Design Pattern: Visitor Pattern in PHP

Visitor pattern moves the calculation/operation to a separate class. This way, we can define a new operation without changing the related classes.

This article demonstrates Visitor pattern implementations in PHP. Check the following examples.


Check the following steps for Visitor pattern implementation in PHP-

  • Create an interface for the element/item classes. Declare a method that accepts a visitor object.
  • Create element/item classes and implement the item interface. There can be other properties and methods as per the requirement of that class.
  • Create visitor interface, and declare methods for adding/processing elements.
  • Create visitor class and implement the interface. Define methods declared in the interface. Use properties to handle the processing of the content of the elements.

Here is a simple Visitor pattern implementation-

// Visitor pattern implementation in PHP

interface ElementInterface {
    function visit(VisitorInterface $visitor): void;

class Element1 implements ElementInterface {
    public function __construct(private string $elementContent) {


    public function getContent(): string{
        return $this->elementContent;

    public function visit(VisitorInterface $visitor): void {

class Element2 implements ElementInterface {
    public function __construct(private string $elementContent, private bool $addMergin = false) {


    public function getContent(): string{
        return $this->elementContent;

    public function getMargin(): bool{
        return $this->addMergin;

    public function visit(VisitorInterface $visitor): void {

interface VisitorInterface {
    function addContent(Element1 $element): void;
    function addContentWithMargin(Element2 $element): void;

class Visitor implements VisitorInterface {
    public string $output = '';

    public function addContent(Element1 $element1): void {
        $this->output .= $element1->getContent();

    public function addContentWithMargin(Element2 $element2): void {
        if ($element2->getMargin()) {
            $this->output .= '[margin]' . $element2->getContent() . '[/margin]';
        } else {
            $this->output .= $element2->getContent();

// list of elements
$elements = [
    new Element1("Element1: first element"),
    new Element2("Element2: second element without margin"),
    new Element2("Element2: third element with margin", true),
    new Element1("Element1: last element"),

$visitior = new Visitor();

foreach ($elements as $element) {

echo $visitior->output;

Output will be as below-

Element1: first element
Element2: second element without margin
[margin]Element2: third element with margin[/margin]
Element1: last element


Check the following example of Visitor pattern-

Example #1: Hosting Cost Calculator

In this example we are calculating costing of a hosting provider. There are services like – compute, database, serverless, storage, etc. provided by the hosting.

We want to use the total cost of hosting based on the service used, by implementing Visitor pattern.

Service Interface

  • Create file “Service.php”.
  • Define interface “Service”.
  • Declare method “accept” which accepts a visitor object.
// Service.php

namespace BigBoxCodeDesignPatternVisitorHostingCost;

interface Service {
    public function accept(HostingCalculatorVisitor $hostingCalculatorVisitor): float;

Compute Service Class

  • Create file “ComputeService.php”.
  • Define class “ComputeService”.
  • Implement the “Service” interface.
  • Define properties “PRICE” and “$quantity”.
  • In the constructor accept and set “$quantity”.
  • Define getter methods for price and quantity.
  • Define “accept” method as part of the interface implementation. Call the processing method from the visitor object, and pass the current object($this).
// ComputeService.php

namespace BigBoxCodeDesignPatternVisitorHostingCost;

class ComputeService implements Service {
    private const PRICE = 10.50;
    private int $quantity;

    public function __construct(int $quantity) {
        $this->quantity = $quantity;

    public function getPrice(): float {
        return self::PRICE;

    public function getQuantity(): int {
        return $this->quantity;

    public function accept(HostingCalculatorVisitor $hostingCalculatorVisitor): float {
        return $hostingCalculatorVisitor->visitComputeService($this);

Database Service Class

  • Create file “DatabaseService.php”.
  • Define class “DatabaseService” and implement the “Service” interface.
  • Define properties and methods as per the class requirement.
// DatabaseService.php

namespace BigBoxCodeDesignPatternVisitorHostingCost;

class DatabaseService implements Service {
    private const PRICE = 100.00;
    private const BACKUP_PRICE = 30.00;
    private int $quantity;
    private bool $backupEnabled;

    public function __construct(int $quantity, bool $backupEnabled = false) {
        $this->quantity = $quantity;
        $this->backupEnabled = $backupEnabled;

    public function getPrice(): float {
        return self::PRICE;

    public function getQuantity(): int {
        return $this->quantity;

    public function getBackupPrice(): float {
        return self::BACKUP_PRICE;

    public function isBackupEnabled(): bool {
        return $this->backupEnabled;

    public function accept(HostingCalculatorVisitor $hostingCalculatorVisitor): float {
        return $hostingCalculatorVisitor->visitDatabaseService($this);

File Storage Service Class

  • Create file “FileStorageService.php”.
  • Define class “FileStorageService” and implement the “Service” interface.
  • Define properties and methods as per the class requirement.
// FileStorageService.php

namespace BigBoxCodeDesignPatternVisitorHostingCost;

class FileStorageService implements Service {
    private const PRICE_PER_GB = 1.70;
    private int $quantity;

    public function __construct(int $quantity) {
        $this->quantity = $quantity;

    public function getPricePerGB(): float {
        return self::PRICE_PER_GB;

    public function getQuantity(): int {
        return $this->quantity;

    public function accept(HostingCalculatorVisitor $hostingCalculatorVisitor): float {
        return $hostingCalculatorVisitor->visitFileStorageService($this);

Serverless Service Class

  • Create file “ServerlessService.php”.
  • Define class “ServerlessService” and implement the “Service” interface.
  • Define properties and methods as per the class requirement.
// ServerlessService.php

namespace BigBoxCodeDesignPatternVisitorHostingCost;

class ServerlessService implements Service {
    private const HOURLY_PRICE = 0.32;
    private int $totalHours;

    public function __construct(int $totalHours) {
        $this->totalHours = $totalHours;

    public function getHourlyPrice(): float {
        return self::HOURLY_PRICE;

    public function getTotalHours(): int {
        return $this->totalHours;

    public function accept(HostingCalculatorVisitor $hostingCalculatorVisitor): float {
        return $hostingCalculatorVisitor->visitServerlessService($this);

Container Service Class

  • Create file “ContainerService.php”.
  • Define class “ContainerService” and implement the “Service” interface.
  • Define properties and methods as per the class requirement.
// ContainerService.php

namespace BigBoxCodeDesignPatternVisitorHostingCost;

class ContainerService implements Service {
    private const PRICE = 5.60;
    private int $quantity;

    public function __construct(int $quantity) {
        $this->quantity = $quantity;

    public function getPrice(): float {
        return self::PRICE;

    public function getQuantity(): int {
        return $this->quantity;

    public function accept(HostingCalculatorVisitor $hostingCalculatorVisitor): float {
        return $hostingCalculatorVisitor->visitContainerService($this);

Visitor Interface

  • Create file “HostingCalculatorVisitor.php”.
  • Define interface “HostingCalculatorVisitor”.
  • Declare methods for calculation of different services, like – “visitComputService”, “visitDatabaseService”, “visitFileStorageService” etc. These methods will be used to perform the main calculation for each service.
// HostingCalculatorVisitor.php

namespace BigBoxCodeDesignPatternVisitorHostingCost;

interface HostingCalculatorVisitor {
    public function visitComputeService(ComputeService $computeService): float;
    public function visitDatabaseService(DatabaseService $databaseService): float;
    public function visitFileStorageService(FileStorageService $fileStorageService): float;
    public function visitServerlessService(ServerlessService $serverlessService): float;
    public function visitContainerService(ContainerService $containerService): float;

Visitor Interface Implementation

  • Create file “HostingCalculatorVisitorImpl.php”.
  • Define class “HostingCalculatorVisitorImpl”.
  • Implement the visitor interface “HostingCalculatorVisitor” for the class.
  • In the method implementations calculate the prices for relevant services.
// HostingCalculatorVisitorImpml.php

namespace BigBoxCodeDesignPatternVisitorHostingCost;

class HostingCalculatorVisitorImpl implements HostingCalculatorVisitor {
    public function visitComputeService(ComputeService $computeService): float {
        return $computeService->getPrice() * $computeService->getQuantity();

    public function visitDatabaseService(DatabaseService $databaseService): float {
        $serviceCost = $databaseService->getPrice() * $databaseService->getQuantity();
        $backupCost = 0;

        if ($databaseService->isBackupEnabled()) {
            $backupCost = $databaseService->getBackupPrice() * $databaseService->getQuantity();

        return $serviceCost + $backupCost;

    public function visitFileStorageService(FileStorageService $fileStorageService): float {
        return $fileStorageService->getPricePerGB() * $fileStorageService->getQuantity();

    public function visitServerlessService(ServerlessService $serverlessService): float {
        return $serverlessService->getHourlyPrice() * $serverlessService->getTotalHours();

    public function visitContainerService(ContainerService $containerService): float {
        return $containerService->getPrice() * $containerService->getQuantity();


In the client, define which services we want to use, and add a service object to your list of services. Then call the “accept” method to obtain the calculated price.

// demo.php

require __DIR__ . '/../../vendor/autoload.php';

use BigBoxCodeDesignPatternVisitorHostingCostComputeService;
use BigBoxCodeDesignPatternVisitorHostingCostContainerService;
use BigBoxCodeDesignPatternVisitorHostingCostDatabaseService;
use BigBoxCodeDesignPatternVisitorHostingCostFileStorageService;
use BigBoxCodeDesignPatternVisitorHostingCostHostingCalculatorVisitorImpl;
use BigBoxCodeDesignPatternVisitorHostingCostServerlessService;

// Utility function calculating the hosting cost
// This is not required for the Visitor pattern implementation
// This uses the visitor pattern implementation
function calculateHostingCost(array $services): float {
    $hostingCalculatorVisitorImpl = new HostingCalculatorVisitorImpl();

    $totalCost = 0;

    foreach ($services as $service) {
        $totalCost += $service->accept($hostingCalculatorVisitorImpl);

    return $totalCost;

// Demo
$usedServices = [
    new ComputeService(3),
    new DatabaseService(3, true),
    new FileStorageService(120),
    new ServerlessService(720),
    new ContainerService(2),

$totalCost = calculateHostingCost($usedServices);

echo "Total cost of hosting is: " . $totalCost . "n";


Output of the total price of hosting will be as below-

Total cost of hosting is: 867.1

Example #1: UI Elements

In this example, we are considering a system for printing UI Elements.

UI Element Interface

  • Create file “UiElement.php”.
  • Define interface “UiElement”.
  • Declare method “appendElement” which accepts a visitor object.
// UiElement.php

namespace BigBoxCodeDesignPatternVisitorUiElement;

interface UIElement {
    public function appendElement(Visitor $visitor): void;

Text Element Class

  • Create file “TextElement.php”.
  • Define class “TextElement “.
  • Implement “UIElement” interface for the class. In the “appendElement” method implementation call the “appendContent” from the visitor object, and pass the current object($this).
// TextElement.php

namespace BigBoxCodeDesignPatternVisitorUiElement;

class TextElement implements UIElement {
    private string $text;

    public function __construct(string $text) {
        $this->text = $text;

    public function getText(): string {
        return $this->text;

    public function appendElement(Visitor $visitor): void {

Wrap Element Class

  • Create file “WrapElement.php”.
  • Define class “WrapElement” and implement interface “UIElement” for the class.
// WrapElement.php

namespace BigBoxCodeDesignPatternVisitorUiElement;

class WrapElement implements UIElement {
    private string $text;
    private string $wrapper;

    public function __construct(string $text, string $wrapper) {
        $this->text = $text;
        $this->wrapper = $wrapper;

    public function getText(): string {
        return $this->text;

    public function getWrapper(): string {
        return $this->wrapper;

    public function appendElement(Visitor $visitor): void {

Head Element Class

  • Create file “HeadElement.php”.
  • Define class “HeadElement” and implement interface “UIElement” for the class.
// HeadElement.php

namespace BigBoxCodeDesignPatternVisitorUiElement;

class HeadElement implements UIElement {
    private string $text;
    private string $wrapper = 'h1';

    public function __construct(string $text) {
        $this->text = $text;

    public function getText(): string {
        return $this->text;

    public function getWrapper(): string {
        return $this->wrapper;

    public function appendElement(Visitor $visitor): void {

List Element Class

  • Create file “ListElement.php”.
  • Define class “ListElement” and implement interface “UIElement” for the class.
// ListElement.php

namespace BigBoxCodeDesignPatternVisitorUiElement;

class ListElement implements UIElement {
    private array $lines;

    public function __construct(array $lines) {
        $this->lines = $lines;

    public function getListItems(): array {
        return $this->lines;

    public function appendElement(Visitor $visitor): void {

Visitor Interface

  • Create file “Visitor.php”.
  • Define interface “Visitor”.
  • Declare methods for the content processing, like – “appendContent”, “appendContentWithWrapper”, “appendList”.
// Visitor.php

namespace BigBoxCodeDesignPatternVisitorUiElement;

interface Visitor {
    public function appendContent(TextElement $textElement): void;
    public function appendContentWithWrapper(WrapElement | HeadElement $wrapElement): void;
    public function appendList(ListElement $listElement): void;

Visitor Interface Implementation

  • Create file “ElementVisitor.php”.
  • Define class “ElementVisitor”.
  • Implement interface “Visitor”. In the method implementation write relevant code for content processing/structuring.
// ElementVisitor.php

namespace BigBoxCodeDesignPatternVisitorUiElement;

class ElementVisitor implements Visitor {
    public string $output = '';

    public function appendContent(TextElement $textElement): void {
        $this->output .= $textElement->getText();

    public function appendContentWithWrapper(WrapElement | HeadElement $wrapElement): void {
        $this->output .= "[" . $wrapElement->getWrapper() . "] " . $wrapElement->getText() . " [/" . $wrapElement->getWrapper() . "]";

    public function appendList(ListElement $listElement): void {
        $this->output .= '[ul]';

        foreach ($listElement->getListItems() as $listItem) {
            $this->output .= "[li] $listItem [/li]";

        $this->output .= '[/ul]';


The client can decide to use a bunch of elements, and we need to generate an object of those elements. Then we can call the “appendElement” method from those objects to to generate those UI elements

// demo.php

require __DIR__ . '/../../vendor/autoload.php';

use BigBoxCodeDesignPatternVisitorUiElementElementVisitor;
use BigBoxCodeDesignPatternVisitorUiElementHeadElement;
use BigBoxCodeDesignPatternVisitorUiElementListElement;
use BigBoxCodeDesignPatternVisitorUiElementTextElement;
use BigBoxCodeDesignPatternVisitorUiElementWrapElement;

$uiElements = [
    new HeadElement('My Heading'),
    new TextElement('First line of text'),
    new ListElement(['abc', 'def', 'ghi', 'jkl']),
    new WrapElement('Content wrapped with div', 'div'),
    new TextElement('Last line of text'),

$visitor = new ElementVisitor();

foreach ($uiElements as $element) {

echo $visitor->output;


Following output will be generated after processing those UI elements-

[h1] My Heading [/h1]

First line of text

    [li] abc [/li]
    [li] def [/li]
    [li] ghi [/li]
    [li] jkl [/li]

[div] Content wrapped with div [/div]

Last line of text

Source Code

Use the following link to get the source code:

Other Code Implementations

Use the following links to check Visitor pattern implementation in other programming languages.

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