Design Pattern: Interpreter Pattern in Go

Interpreter pattern is used to represent common operations. If we want to implement any custom rule/calculation/operations/language then we can use the interpreter pattern.

This article demonstrates Interpreter pattern implementations in Golang. Check the following examples.


Here are the steps for Interpreter pattern implementation in Golang-

  • Create an interface for the operations.
  • Create a struct for the terminal operation. This is the main operation struct. Define the main operation/calculation in the method, which is defined for execution. This struct should implement the interface.
  • Define struct for each operation. Declare fields in the struct to store the operands, of type of the operation interface. In the execution method perform the operation.


Here are a few examples of Interpreter pattern implementation in Go-

Example #1: Logical Operation

Let’s take the example of operations like AND, OR, XOR, etc. We are checking if a string contains any specific string(sub-string), and we will evaluate the operations AND, OR, XOR etc. based on that.

Operation Interface

  • Create file “operation.go”.
  • Define interface “Operation”.
  • Declare method “Execute”.
// operation.go

package main

type Operation interface {
	Execute(opContext string) bool

Terminal Operation Struct

  • Create file “terminal_operation.go”.
  • Define struct “TerminalOpertion”.
  • Declare field “data” of type of string.
  • Create method “NewTerminalOperation”, which will generate a new struct and set the data value.
  • Implement interface “Operation” for the struct. Define method “Execute” as part of the interface implementation.
  • In the “Execute” method check if the passed string contains the “data” filled value.
// terminal_operation.go

package main

import "strings"

type TerminalOperation struct {
	data string

func NewTerminalOperation(data string) (terminalOperation *TerminalOperation) {
	terminalOperation = &TerminalOperation{} = data

func (terminalOperation *TerminalOperation) Execute(opContext string) bool {
	return strings.Contains(opContext,

AND Operation Struct

  • Create file “and_operation.go”.
  • Define struct “AndOperation”.
  • Declare fields “op1” and “op2” of the type of “Opertion”.
  • Create method “NewAndOperation”, which will generate a new struct and set the field values.
  • Implement interface “Operation” for the struct.
  • In the “Execute” method call the “Execute” methods from the “op1” and “op2” and the perform “AND” (&&) operation on those two operands.
// and_operation.go

package main

type AndOperation struct {
	op1 Operation
	op2 Operation

func NewAndOperation(op1 Operation, op2 Operation) (andOperation *AndOperation) {
	andOperation = &AndOperation{}
	andOperation.op1 = op1
	andOperation.op2 = op2

func (andOperation *AndOperation) Execute(opContext string) bool {
	return andOperation.op1.Execute(opContext) && andOperation.op2.Execute(opContext)

OR Operation Struct

  • Create file “or_operation.go”.
  • Define struct “OrOperation”.
  • Declare fields “op1” and “op2” of the type of “Operation”.
  • Create method “NewOrOperation”, to generate a new struct and set the field values.
  • Implement interface “Operation” for the struct. In the “Execute” method call the “Execute” methods from the “op1” and “op2” and the perform “OR” (||) operation on those two operands.
// or_operation.go

package main

type OrOperation struct {
	op1 Operation
	op2 Operation

func NewOrOperation(op1 Operation, op2 Operation) (orOperation *OrOperation) {
	orOperation = &OrOperation{}
	orOperation.op1 = op1
	orOperation.op2 = op2

func (orOperation *OrOperation) Execute(opContext string) bool {
	return orOperation.op1.Execute(opContext) || orOperation.op2.Execute(opContext)

XOR Operation Struct

  • Create file “xor_operation.go”.
  • Define struct “XorOperation”.
  • Declare fields “op1” and “op2” of the type of “Operation”.
  • Create method “NewXorOperation”.
  • Implement interface “Operation” for the struct. In the “Execute” method call the “Execute” methods from the “op1” and “op2” and the perform “XOR” operation on those two operands.
// xor_operation.go

package main

type XorOperation struct {
	op1 Operation
	op2 Operation

func NewXorOperation(op1 Operation, op2 Operation) (xorOperation *XorOperation) {
	xorOperation = &XorOperation{}
	xorOperation.op1 = op1
	xorOperation.op2 = op2

func (xorOperation *XorOperation) Execute(opContext string) bool {
	return xorOperation.op1.Execute(opContext) != xorOperation.op2.Execute(opContext)


For using the implementation, we can create 2 “TerminalOperation” and then define AND/OR/XOR operations.

Then we can call the “Execute” method and perform the operations.

// main.go

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
	op1 := NewTerminalOperation("Big")
	op2 := NewTerminalOperation("Box")

	andChecker := NewAndOperation(op1, op2)
	orChecker := NewOrOperation(op1, op2)
	xorChecker := NewXorOperation(op1, op2)

	checkStr1 := "Big Box Code"
	checkStr2 := "Only Big Code"
	checkStr3 := "Only Box Code"
	checkStr4 := "No Code"

	andResult1 := andChecker.Execute(checkStr1)
	andResult2 := andChecker.Execute(checkStr2)
	andResult3 := andChecker.Execute(checkStr3)
	andResult4 := andChecker.Execute(checkStr4)

	fmt.Printf("Data: %v; AND Result: %vn", checkStr1, andResult1)
	fmt.Printf("Data: %v; AND Result: %vn", checkStr2, andResult2)
	fmt.Printf("Data: %v; AND Result: %vn", checkStr3, andResult3)
	fmt.Printf("Data: %v; AND Result: %vn", checkStr4, andResult4)

	orResult1 := orChecker.Execute(checkStr1)
	orResult2 := orChecker.Execute(checkStr2)
	orResult3 := orChecker.Execute(checkStr3)
	orResult4 := orChecker.Execute(checkStr4)

	fmt.Printf("Data: %v; OR Result: %vn", checkStr1, orResult1)
	fmt.Printf("Data: %v; OR Result: %vn", checkStr2, orResult2)
	fmt.Printf("Data: %v; OR Result: %vn", checkStr3, orResult3)
	fmt.Printf("Data: %v; OR Result: %vn", checkStr4, orResult4)

	xorResult1 := xorChecker.Execute(checkStr1)
	xorResult2 := xorChecker.Execute(checkStr2)
	xorResult3 := xorChecker.Execute(checkStr3)
	xorResult4 := xorChecker.Execute(checkStr4)

	fmt.Printf("Data: %v; XOR Result: %vn", checkStr1, xorResult1)
	fmt.Printf("Data: %v; XOR Result: %vn", checkStr2, xorResult2)
	fmt.Printf("Data: %v; XOR Result: %vn", checkStr3, xorResult3)
	fmt.Printf("Data: %v; XOR Result: %vn", checkStr4, xorResult4)


Output will be as below.

Data: Big Box Code; AND Result: true
Data: Only Big Code; AND Result: false
Data: Only Box Code; AND Result: false
Data: No Code; AND Result: false

Data: Big Box Code; OR Result: true
Data: Only Big Code; OR Result: true
Data: Only Box Code; OR Result: true
Data: No Code; OR Result: false

Data: Big Box Code; XOR Result: false
Data: Only Big Code; XOR Result: true
Data: Only Box Code; XOR Result: true
Data: No Code; XOR Result: false

Source Code

Use the following link to get the source code:

Other Code Implementations

Use the following links to check Interpreter pattern implementation in other programming languages.

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