Design Pattern: Facade Pattern in Python

In a large system, we end up with many submodules or sub-systems, and we do not want to expose all the submodules for different reasons(security, complexity, etc.). In that case, Facade pattern can help us to hide the internal complexity, and expose only the required simplified functions/interfaces.

Facade works as an abstraction layer, over the underlying complex system. The client communicates with the facade, and the facade communicates with the subsystems.

Facade Pattern
Facade Pattern


In this article, we discuss the implementation of the Facade Pattern in Python.

See the Facade in other languages in the “Other Code Implementations” section. Or, use the link below to check the details of the Facade Pattern-


Follow the steps below to implement Facade pattern in Python-

Create a subsystem class “Subsystem1” and define methods “operation1” and “operation2“. There can be any number of methods depending on the requirement of the subsystem.
Create a subsystem class “Subsystem2” and define methods “operation3” and “operation4“. There can be any number of methods depending on the requirement of the subsystem.
Create a subsystem class “Subsystem3” and define method “operation5“.
Define a “Facade” class and in the “__init__” method initialize all the subsystem classes and create objects of those subsystems.
Define required method in the “Facade” class, and in the method definition, use the subsystem object by calling methods from those classes. We can use the method from subsystem object as we want, and there any be other steps as per requirement.


There is no hard rule for creating subsystems. We will define the subsystems as per our requirements.

Create the facade and use the subsystem objects, to call methods(or attributes) from the subsystems. Define whatever methods that the clients need.

Just make sure that the client only uses methods from the facade. And the client never uses the subsystems directly.

Here is a simple example of Facade implementation-

# First subsystem
class Subsystem1:
    def operation1(self):
        print("Subsystem 1: operation 1")

    def operation2(self):
        print("Subsystem 1: operation 2")

# Second subsystem
class Subsystem2:
    def operation3(self):
        print("Subsystem 2: operation 3")

    def operation4(self):
        print("Subsystem 2: operation 4")

# Third subsystem
class Subsystem3:
    def operation5(self):
        print("Subsystem 3: operation 5")

# Facade
class Facade:
    def __init__(self):
        # Initialize subsystems
        self.subsystem1 = Subsystem1()
        self.subsystem2 = Subsystem2()
        self.subsystem3 = Subsystem3()

    def exampleOp1(self):
        # Use operation from subsystem as required

    def exampleOp2(self):
        # Use operation from subsystem as required

# Demo usage
if __name__ == "__main__":
    facade = Facade()


Output of the above code will be –

Subsystem 1: operation 1
Subsystem 2: operation 3
Subsystem 1: operation 2
Subsystem 3: operation 5


Let’s take a look at examples where we can use the Facade pattern.

Example #1: Travel Plan

Here we are building and facade for planning a travel. A travel plan has different parts, like-

  • Car/Vehicle: for managing the car operations.
  • Direction: for getting the direction of the path.
  • Toll: for toll calculation.
  • Weather: for getting weather information.

Car Class [subsystem class]

Create “Car” class.
Define methods for engine start and stop.
Also define methods for going in different directions- left, right, straight.
Define any other required methods that the car can use.
import random

# Subsystem: Car
class Car:
    def start_engine(self):
        print("Start Engine")

    def stop_engine(self):
        print("Stop Engine")

    def go_straight(self):
        print("Go Straight: ↑")

    def go_left(self):
        print("Go Left: ←")

    def go_right(self):
        print("Go Right: →")

    def get_distance_travelled(self):
        # Random calculation for demo purposes
        return round(
            (random.randint(0, 180) * ((10000 - 100) * 10 + 1) + 100 * 10) / 10.0, 2

Point Class [subsystem class]

Define a class “Point“. This is for storing the latitude and longitude of a geolocation point.
Define getter, setter, deleter for latitude and longitude.
# Subsystem: Point (for coordinates)
class Point:
    def __init__(self, lat: float, lng: float):
        self._lat = lat
        self._lng = lng

    # Getters and Setters for Latitude
    def lat(self):
        return self._lat

    def lat(self, value: float):
        self._lat = value

    def lat(self):
        del self._lat

    # Getters and Setters for Longitude
    def lng(self):
        return self._lng

    def lng(self, value: float):
        self._lng = value

    def lng(self):
        del self._lng

Direction Class [subsystem class]

Create “Direction” class, for operations related to getting directions. Like, starting and end point, etc.
Define methods as per requirement.
# Subsystem: Direction
class Direction:
    def __init__(
        self, start_lat: float, start_lng: float, end_lat: float, end_lng: float
        self._start_lat = start_lat
        self._start_lng = start_lng
        self._end_lat = end_lat
        self._end_lng = end_lng

    def get_location_details(self, lat: float, lng: float):
        print("Country: ABC")
        print("City: DEF")
        print("State: GHI")
        print("Zip: 101010")

    def get_current_location(self):
        # Random calculation for demo purposes
        current_lat = random.uniform(-90, 90)
        current_lng = random.uniform(-180, 180)
        return Point(current_lat, current_lng)

    def get_next_move(self):
        # Randomly choose the next move
        next_moves = ["straight", "left", "right"]
        return random.choice(next_moves)

    def get_full_route(self):
        points = []
        for _ in range(10):
            # Random calculation for demo purposes
            current_lat = random.uniform(-90, 90)
            current_lng = random.uniform(-180, 180)
            points.append(Point(current_lat, current_lng))
        return points

Toll Class [subsystem class]

Define “Toll” class and define methods as per requirement for handling toll related operations.
# Subsystem: Toll
class Toll:
    def get_toll_points(self, lat: float, lng: float):
        points = []
        for _ in range(10):
            current_lat = random.uniform(-90, 90)
            current_lng = random.uniform(-180, 180)
            points.append(Point(current_lat, current_lng))
        return points

    def get_toll_amount(self, toll_point_id: float):
        return random.uniform(0, 100)

    def get_total_toll(self, lat: float, lng: float):
        return random.uniform(0, 100)

Weather Class [subsystem class]

Created “Weather” class.
Define method for getting weather information.
# Subsystem: Weather
class Weather:
    def get_weather_info(self, lat: float, lng: float):
        # Dummy weather info for demo purpose
        print("Temperature: 20.7°C")
        print("Precipitation: 1%")
        print("Humidity: 73%")
        print("Wind: 8 km/h")

Facade Class

Create a “TravelFacade” class.
In the “__init__” method accept any required info, like start and end points.
In the “__init__” method, create object of each subsystem and save those objects in attributes.
Define methods as per the requirement and use methods from subsystem object when needed.
# Facade: TravelFacade
class TravelFacade:
    def __init__(
        self, start_lat: float, start_lng: float, end_lat: float, end_lng: float
        self._start_lat = start_lat
        self._start_lng = start_lng
        self._end_lat = end_lat
        self._end_lng = end_lng
        self._direction = Direction(start_lat, start_lng, end_lat, end_lng)
        self._car = Car()
        self._toll = Toll()
        self._weather = Weather()

    def get_route(self):
        return self._direction.get_full_route()

    def get_location_info(self, lat: float, lng: float):
        self._direction.get_location_details(lat, lng)
        self._weather.get_weather_info(lat, lng)

    def get_current_location(self):
        return self._direction.get_current_location()

    def operate_car(self):
        full_route = self._direction.get_full_route()
        for point in full_route:
            next_move = self._direction.get_next_move()
            if next_move == "straight":
            elif next_move == "left":
            elif next_move == "right":

    def get_total_toll_amount(self, lat: float, lng: float):
        print(f"Total Toll Amount: {self._toll.get_total_toll(lat, lng):.2f}")


# Demo: Using the Facade
if __name__ == "__main__":
    travel_facade = TravelFacade(10, 10, 20, 30)
    current_location = travel_facade.get_current_location()
    print(f"Current Latitude: {}")
    print(f"Current Longitude: {current_location.lng}")

    travel_facade.get_location_info(20, 30)
    travel_facade.get_total_toll_amount(20, 30)


Output of the above demo code will be as below. Output may differ for you as most of the methods here use dummy(with random) code.

Current Latitude: 3.942649018722733
Current Longitude: 75.2548665877676

Country: ABC
City: DEF
State: GHI
Zip: 101010
Temperature: 20.7°C
Precipitation: 1%
Humidity: 73%
Wind: 8 km/h

Total Toll Amount: 91.00

Start Engine
Go Right: →
Go Left: ←
Go Straight: ↑
Go Left: ←
Go Straight: ↑
Go Straight: ↑
Go Left: ←
Go Straight: ↑
Go Straight: ↑
Go Straight: ↑
Stop Engine

Source Code

Use the following link to get the source code:

Other Code Implementations

Use the following links to check Facade pattern implementation in other programming languages.

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