Design Pattern: Bridge Pattern in Java

Bridge pattern is used to decouple implementation and abstraction.

This article demonstrates Bridge pattern implementations in Java. Check the following examples.


Here are some examples of Bridge pattern implementation in Java-

Example #1: UI Elements

In the example below we are implementing the Bridge pattern for a drawing UI Elements

Take a look at the class diagram.

package com.bigboxcode.designpattern.bridge.uielement;

public interface ColorSchema {
    void setColor();

package com.bigboxcode.designpattern.bridge.uielement;

public class Red implements ColorSchema {
    public void setColor() {
        System.out.println("Setting proper color for Red color schema");

package com.bigboxcode.designpattern.bridge.uielement;

public class Green implements ColorSchema {
    public void setColor() {
        System.out.println("Setting proper color for Green color schema");

package com.bigboxcode.designpattern.bridge.uielement;

public class Blue implements ColorSchema {
    public void setColor() {
        System.out.println("Setting proper color for Blue color schema");

UI Element Abstract Class

package com.bigboxcode.designpattern.bridge.uielement;

public abstract class UIElement {

    protected ColorSchema colorSchema;

    public UIElement(ColorSchema colorSchema) {
        this.colorSchema = colorSchema;

    public abstract void printElement();

package com.bigboxcode.designpattern.bridge.uielement;

public class Button extends UIElement{

    public Button(ColorSchema colorSchema) {

    public void printElement() {
        // Write code for printing element
        System.out.println("Printing Button");

        // Set color schema

package com.bigboxcode.designpattern.bridge.uielement;

public class Input extends UIElement{

    public Input(ColorSchema colorSchema) {

    public void printElement() {
        // Write code for printing element
        System.out.println("Printing Input");

        // Set color schema

package com.bigboxcode.designpattern.bridge.uielement;

public class Table extends UIElement{

    public Table(ColorSchema colorSchema) {

    public void printElement() {
        // Write code for printing table element
        System.out.println("Printing Table");

        // Set color schema


package com.bigboxcode.designpattern.bridge.uielement;

public class Demo {
    public static void main(String args[]) {
        // Print a Red table
        UIElement table = new Table(new Red());

        // Separator for clear view of demo result

        // Print a Green Input box
        UIElement input = new Input(new Green());

        // Separator for clear view of demo result

        // Print a Blue Button
        UIElement button = new Button(new Blue());

        // Separator for clear view of demo result

        // Print a Red Button
        UIElement button2 = new Button(new Red());


The output of the demo above will be like below.

Printing Table
Setting proper color for Red color schema


Printing Input
Setting proper color for Green color schema


Printing Button
Setting proper color for Blue color schema


Printing Button
Setting proper color for Red color schema

Example #2: Transport Seat

In this example, we are going to demonstrate different types of seat selection in multiple types of transport.

Let’s take a look at the class diagram first.

package com.bigboxcode.designpattern.bridge.transport;

public interface Seat {

    void selectSeat();
package com.bigboxcode.designpattern.bridge.transport;

public class BusinessClassSeat implements Seat {
    public void selectSeat() {
        System.out.println("Select an Business class seat");
package com.bigboxcode.designpattern.bridge.transport;

public class EconomyClassSeat implements Seat{
    public void selectSeat() {
        System.out.println("Select an Economy class seat");
package com.bigboxcode.designpattern.bridge.transport;

public abstract class Transport {

    protected Seat seat;

    public Transport(Seat seat) { = seat;

    public abstract void selectTransport();
package com.bigboxcode.designpattern.bridge.transport;

public class Plane extends Transport {

    public Plane(Seat seat) {

    public void selectTransport() {
        // Write code to select transport
        System.out.println("Plane selected for transport");

        // Select seat
package com.bigboxcode.designpattern.bridge.transport;

public class Train extends Transport {

    public Train(Seat seat) {

    public void selectTransport() {
        // Write code to select transport
        System.out.println("Train selected for transport");

        // Select seat


package com.bigboxcode.designpattern.bridge.transport;

public class Demo {
    public static void main(String args[]) {
        Transport plane = new Plane(new BusinessClassSeat());

        // Separator for clear view of demo result

        Transport plane2 = new Plane(new EconomyClassSeat());

        // Separator for clear view of demo result

        Transport train = new Train(new EconomyClassSeat());


Plane selected for transport
Select an Business class seat


Plane selected for transport
Select an Economy class seat


Train selected for transport
Select an Economy class seat

Source Code

Use the following link to get the source code:

Other Code Implementations

Use the following links to check Bridge pattern implementation in other programming languages.

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