();

 * Add members to a geo index named bigboxcity
 * Command: geoadd bigboxcity 2.352222 48.856613 Paris 100.501762 13.756331 Bangkok 114.109497 22.396427 "Hong Kong" 139.691711 35.689487 Tokyo 12.496365 41.902782 Rome
 * Result: (integer) 5
const locationData = [
    member: "Paris",
    longitude: 2.352222,
    latitude: 48.856613,
    member: "Bangkok",
    longitude: 100.501762,
    latitude: 13.756331,
    member: "Hong Kong",
    longitude: 114.109497,
    latitude: 22.396427,
    member: "Tokyo",
    longitude: 139.691711,
    latitude: 35.689487,
    member: "Rome",
    longitude: 12.496365,
    latitude: 41.90278,
let commandResult = await redisClient.geoAdd("bigboxcity", locationData);

  'Command: geoadd bigboxcity 2.352222 48.856613 Paris 100.501762 13.756331 Bangkok 114.109497 22.396427 "Hong Kong" 139.691711 35.689487 Tokyo 12.496365 41.902782 Rome | Result: ',

 * Check the items in bigboxcity
 * Command: zrange bigboxcity 0 -1
 * Result:
 *      1) "Rome"
 *      2) "Paris"
 *      3) "Bangkok"
 *      4) "Hong Kong"
 *      5) "Tokyo"
commandResult = await redisClient.zRange("bigboxcity", 0, -1);

  "Command: zrange bigboxcity 0 -1 withscores | Result: ",

 * Check geohash of a single member
 * Command: geohash bigboxcity Paris
 * Result:
 *      1) "u09tvw0f6s0"
commandResult = await redisClient.geoHash("bigboxcity", "Paris");

console.log("Command: geohash bigboxcity Paris | Result: ", commandResult);

 * Check geohash of multiple members
 * Command: geohash bigboxcity Rome "Hong Kong" Tokyo Paris Bangkok
 * Result:
 *      1) "sr2ykk5t6k0"
 *      2) "wecpkt5uxu0"
 *      3) "xn774c06kf0"
 *      4) "u09tvw0f6s0"
 *      5) "w4rqqbr0kv0"
commandResult = await redisClient.geoHash("bigboxcity", [
  "Hong Kong",

  'Command: geohash bigboxcity Rome "Hong Kong" Tokyo Paris Bangkok | Result: ',

 * Check geohash of multiple members
 * But pass one non existing member name
 * We get (nil) for the non existing member
 * Command: geohash bigboxcity Rome "Hong Kong" Tokyo WrongMemberValueHere Bangkok
 * Result:
 *      1) "sr2ykk5t6k0"
 *      2) "wecpkt5uxu0"
 *      3) "xn774c06kf0"
 *      4) (nil)
 *      5) "w4rqqbr0kv0"
commandResult = await redisClient.geoHash("bigboxcity", [
  "Hong Kong",

  'Command: geohash bigboxcity Rome "Hong Kong" Tokyo WrongMemberValueHere Bangkok | Result: ',

 * Check geohash of a non existing members
 * (nil) is returned for the non existing members
 * Command: geohash bigboxcity wrongmember1 wrongmember2 wrongmember3
 * Result:
 *      1) (nil)
 *      2) (nil)
 *      3) (nil)
commandResult = await redisClient.geoHash("bigboxcity", [

  "Command: geohash bigboxcity wrongmember1 wrongmember2 wrongmember3 | Result: ",

 * Check the command without any member
 * We get an empty array
 * Command: geohash bigboxcity
 * Result: (empty array)
commandResult = await redisClient.geoHash("bigboxcity", []);

console.log("Command: geohash bigboxcity | Result: ", commandResult);

 * Pass a wrong non existing key
 * we get an empty array
 * Command: geohash wrongkey
 * Result: (empty array)
commandResult = await redisClient.geoHash("wrongkey", []);

console.log("Command: geohash wrongkey | Result: ", commandResult);

 * Pass wrong key and wrong members
 * Returns (nil) for all those members
 * Command: geohash wrongkey membera memberb memberc
 * Result:
 *      1) (nil)
 *      2) (nil)
 *      3) (nil)
commandResult = await redisClient.geoHash("wrongkey", [

  "Command: geohash wrongkey membera memberb memberc | Result: ",

 * Set string value
 * Command: set bigboxstr "some string here"
 * Result: OK
commandResult = await redisClient.set("bigboxstr", "soem string here");

  'Command: set bigboxstr "some string here" | Result: ' + commandResult

 * Try to use GEOHASH with some key that is not a geindex
 * We get an error, for using key of wrong type
 * Command: geohash bigboxstr abc
 * Result: (error) WRONGTYPE Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value
try {
  commandResult = await redisClient.geoHash("bigboxstr", "abc");

  console.log("Command: geohash bigboxstr abc | Result: ", commandResult);
} catch (err) {
  console.log("Command: geohash bigboxstr abc | Error: ", err);



Command: geoadd bigboxcity 2.352222 48.856613 Paris 100.501762 13.756331 Bangkok 114.109497 22.396427 "Hong Kong" 139.691711 35.689487 Tokyo 12.496365 41.902782 Rome | Result:  5
Command: zrange bigboxcity 0 -1 withscores | Result:  [ 'Rome', 'Paris', 'Bangkok', 'Hong Kong', 'Tokyo' ]
Command: geohash bigboxcity Paris | Result:  [ 'u09tvw0f6s0' ]
Command: geohash bigboxcity Rome "Hong Kong" Tokyo Paris Bangkok | Result:  [
Command: geohash bigboxcity Rome "Hong Kong" Tokyo WrongMemberValueHere Bangkok | Result:  [ 'sr2ykk5t6k0', 'wecpkt5uxu0', 'xn774c06kf0', null, 'w4rqqbr0kv0' ]
Command: geohash bigboxcity wrongmember1 wrongmember2 wrongmember3 | Result:  [ null, null, null ]
Command: geohash bigboxcity | Result:  []
Command: geohash wrongkey | Result:  []
Command: geohash wrongkey membera memberb memberc | Result:  [ null, null, null ]
Command: set bigboxstr "some string here" | Result: OK
Command: geohash bigboxstr abc | Error:  [ErrorReply: WRONGTYPE Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value]


  • Use the function “geoHash” of node-redis.
  • Signature of the method-
    • function geoHash(key: RedisCommandArgument, member: RedisCommandArgument | Array<RedisCommandArgument>)
// Redis GEOHASH command example in Java

import redis.clients.jedis.GeoCoordinate;
import redis.clients.jedis.Jedis;
import redis.clients.jedis.JedisPool;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

public class GeoHash {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Create connection pool
        JedisPool jedisPool = new JedisPool("localhost", 6379);

        try (Jedis jedis = jedisPool.getResource()) {

             * Add members to a geo index named bigboxcity
             * Command: geoadd bigboxcity 2.352222 48.856613 Paris 100.501762 13.756331 Bangkok 114.109497 22.396427 "Hong Kong" 139.691711 35.689487 Tokyo 12.496365 41.902782 Rome
             * Result: (integer) 5
            Map<String, GeoCoordinate> locationData = new HashMap<>() {{
                put("Paris", new GeoCoordinate(2.352222, 48.856613));
                put("Bangkok", new GeoCoordinate(100.501762, 13.756331));
                put("Hong Kong", new GeoCoordinate(114.109497, 22.396427));
                put("Tokyo", new GeoCoordinate(139.691711, 35.689487));
                put("Rome", new GeoCoordinate(12.496365, 41.90278));
            long getaddResult = jedis.geoadd("bigboxcity", locationData);

            System.out.println("Command: geoadd bigboxcity 2.352222 48.856613 Paris 100.501762 13.756331 Bangkok 114.109497 22.396427 "Hong Kong" 139.691711 35.689487 Tokyo 12.496365 41.902782 Rome | Result: " + getaddResult);

             * Check members saved in bigboxcity
             * Command: zrange bigboxcity 0 -1
             * Result:
             *      1) "Rome"
             *      2) "Paris"
             *      3) "Bangkok"
             *      4) "Hong Kong"
             *      5) "Tokyo"
            List<String> zrangeResult = jedis.zrange("bigboxcity", 0, -1);

            System.out.println("Command: zrange bigboxcity 0 -1 | Result: " + zrangeResult.toString());

             * Check geohash of a single member
             * Command: geohash bigboxcity Paris
             * Result:
             *      1) "u09tvw0f6s0"
            List<String> geohashResult = jedis.geohash("bigboxcity", "Paris");

            System.out.println("Command: geohash bigboxcity Paris | Result: " + geohashResult.toString());

             * Check geohash of multiple members
             * Command: geohash bigboxcity Rome "Hong Kong" Tokyo Paris Bangkok
             * Result:
             *      1) "sr2ykk5t6k0"
             *      2) "wecpkt5uxu0"
             *      3) "xn774c06kf0"
             *      4) "u09tvw0f6s0"
             *      5) "w4rqqbr0kv0"
            geohashResult = jedis.geohash("bigboxcity", "Rome", "Hong Kong", "Tokyo", "Paris", "Bangkok");

            System.out.println("Command: geohash bigboxcity Rome "Hong Kong" Tokyo Paris Bangkok | Result: " + geohashResult.toString());

             * Check geohash of multiple members
             * But pass one non existing member name
             * We get (nil) for the non existing member
             * Command: geohash bigboxcity Rome "Hong Kong" Tokyo WrongMemberValueHere Bangkok
             * Result:
             *      1) "sr2ykk5t6k0"
             *      2) "wecpkt5uxu0"
             *      3) "xn774c06kf0"
             *      4) (nil)
             *      5) "w4rqqbr0kv0"
            geohashResult = jedis.geohash("bigboxcity", "Rome", "Hong Kong", "Tokyo", "WrongMemberValueHere", "Bangkok");

            System.out.println("Command: geohash bigboxcity Rome "Hong Kong" Tokyo WrongMemberValueHere Bangkok | Result: " + geohashResult.toString());

             * Check geohash of a non existing members
             * (nil) is returned for the non existing members
             * Command: geohash bigboxcity wrongmember1 wrongmember2 wrongmember3
             * Result:
             *      1) (nil)
             *      2) (nil)
             *      3) (nil)
            geohashResult = jedis.geohash("bigboxcity", "wrongmember1", "wrongmember2", "wrongmember3");

            System.out.println("Command: geohash bigboxcity wrongmember1 wrongmember2 wrongmember3 | Result: " + geohashResult.toString());

             * Check the command without any member
             * We get an empty array
             * Command: geohash bigboxcity
             * Result: (empty array)
            geohashResult = jedis.geohash("bigboxcity");

            System.out.println("Command: geohash bigboxcity | Result: " + geohashResult.toString());

             * Pass a wrong non existing key
             * we get an empty array
             * Command: geohash wrongkey
             * Result: (empty array)
            geohashResult = jedis.geohash("wrongkey");

            System.out.println("Command: geohash wrongkey | Result: " + geohashResult.toString());

             * Pass wrong key and wrong members
             * Returns (nil) for all those members
             * Command: geohash wrongkey membera memberb memberc
             * Result:
             *      1) (nil)
             *      2) (nil)
             *      3) (nil)
            geohashResult = jedis.geohash("wrongkey", "membera", "memberb", "memberc");

            System.out.println("Command: geohash wrongkey membera memberb memberc | Result: " + geohashResult.toString());

             * Set string value
             * Command: set bigboxstr "some string here"
             * Result: OK
            String setResult = jedis.set("bigboxstr", "soem string here");

            System.out.println("Command: set bigboxstr "some string here" | Result: " + setResult);

             * Try to use GEOHASH with some key that is not a geindex
             * We get an error, for using key of wrong type
             * Command: geohash bigboxstr abc
             * Result: (error) WRONGTYPE Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value
            try {
                geohashResult = jedis.geohash("bigboxstr", "abc");

                System.out.println("Command: geohash bigboxstr abc | Result: " + geohashResult.toString());
            } catch (Exception e) {
                System.out.println("Command: geohash bigboxstr abc | Error: " + e.getMessage());





Command: geoadd bigboxcity 2.352222 48.856613 Paris 100.501762 13.756331 Bangkok 114.109497 22.396427 "Hong Kong" 139.691711 35.689487 Tokyo 12.496365 41.902782 Rome | Result: 5
Command: zrange bigboxcity 0 -1 | Result: [Rome, Paris, Bangkok, Hong Kong, Tokyo]
Command: geohash bigboxcity Paris | Result: [u09tvw0f6s0]
Command: geohash bigboxcity Rome "Hong Kong" Tokyo Paris Bangkok | Result: [sr2ykk5t6k0, wecpkt5uxu0, xn774c06kf0, u09tvw0f6s0, w4rqqbr0kv0]
Command: geohash bigboxcity Rome "Hong Kong" Tokyo WrongMemberValueHere Bangkok | Result: [sr2ykk5t6k0, wecpkt5uxu0, xn774c06kf0, null, w4rqqbr0kv0]
Command: geohash bigboxcity wrongmember1 wrongmember2 wrongmember3 | Result: [null, null, null]
Command: geohash bigboxcity | Result: []
Command: geohash wrongkey | Result: []
Command: geohash wrongkey membera memberb memberc | Result: [null, null, null]
Command: set bigboxstr "some string here" | Result: OK
Command: geohash bigboxstr abc | Error: WRONGTYPE Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value


  • Use method “geohash” from Jedis package.
  • The signatures of the method are-
    • public List<String> geohash(final String key, String... members)
// Redis GEOHASH command examples in C#

using StackExchange.Redis;

namespace GeoHash
    internal class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            ConnectionMultiplexer redis = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect("localhost");
            IDatabase rdb = redis.GetDatabase();

             * Add city longitude and latitude to geoindex named bigboxcity
             * Command: geoadd bigboxcity 2.352222 48.856613 Paris 100.501762 13.756331 Bangkok 114.109497 22.396427 "Hong Kong" 139.691711 35.689487 Tokyo 12.496365 41.902782 Rome
             * Result: (integer) 5
            GeoEntry[] locationData = new GeoEntry[]{
                new GeoEntry(2.352222, 48.856613, "Paris"),
                new GeoEntry(100.501762, 13.756331, "Bangkok"),
                new GeoEntry(114.109497, 22.396427, "Hong Kong"),
                new GeoEntry(139.691711, 35.689487, "Tokyo"),
                new GeoEntry(12.496365, 41.90278, "Rome"),
            long getaddResults = rdb.GeoAdd("bigboxcity", locationData);

            Console.WriteLine("Command: geoadd bigboxcity 2.352222 48.856613 Paris 100.501762 13.756331 Bangkok 114.109497 22.396427 "Hong Kong" 139.691711 35.689487 Tokyo 12.496365 41.902782 Rome | Result: " + getaddResults);

             * Check the items in bigboxcity
             * Command: zrange bigboxcity 0 -1
             * Result:
             *      1) "Rome"
             *      2) "Paris"
             *      3) "Bangkok"
             *      4) "Hong Kong"
             *      5) "Tokyo"
            RedisValue[] zrangeResult = rdb.SortedSetRangeByScore("bigboxcity", 0, -1);

            Console.WriteLine("Command: zrange bigboxcity 0 -1 withscores | Result: " + String.Join(",", zrangeResult));

             * Check geohash of a single member
             * Command: geohash bigboxcity Paris
             * Result:
             *      1) "u09tvw0f6s0"
            string? geohashResult = rdb.GeoHash("bigboxcity", "Paris");

            Console.WriteLine("Command: geohash bigboxcity Paris | Result: " + geohashResult);

             * Check geohash of multiple members
             * Command: geohash bigboxcity Rome "Hong Kong" Tokyo Paris Bangkok
             * Result:
             *      1) "sr2ykk5t6k0"
             *      2) "wecpkt5uxu0"
             *      3) "xn774c06kf0"
             *      4) "u09tvw0f6s0"
             *      5) "w4rqqbr0kv0"
            string?[] geohashResults = rdb.GeoHash("bigboxcity", new RedisValue[] { "Rome", "Hong Kong", "Tokyo", "Paris", "Bangkok" });

            Console.WriteLine("Command: geohash bigboxcity Rome "Hong Kong" Tokyo Paris Bangkok | Result: " + String.Join(",", geohashResults));

             * Check geohash of multiple members
             * But pass one non existing member name
             * We get (nil) for the non existing member
             * Command: geohash bigboxcity Rome "Hong Kong" Tokyo WrongMemberValueHere Bangkok
             * Result:
             *      1) "sr2ykk5t6k0"
             *      2) "wecpkt5uxu0"
             *      3) "xn774c06kf0"
             *      4) (nil)
             *      5) "w4rqqbr0kv0"
            geohashResults = rdb.GeoHash("bigboxcity", new RedisValue[] { "Rome", "Hong Kong", "Tokyo", "WrongMemberValueHere", "Bangkok" });

            Console.WriteLine("Command: geohash bigboxcity Rome "Hong Kong" Tokyo WrongMemberValueHere Bangkok | Result: " + String.Join(",", geohashResults));

             * Check geohash of a non existing members
             * (nil) is returned for the non existing members
             * Command: geohash bigboxcity wrongmember1 wrongmember2 wrongmember3
             * Result:
             *      1) (nil)
             *      2) (nil)
             *      3) (nil)
            geohashResults = rdb.GeoHash("bigboxcity", new RedisValue[] { "wrongmember1", "wrongmember2", "wrongmember3" });

            Console.WriteLine("Command: geohash bigboxcity wrongmember1 wrongmember2 wrongmember3 | Result: " + String.Join(",", geohashResults));

             * Pass wrong key and wrong members
             * Returns (nil) for all those members
             * Command: geohash wrongkey membera memberb memberc
             * Result:
             *      1) (nil)
             *      2) (nil)
             *      3) (nil)
            geohashResults = rdb.GeoHash("wrongkey", new RedisValue[] { "membera", "memberb", "memberc" });

            Console.WriteLine("Command: geohash wrongkey membera memberb memberc | Result: " + String.Join(",", geohashResults));

             * Set string value
             * Command: set bigboxstr "some string here"
             * Result: OK
            bool setResult = rdb.StringSet("bigboxstr", "soem string here");

            Console.WriteLine("Command: set bigboxstr "some string here" | Result: " + setResult);

             * Try to use GEOHASH with some key that is not a geindex
             * We get an error, for using key of wrong type
             * Command: geohash bigboxstr abc
             * Result: (error) WRONGTYPE Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value
                geohashResult = rdb.GeoHash("bigboxstr", "abc");

                Console.WriteLine("Command: geohash bigboxstr abc | Result: " + geohashResult);
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("Command: geohash bigboxstr abc | Error: " + e.Message);


Command: geoadd bigboxcity 2.352222 48.856613 Paris 100.501762 13.756331 Bangkok 114.109497 22.396427 "Hong Kong" 139.691711 35.689487 Tokyo 12.496365 41.902782 Rome | Result: 5
Command: zrange bigboxcity 0 -1 withscores | Result:
Command: geohash bigboxcity Paris | Result: u09tvw0f6s0
Command: geohash bigboxcity Rome "Hong Kong" Tokyo Paris Bangkok | Result: sr2ykk5t6k0,wecpkt5uxu0,xn774c06kf0,u09tvw0f6s0,w4rqqbr0kv0
Command: geohash bigboxcity Rome "Hong Kong" Tokyo WrongMemberValueHere Bangkok | Result: sr2ykk5t6k0,wecpkt5uxu0,xn774c06kf0,,w4rqqbr0kv0
Command: geohash bigboxcity wrongmember1 wrongmember2 wrongmember3 | Result: ,,
Command: geohash wrongkey membera memberb memberc | Result: ,,
Command: set bigboxstr "some string here" | Result: True
Command: geohash bigboxstr abc | Error: WRONGTYPE Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value


  • Use the method “GeoHash” from StackExchange.Redis.
  • Method signatures-
    • string?[] GeoHash(RedisKey key, RedisValue[] members, CommandFlags flags = CommandFlags.None)
    • string? GeoHash(RedisKey key, RedisValue member, CommandFlags flags = CommandFlags.None)
// Redis GEOHASH command example in PHP

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

// Connect to Redis
$redisClient = new PredisClient([
    'scheme' => 'tcp',
    'host' => 'localhost',
    'port' => 6379,

 * Add city longitude and latitude to geoindex named bigboxcity
 * Command: geoadd bigboxcity 2.352222 48.856613 Paris 100.501762 13.756331 Bangkok 114.109497 22.396427 "Hong Kong" 139.691711 35.689487 Tokyo 12.496365 41.902782 Rome
 * Result: (integer) 5
$commandResult = $redisClient->geoadd(
    "Hong Kong",

echo "Command: geoadd bigboxcity 2.352222 48.856613 Paris 100.501762 13.756331 Bangkok 114.109497 22.396427 "Hong Kong" 139.691711 35.689487 Tokyo 12.496365 41.902782 Rome | Result: " . $commandResult . "n";

 * Check the items in bigboxcity
 * Command: zrange bigboxcity 0 -1
 * Result:
 *      1) "Rome"
 *      2) "Paris"
 *      3) "Bangkok"
 *      4) "Hong Kong"
 *      5) "Tokyo"
$commandResult = $redisClient->zrange("bigboxcity", 0, -1);

echo "Command: zrange bigboxcity 0 -1 withscores | Result: ";

 * Check geohash of a single member
 * Command: geohash bigboxcity Paris
 * Result:
 *      1) "u09tvw0f6s0"
$commandResult = $redisClient->geohash("bigboxcity", ["Paris"]);

echo "Command: geohash bigboxcity Paris | Result: ";

 * Check geohash of multiple members
 * Command: geohash bigboxcity Rome "Hong Kong" Tokyo Paris Bangkok
 * Result:
 *      1) "sr2ykk5t6k0"
 *      2) "wecpkt5uxu0"
 *      3) "xn774c06kf0"
 *      4) "u09tvw0f6s0"
 *      5) "w4rqqbr0kv0"
$commandResult = $redisClient->geohash("bigboxcity", ["Rome", "Hong Kong", "Tokyo", "Paris", "Bangkok"]);

echo "Command: geohash bigboxcity Rome "Hong Kong" Tokyo Paris Bangkok | Result: ";

 * Check geohash of multiple members
 * But pass one non existing member name
 * We get (nil) for the non existing member
 * Command: geohash bigboxcity Rome "Hong Kong" Tokyo WrongMemberValueHere Bangkok
 * Result:
 *      1) "sr2ykk5t6k0"
 *      2) "wecpkt5uxu0"
 *      3) "xn774c06kf0"
 *      4) (nil)
 *      5) "w4rqqbr0kv0"
$commandResult = $redisClient->geohash("bigboxcity", ["Rome", "Hong Kong", "Tokyo", "WrongMemberValueHere", "Bangkok"]);

echo "Command: geohash bigboxcity Rome "Hong Kong" Tokyo WrongMemberValueHere Bangkok | Result: ";

 * Check geohash of a non existing members
 * (nil) is returned for the non existing members
 * Command: geohash bigboxcity wrongmember1 wrongmember2 wrongmember3
 * Result:
 *      1) (nil)
 *      2) (nil)
 *      3) (nil)
$commandResult = $redisClient->geohash("bigboxcity", ["wrongmember1", "wrongmember2", "wrongmember3"]);

echo "Command: geohash bigboxcity wrongmember1 wrongmember2 wrongmember3 | Result: ";

 * Check the command without any member
 * We get an empty array
 * Command: geohash bigboxcity
 * Result: (empty array)
$commandResult = $redisClient->geohash("bigboxcity", []);

echo "Command: geohash bigboxcity | Result: ";

 * Pass a wrong non existing key
 * we get an empty array
 * Command: geohash wrongkey
 * Result: (empty array)
$commandResult = $redisClient->geohash("wrongkey", []);

echo "Command: geohash wrongkey | Result: ";

 * Pass wrong key and wrong members
 * Returns (nil) for all those members
 * Command: geohash wrongkey membera memberb memberc
 * Result:
 *      1) (nil)
 *      2) (nil)
 *      3) (nil)
$commandResult = $redisClient->geohash("wrongkey", ["membera", "memberb", "memberc"]);

echo "Command: geohash wrongkey membera memberb memberc | Result: ";

 * Set string value
 * Command: set bigboxstr "some string here"
 * Result: OK
$commandResult = $redisClient->set("bigboxstr", "soem string here");

echo "Command: set bigboxstr "some string here" | Result: " . $commandResult . "n";

 * Try to use GEOHASH with some key that is not a geindex
 * We get an error, for using key of wrong type
 * Command: geohash bigboxstr abc
 * Result: (error) WRONGTYPE Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value
try {
    $commandResult = $redisClient->geohash("bigboxstr", ["abc"]);

    echo "Command: geohash bigboxstr abc | Result: ";
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo "Command: geohash bigboxstr abc | Error: " . $e->getMessage() . "n";


Command: geoadd bigboxcity 2.352222 48.856613 Paris 100.501762 13.756331 Bangkok 114.109497 22.396427 "Hong Kong" 139.691711 35.689487 Tokyo 12.496365 41.902782 Rome | Result: 5
Command: zrange bigboxcity 0 -1 withscores | Result: Array
    [0] => Rome
    [1] => Paris
    [2] => Bangkok
    [3] => Hong Kong
    [4] => Tokyo
Command: geohash bigboxcity Paris | Result: Array
    [0] => u09tvw0f6s0
Command: geohash bigboxcity Rome "Hong Kong" Tokyo Paris Bangkok | Result: Array
    [0] => sr2ykk5t6k0
    [1] => wecpkt5uxu0
    [2] => xn774c06kf0
    [3] => u09tvw0f6s0
    [4] => w4rqqbr0kv0
Command: geohash bigboxcity Rome "Hong Kong" Tokyo WrongMemberValueHere Bangkok | Result: Array
    [0] => sr2ykk5t6k0
    [1] => wecpkt5uxu0
    [2] => xn774c06kf0
    [3] =>
    [4] => w4rqqbr0kv0
Command: geohash bigboxcity wrongmember1 wrongmember2 wrongmember3 | Result: Array
    [0] =>
    [1] =>
    [2] =>
Command: geohash bigboxcity | Result: Array
Command: geohash wrongkey | Result: Array
Command: geohash wrongkey membera memberb memberc | Result: Array
    [0] =>
    [1] =>
    [2] =>
Command: set bigboxstr "some string here" | Result: OK
Command: geohash bigboxstr abc | Error: WRONGTYPE Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value


  • Use the method “geohash” of predis.
  • Signature of the method is-
    • geohash(string $key, array $members): array
# Redis GEOHASH command example in Python

import redis
import time

# Create Redis client
redisClient = redis.Redis(
    host="localhost", port=6379, username="default", password="", decode_responses=True

# Add city longitude and latitude to geoindex named bigboxcity
# Command: geoadd bigboxcity 2.352222 48.856613 Paris 100.501762 13.756331 Bangkok 114.109497 22.396427 "Hong Kong" 139.691711 35.689487 Tokyo 12.496365 41.902782 Rome
# Result: (integer) 5
commandResult = redisClient.geoadd(
    (2.352222, 48.856613, "Paris")
    + (100.501762, 13.756331, "Bangkok")
    + (114.109497, 22.396427, "Hong Kong")
    + (139.691711, 35.689487, "Tokyo")
    + (12.496365, 41.902782, "Rome"),

    'Command: geoadd bigboxcity 2.352222 48.856613 Paris 100.501762 13.756331 Bangkok 114.109497 22.396427 "Hong Kong" 139.691711 35.689487 Tokyo 12.496365 41.902782 Rome | Result: {}'.format(

# Check the items in bigboxcity
# Command: zrange bigboxcity 0 -1
# Result:
#      1) "Rome"
#      2) "Paris"
#      3) "Bangkok"
#      4) "Hong Kong"
#      5) "Tokyo"
commandResult = redisClient.zrange("bigboxcity", 0, -1)

print("Command: zrange bigboxcity 0 -1 withscores | Result: {}".format(commandResult))

# Check geohash of a single member
# Command: geohash bigboxcity Paris
# Result:
#      1) "u09tvw0f6s0"
commandResult = redisClient.geohash("bigboxcity", "Paris")

print("Command: geohash bigboxcity Paris | Result: {}".format(commandResult))

# Check geohash of multiple members
# Command: geohash bigboxcity Rome "Hong Kong" Tokyo Paris Bangkok
# Result:
#      1) "sr2ykk5t6k0"
#      2) "wecpkt5uxu0"
#      3) "xn774c06kf0"
#      4) "u09tvw0f6s0"
#      5) "w4rqqbr0kv0"
commandResult = redisClient.geohash("bigboxcity", "Rome", "Hong Kong", "Tokyo", "Paris", "Bangkok")

print("Command: geohash bigboxcity Rome "Hong Kong" Tokyo Paris Bangkok | Result: {}".format(commandResult))

# Check geohash of multiple members
# But pass one non existing member name
# We get (nil) for the non existing member
# Command: geohash bigboxcity Rome "Hong Kong" Tokyo WrongMemberValueHere Bangkok
# Result:
#      1) "sr2ykk5t6k0"
#      2) "wecpkt5uxu0"
#      3) "xn774c06kf0"
#      4) (nil)
#      5) "w4rqqbr0kv0"
commandResult = redisClient.geohash("bigboxcity", "Rome", "Hong Kong", "Tokyo", "WrongMemberValueHere", "Bangkok")

print("Command: geohash bigboxcity Rome "Hong Kong" Tokyo WrongMemberValueHere Bangkok | Result: {}".format(commandResult))

# Check geohash of a non existing members
# (nil) is returned for the non existing members
# Command: geohash bigboxcity wrongmember1 wrongmember2 wrongmember3
# Result:
#      1) (nil)
#      2) (nil)
#      3) (nil)
commandResult = redisClient.geohash("bigboxcity", "wrongmember1", "wrongmember2", "wrongmember3")

print("Command: geohash bigboxcity wrongmember1 wrongmember2 wrongmember3 | Result: {}".format(commandResult))

# Check the command without any member
# We get an empty array
# Command: geohash bigboxcity
# Result: (empty array)
commandResult = redisClient.geohash("bigboxcity")

print("Command: geohash bigboxcity | Result: {}".format(commandResult))

# Pass a wrong non existing key
# we get an empty array
# Command: geohash wrongkey
# Result: (empty array)
commandResult = redisClient.geohash("wrongkey")

print("Command: geohash wrongkey | Result: {}".format(commandResult))

# Pass wrong key and wrong members
# Returns (nil) for all those members
# Command: geohash wrongkey membera memberb memberc
# Result:
#      1) (nil)
#      2) (nil)
#      3) (nil)
commandResult = redisClient.geohash("wrongkey", "membera", "memberb", "memberc")

print("Command: geohash wrongkey membera memberb memberc | Result: {}".format(commandResult))

# Set string value
# Command: set bigboxstr "some string here"
# Result: OK
commandResult = redisClient.set("bigboxstr", "soem string here")

print("Command: set bigboxstr "some string here" | Result: {}".format(commandResult))

# Try to use GEOHASH with some key that is not a geindex
# We get an error, for using key of wrong type
# Command: geohash bigboxstr abc
# Result: (error) WRONGTYPE Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value
    commandResult = redisClient.geohash("bigboxstr", "abc")

    print("Command: geohash bigboxstr abc | Result: {}".format(commandResult))
except Exception as error:
    print("Command: geohash bigboxstr abc | Error: ", error)


Command: geoadd bigboxcity 2.352222 48.856613 Paris 100.501762 13.756331 Bangkok 114.109497 22.396427 "Hong Kong" 139.691711 35.689487 Tokyo 12.496365 41.902782 Rome | Result: 5
Command: zrange bigboxcity 0 -1 withscores | Result: ['Rome', 'Paris', 'Bangkok', 'Hong Kong', 'Tokyo']
Command: geohash bigboxcity Paris | Result: ['u09tvw0f6s0']
Command: geohash bigboxcity Rome "Hong Kong" Tokyo Paris Bangkok | Result: ['sr2ykk5t6k0', 'wecpkt5uxu0', 'xn774c06kf0', 'u09tvw0f6s0', 'w4rqqbr0kv0']
Command: geohash bigboxcity Rome "Hong Kong" Tokyo WrongMemberValueHere Bangkok | Result: ['sr2ykk5t6k0', 'wecpkt5uxu0', 'xn774c06kf0', None, 'w4rqqbr0kv0']
Command: geohash bigboxcity wrongmember1 wrongmember2 wrongmember3 | Result: [None, None, None]
Command: geohash bigboxcity | Result: []
Command: geohash wrongkey | Result: []
Command: geohash wrongkey membera memberb memberc | Result: [None, None, None]
Command: set bigboxstr "some string here" | Result: True
Command: geohash bigboxstr abc | Error:  WRONGTYPE Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value


  • Use method “geohash” from redis-py.
  • Signature of the method is –
    • def geohash(self, name: KeyT, *values: FieldT) -> ResponseT
# Redis GEOHASH command example in Ruby

require 'redis'

redis = "localhost", port: 6379)

# Add city longitude and latitude to geoindex named bigboxcity
# Command: geoadd bigboxcity 2.352222 48.856613 Paris 100.501762 13.756331 Bangkok 114.109497 22.396427 "Hong Kong" 139.691711 35.689487 Tokyo 12.496365 41.902782 Rome
# Result: (integer) 5
commandResult = redis.geoadd(
    2.352222, 48.856613, "Paris",
    100.501762, 13.756331, "Bangkok",
    114.109497, 22.396427, "Hong Kong",
    139.691711, 35.689487, "Tokyo",
    12.496365, 41.902782, "Rome",

print("Command: geoadd bigboxcity 2.352222 48.856613 Paris 100.501762 13.756331 Bangkok 114.109497 22.396427 "Hong Kong" 139.691711 35.689487 Tokyo 12.496365 41.902782 Rome | Result: ", commandResult, "n")

# Check the items in bigboxcity
# Command: zrange bigboxcity 0 -1
# Result:
#      1) "Rome"
#      2) "Paris"
#      3) "Bangkok"
#      4) "Hong Kong"
#      5) "Tokyo"
commandResult = redis.zrange("bigboxcity", 0, -1)

print("Command: zrange bigboxcity 0 -1 withscores | Result: ", commandResult, "n")

# Check geohash of a single member
# Command: geohash bigboxcity Paris
# Result:
#      1) "u09tvw0f6s0"
commandResult = redis.geohash("bigboxcity", "Paris")

print("Command: geohash bigboxcity Paris | Result: ", commandResult, "n")

# Check geohash of multiple members
# Command: geohash bigboxcity Rome "Hong Kong" Tokyo Paris Bangkok
# Result:
#      1) "sr2ykk5t6k0"
#      2) "wecpkt5uxu0"
#      3) "xn774c06kf0"
#      4) "u09tvw0f6s0"
#      5) "w4rqqbr0kv0"
commandResult = redis.geohash("bigboxcity", ["Rome", "Hong Kong", "Tokyo", "Paris", "Bangkok"])

print("Command: geohash bigboxcity Rome "Hong Kong" Tokyo Paris Bangkok | Result: ", commandResult, "n")

# Check geohash of multiple members
# But pass one non existing member name
# We get (nil) for the non existing member
# Command: geohash bigboxcity Rome "Hong Kong" Tokyo WrongMemberValueHere Bangkok
# Result:
#      1) "sr2ykk5t6k0"
#      2) "wecpkt5uxu0"
#      3) "xn774c06kf0"
#      4) (nil)
#      5) "w4rqqbr0kv0"
commandResult = redis.geohash("bigboxcity", ["Rome", "Hong Kong", "Tokyo", "WrongMemberValueHere", "Bangkok"])

print("Command: geohash bigboxcity Rome "Hong Kong" Tokyo WrongMemberValueHere Bangkok | Result: ", commandResult, "n")

# Check geohash of a non existing members
# (nil) is returned for the non existing members
# Command: geohash bigboxcity wrongmember1 wrongmember2 wrongmember3
# Result:
#      1) (nil)
#      2) (nil)
#      3) (nil)
commandResult = redis.geohash("bigboxcity", ["wrongmember1", "wrongmember2", "wrongmember3"])

print("Command: geohash bigboxcity wrongmember1 wrongmember2 wrongmember3 | Result: ", commandResult, "n")

# Check the command without any member
# We get an empty array
# Command: geohash bigboxcity
# Result: (empty array)
commandResult = redis.geohash("bigboxcity", [])

print("Command: geohash bigboxcity | Result: ", commandResult, "n")

# Pass a wrong non existing key
# we get an empty array
# Command: geohash wrongkey
# Result: (empty array)
commandResult = redis.geohash("wrongkey", [])

print("Command: geohash wrongkey | Result: ", commandResult, "n")

# Pass wrong key and wrong members
# Returns (nil) for all those members
# Command: geohash wrongkey membera memberb memberc
# Result:
#      1) (nil)
#      2) (nil)
#      3) (nil)
commandResult = redis.geohash("wrongkey", ["membera", "memberb", "memberc"])

print("Command: geohash wrongkey membera memberb memberc | Result: ", commandResult, "n")

# Set string value
# Command: set bigboxstr "some string here"
# Result: OK
commandResult = redis.set("bigboxstr", "soem string here")

print("Command: set bigboxstr "some string here" | Result: ", commandResult, "n")

# Try to use GEOHASH with some key that is not a geindex
# We get an error, for using key of wrong type
# Command: geohash bigboxstr abc
# Result: (error) WRONGTYPE Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value
    commandResult = redis.geohash("bigboxstr", "abc")

    print("Command: geohash bigboxstr abc | Result: ", commandResult, "n")
rescue => e
    print("Command: geohash bigboxstr abc | Error: ", e, "n")


Command: geoadd bigboxcity 2.352222 48.856613 Paris 100.501762 13.756331 Bangkok 114.109497 22.396427 "Hong Kong" 139.691711 35.689487 Tokyo 12.496365 41.902782 Rome | Result: 5
Command: zrange bigboxcity 0 -1 withscores | Result: ["Rome", "Paris", "Bangkok", "Hong Kong", "Tokyo"]
Command: geohash bigboxcity Paris | Result: ["u09tvw0f6s0"]
Command: geohash bigboxcity Rome "Hong Kong" Tokyo Paris Bangkok | Result: ["sr2ykk5t6k0", "wecpkt5uxu0", "xn774c06kf0", "u09tvw0f6s0", "w4rqqbr0kv0"]
Command: geohash bigboxcity Rome "Hong Kong" Tokyo WrongMemberValueHere Bangkok | Result: ["sr2ykk5t6k0", "wecpkt5uxu0", "xn774c06kf0", nil, "w4rqqbr0kv0"]
Command: geohash bigboxcity wrongmember1 wrongmember2 wrongmember3 | Result: [nil, nil, nil]
Command: geohash bigboxcity | Result: []
Command: geohash wrongkey | Result: []
Command: geohash wrongkey membera memberb memberc | Result: [nil, nil, nil]
Command: set bigboxstr "some string here" | Result: OK
Command: geohash bigboxstr abc | Error: WRONGTYPE Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value


  • Use method “geohash” from the redis-rb.
  • Signature of the method is-
    • # @param [String] key
      # @param [String, Array<String>]
      # @return [Array<String, nil>]

      def geohash(key, member)

Source Code

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