Design Pattern: Facade Pattern in PHP

Facade introduces a new interface for the client to interface with the underlying complex subsystem classes. This is a high-level interface that hides the subsystems from the clients. Facade uses the objects and method from the already existing class(subsystem) objects. It is the responsibility of the facade, to provide the desired functionality to the client, with simplicity. This article is about the Facade pattern implementation in PHP.

Design Pattern: Facade Pattern in Go

Facade pattern adds a new layer on top of any complex subsystem. That way the client does not need to know all the complexity while using the implementation. Facade not necessarily covers all the functionality of the subsystems, only the required functionalities are covered. This article demonstrates Facade pattern implementations in GoLang.

Design Pattern: Facade Pattern

Facade pattern adds a new layer to the system, on top of the underlying complex subsystems. This new layer works as an entry point for the client. The client can interact with this new layer, instead of communicating with the subsystems directly. That way the client does not need to be aware of the subsystems and gets a common interface.