Design Pattern: Visitor Pattern in Go

Visitor pattern moves some logic of certain types of objects to an external entity(named the visitor), and that external entity/visitor is responsible for performing operations on the object. This pattern separates the logic to work with certain types of objects.

This article demonstrates Visitor pattern implementations in GoLang. Check the following examples.


Here is a simple example of the Visitor pattern implementation in GoLang-

// Visitor pattern implementation in Go

package main

import "fmt"

type IElement interface {
	visit(visitor IVisitor)

// First element
type Element1 struct {
	content string

func NewElement1(content string) (element *Element1) {
	element = &Element1{}
	element.content = content

func (element *Element1) getContent() string {
	return element.content

func (element *Element1) visit(visitor IVisitor) {

// Second element
type Element2 struct {
	content   string
	addMargin bool

func NewElement2(content string, addMarring bool) (element *Element2) {
	element = &Element2{}
	element.content = content
	element.addMargin = addMarring

func (element *Element2) getContent() string {
	return element.content

func (element *Element2) hasMargin() bool {
	return element.addMargin

func (element *Element2) visit(visitor IVisitor) {

// Visitor interface
type IVisitor interface {
	addContent(element *Element1)
	addContentWithMargin(element *Element2)

type Visitor struct {
	Output string

func NewVisitor() (visitor *Visitor) {
	visitor = &Visitor{}

func (visitor *Visitor) addContent(element *Element1) {
	visitor.Output += element.getContent()

func (visitor *Visitor) addContentWithMargin(element *Element2) {
	if element.hasMargin() {
		visitor.Output += "[margin]" + element.getContent() + "[/margin]"
	} else {
		visitor.Output += element.getContent()

// Demo
func main() {
	// list of elements
	elements := []IElement{
		NewElement1("Element1: first element"),
		NewElement2("Element2: second element without margin", false),
		NewElement2("Element2: third element with margin", true),
		NewElement1("Element1: last element"),

	visitor := NewVisitor()

	for _, element := range elements {


Output will be as below-

Element1: first element
Element2: second element without margin
[margin]Element2: third element with margin[/margin]
Element1: last element


Here are a few examples of Visitor pattern implements in Golang-

Example #1: Hosting Cost Calculator

Let’s consider an example of a hosting service, and calculate the total cost of the hosting service used using the visitor pattern.

Service Interface

// service.go

package main

type Service interface {
	Accept(hostingCalculatorVisitor HostingCalculatorVisitor) float64

Compute Service Struct

// compute_service.go

package main

type ComputeService struct {
	price    float64
	quantity int

func NewComputeService(quantity int) (compute *ComputeService) {
	compute = &ComputeService{}
	compute.price = 10.50
	compute.quantity = quantity

func (compute *ComputeService) GetPrice() float64 {
	return compute.price

func (compute *ComputeService) GetQuantity() int {
	return compute.quantity

func (compute *ComputeService) Accept(hostingCalculatorVisitor HostingCalculatorVisitor) float64 {
	return hostingCalculatorVisitor.ComputeVisit(compute)

Database Service Struct

// database_service.go

package main

type DatabaseService struct {
	price         float64
	backPrice     float64
	quantity      int
	backupEnabled bool

func NewDatabaseService(quantity int) (databaseService *DatabaseService) {
	databaseService = &DatabaseService{}
	databaseService.price = 100.00
	databaseService.backPrice = 30.00
	databaseService.backupEnabled = false
	databaseService.quantity = quantity

func NewDatabaseService2(quantity int, backupEnabled bool) (databaseService *DatabaseService) {
	databaseService = &DatabaseService{}
	databaseService.price = 100.00
	databaseService.backPrice = 30.00
	databaseService.quantity = quantity
	databaseService.backupEnabled = backupEnabled

func (databaseService *DatabaseService) GetBackPrice() float64 {
	return databaseService.backPrice

func (databaseService *DatabaseService) GetPrice() float64 {
	return databaseService.price

func (databaseService *DatabaseService) GetQuantity() int {
	return databaseService.quantity

func (databaseService *DatabaseService) IsBackupEnabled() bool {
	return databaseService.backupEnabled

func (databaseService *DatabaseService) Accept(hostingCalculatorVisitor HostingCalculatorVisitor) float64 {
	return hostingCalculatorVisitor.DatabaseVisit(databaseService)

File Storage Service Struct

// file_storage_service.go

package main

type FileStorageService struct {
	pricePerGB float64
	quantity   int

func NewFileStorageService(quantity int) (fileStorageService *FileStorageService) {
	fileStorageService = &FileStorageService{}
	fileStorageService.pricePerGB = 1.70
	fileStorageService.quantity = quantity

func (fileStorageService *FileStorageService) GetPricePerGB() float64 {
	return fileStorageService.pricePerGB

func (fileStorageService *FileStorageService) GetQuantity() int {
	return fileStorageService.quantity

func (fileStorageService *FileStorageService) Accept(hostingCalculatorVisitor HostingCalculatorVisitor) float64 {
	return hostingCalculatorVisitor.FileVisit(fileStorageService)

Serverless Service Struct

// serverless_service.go

package main

type ServerlessService struct {
	hourlyPrice float64
	totalHours  int

func NewServerlessService(totalHours int) (serverlessService *ServerlessService) {
	serverlessService = &ServerlessService{}
	serverlessService.hourlyPrice = 0.32
	serverlessService.totalHours = totalHours

func (serverlessService *ServerlessService) GetHourlyPrice() float64 {
	return serverlessService.hourlyPrice

func (serverlessService *ServerlessService) GetTotalHours() int {
	return serverlessService.totalHours

func (serverlessService *ServerlessService) Accept(hostingCalculatorVisitor HostingCalculatorVisitor) float64 {
	return hostingCalculatorVisitor.ServerlessVisit(serverlessService)

Container Service Struct

// container_servie.go

package main

type ContainerService struct {
	price    float64
	quantity int

func NewContainerService(quantity int) (containerService *ContainerService) {
	containerService = &ContainerService{}
	containerService.price = 5.60
	containerService.quantity = quantity

func (containerService *ContainerService) GetPrice() float64 {
	return containerService.price

func (containerService *ContainerService) GetQuantity() int {
	return containerService.quantity

func (containerService *ContainerService) Accept(hostingCalculatorVisitor HostingCalculatorVisitor) float64 {
	return hostingCalculatorVisitor.ContainerVisit(containerService)

Visitor Interface

// hosting_calculator_visitor.go

package main

type HostingCalculatorVisitor interface {
	ComputeVisit(computeService *ComputeService) float64
	ContainerVisit(containerService *ContainerService) float64
	DatabaseVisit(databaseService *DatabaseService) float64
	FileVisit(fileStorageService *FileStorageService) float64
	ServerlessVisit(serverlessService *ServerlessService) float64

Visitor Interface Implementation

// hosting_calculator_visitor_impl.go

package main

type HostingCalculatorVisitorImpl struct{}

func NewHostingCalculatorVisitorImpl() (hcvi *HostingCalculatorVisitorImpl) {
	hcvi = &HostingCalculatorVisitorImpl{}
func (hcvi *HostingCalculatorVisitorImpl) ComputeVisit(computeService *ComputeService) float64 {
	return computeService.GetPrice() * float64(computeService.GetQuantity())

func (hcvi *HostingCalculatorVisitorImpl) ContainerVisit(containerService *ContainerService) float64 {
	return containerService.GetPrice() * float64(containerService.GetQuantity())

func (hcvi *HostingCalculatorVisitorImpl) DatabaseVisit(databaseService *DatabaseService) float64 {
	serviceCost := databaseService.GetPrice() * float64(databaseService.GetQuantity())

	backupCost := 0.00
	if databaseService.IsBackupEnabled() {
		backupCost = databaseService.GetBackPrice() * float64(databaseService.GetQuantity())
	return serviceCost + backupCost

func (hcvi *HostingCalculatorVisitorImpl) FileVisit(fileStorageService *FileStorageService) float64 {
	return fileStorageService.GetPricePerGB() * float64(fileStorageService.GetQuantity())

func (hcvi *HostingCalculatorVisitorImpl) ServerlessVisit(serverlessService *ServerlessService) float64 {
	return serverlessService.GetHourlyPrice() * serverlessService.GetHourlyPrice()


// main.go

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
	usedServices := []Service{
		NewDatabaseService2(3, true),
	totalCost := calculateHostingCost(usedServices)

	fmt.Printf("Total cost of hosting is: %f", totalCost)

func calculateHostingCost(services []Service) float64 {
	hostingCalculatorVisitorImpl := NewHostingCalculatorVisitorImpl()
	totalCost := 0.00

	for _, service := range services {
		totalCost += service.Accept(hostingCalculatorVisitorImpl)
	return totalCost


Total cost of hosting is: 636.802400

Example #2: UI Elements

Here is another example of visitor pattern. We are printing some UI elements(dummy) here, to demonstrate how can this pattern be used to easily print UI elements.

UI Element Interface

// ui_element.go

package main

type UIElement interface {
	AppendElement(vistor Visitor)

// This is not directly relevent to the visitor pattern
// This is used to match certain param type in the implementation
type IWrapperElement interface {
	GetText() string
	GetWrapper() string

Text Element Struct

// text_element.go

package main

type TextElement struct {
	text string

func NewTextElement(text string) (textElement *TextElement) {
	textElement = &TextElement{}
	textElement.text = text

func (textElement *TextElement) GetText() string {
	return textElement.text

func (textElement *TextElement) AppendElement(visitor Visitor) {

Wrap Element Struct

// wrap_element.go

package main

type WrapElement struct {
	text    string
	wrapper string

func NewWrapElement(text string, wrapper string) (wrapElement *WrapElement) {
	wrapElement = &WrapElement{}
	wrapElement.text = text
	wrapElement.wrapper = wrapper

func (wrapElement *WrapElement) GetText() string {
	return wrapElement.text

func (wrapElement *WrapElement) GetWrapper() string {
	return wrapElement.wrapper

func (wrapElement *WrapElement) AppendElement(visitor Visitor) {

Head Element Struct

// head_element.go

package main

type HeadElement struct {
	wrapper string
	text    string

func NewHeadElement(text string) (headElement *HeadElement) {
	headElement = &HeadElement{}
	headElement.wrapper = "h1"
	headElement.text = text

func (headElement *HeadElement) GetText() string {
	return headElement.text

func (headElement *HeadElement) GetWrapper() string {
	return headElement.wrapper

func (headElement *HeadElement) AppendElement(visitor Visitor) {

List Element Struct

// list_element.go

package main

type ListElement struct {
	lines []string

func NewListElement(lines []string) (listElement *ListElement) {
	listElement = &ListElement{}
	listElement.lines = lines

func (listElement *ListElement) GetListItems() []string {
	return listElement.lines

func (listElement *ListElement) AppendElement(visitor Visitor) {

Visitor Interface

// visitor.go

package main

type Visitor interface {
	AppendContent(textElement *TextElement)
	AppendContentWithWrapper(wrapElement IWrapperElement)
	AppendList(listElement *ListElement)

Visitor Interface Implementation

// element_visitor

package main

import "fmt"

type ElementVisitor struct {
	output string

func NewElementVisitor() (elementVsitor *ElementVisitor) {
	elementVsitor = &ElementVisitor{}

func (elementVisitor *ElementVisitor) AppendContent(textElement *TextElement) {
	elementVisitor.output += textElement.text

func (elementVisitor *ElementVisitor) AppendContentWithWrapper(wrapElement IWrapperElement) {
	elementVisitor.output += fmt.Sprintf("[%s]%s[/%s]", wrapElement.GetWrapper(), wrapElement.GetText(), wrapElement.GetWrapper())

func (elementVisitor *ElementVisitor) AppendList(listElement *ListElement) {
	elementVisitor.output += "[ul]"

	for _, item := range listElement.GetListItems() {
		elementVisitor.output += fmt.Sprintf("[li]%s[/li]", item)

	elementVisitor.output += "[/ul]"


// main.go

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
	// set the list of elements we want print
	uiElements := []UIElement{
		NewHeadElement("My Heading"),
		NewTextElement("First line of text"),
		NewListElement([]string{"abc", "def", "ghi", "jkl"}),
		NewWrapElement("Content wrapped with div", "div"),
		NewTextElement("Last line of text"),

	visitor := NewElementVisitor()

	for _, element := range uiElements {

	// let"s check the output


[h1]My Heading[/h1]

First line of text


[div]Content wrapped with div[/div]

Last line of text

Source Code

Use the following link to get the source code:

Other Code Implementations

Use the following links to check Visitor pattern implementation in other programming languages.

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