Interpreter pattern represents the grammar or syntax rules of an expression. Parsing the expression and evaluation is implemented in the pattern implementation.
The implementation can be for a specific syntax of a specific type of expression. A specific set of rules is defined for parsing and evaluation/operation.
In this article, we are discussing the implementation of the Interpreter pattern in PHP. Check the implementation details and examples below.
Here are the steps for the implementation in PHP-
- Define an interface for the operation classes. Define method(s) for the main operation.
- Create class for terminal operation. Implement the operation interface for the class.
- Create specific classes for each operation. These classes should also implement the operation interface.
Check the following examples of the Interpreter pattern implementation in PHP.
Example #1: Logical Operation
Here we are demonstrating the logical operations – AND, OR, XOR. We want to evaluate if certain provided string contains a substring, and then perform the logical operations on that.
Operation Interface
- Create file “Operation.php”.
- Define interface “Operation”.
- Declare method “execute”. This method returns boolean as a result of the evaluation of the logical operation.
// Operation.php
namespace BigBoxCodeDesignPatternInterpreterLogicalOp;
interface Operation {
function execute(string $opContext): bool;
Terminal Operation Class
- Create file “TerminalOperation.php”.
- Define class “TerminalOperation”.
- Implement the interface “Operatoin” for the class.
- In the class constructor accept a string param as the main data.
- In the “execute” method check if the “$data” property contains the provided string as substring or not.
// TerminalOperation.php
namespace BigBoxCodeDesignPatternInterpreterLogicalOp;
class TerminalOperation implements Operation {
public function __construct(private string $data) {
public function execute(string $opContext): bool {
return str_contains($opContext, $this->data);
AND Operation Class
- Create file “AndOperation.php”.
- Define class “AndOperation”.
- Implement interface “Operation” for the class.
- In the constructor accept 2 params of type “Operation”, and set those to class property.
- In the execution method perform “AND” operation on the evaluated results.
// AndOperation.php
namespace BigBoxCodeDesignPatternInterpreterLogicalOp;
class AndOperation implements Operation {
public function __construct(private Operation $op1, private Operation $op2) {
public function execute(string $opContext): bool {
return $this->op1->execute($opContext) && $this->op2->execute($opContext);
OR Operation Class
- Create file “OrOperation.php”.
- Define class “OrOperation”.
- Implement interface “Operation” for the class.
- In the constructor accept 2 params of type “Operation”, and set those to class property.
- In the execution method perform “OR” operation on the evaluated results.
// OrOperation.php
namespace BigBoxCodeDesignPatternInterpreterLogicalOp;
class OrOperation implements Operation {
public function __construct(private Operation $op1, private Operation $op2) {
public function execute(string $opContext): bool {
return $this->op1->execute($opContext) || $this->op2->execute($opContext);
XOR Operation Class
- Create file “XorOperation.php”.
- Define class “XorOperation”.
- Implement interface “Operation” for the class.
- In the constructor accept 2 params of type “Operation”, and set those to class property.
- In the execution method perform “XOR” operation on the evaluated results.
// XorOperation.php
namespace BigBoxCodeDesignPatternInterpreterLogicalOp;
class XorOperation implements Operation {
public function __construct(private Operation $op1, private Operation $op2) {
public function execute(string $opContext): bool {
return $this->op1->execute($opContext) xor $this->op2->execute($opContext);
In the client we have defined 2 terminal operations “$op1” and “$op2”. For the logical operation “AndOperation”, “OrOperation” and “XorOperation” we have created some objects.
Then we can call the “execute” methods on the operation objects.
// demo.php
require __DIR__ . '/../../vendor/autoload.php';
use BigBoxCodeDesignPatternInterpreterLogicalOpAndOperation;
use BigBoxCodeDesignPatternInterpreterLogicalOpOrOperation;
use BigBoxCodeDesignPatternInterpreterLogicalOpTerminalOperation;
use BigBoxCodeDesignPatternInterpreterLogicalOpXorOperation;
$op1 = new TerminalOperation("Big");
$op2 = new TerminalOperation("Box");
$andChecker = new AndOperation($op1, $op2);
$orChecker = new OrOperation($op1, $op2);
$xorChecker = new XorOperation($op1, $op2);
$checkStr1 = "Big Box Code";
$checkStr2 = "Only Big Code";
$checkStr3 = "Only Box Code";
$checkStr4 = "No Code";
$andResult1 = $andChecker->execute($checkStr1);
$andResult2 = $andChecker->execute($checkStr2);
$andResult3 = $andChecker->execute($checkStr3);
$andResult4 = $andChecker->execute($checkStr4);
echo "Data: " . $checkStr1 . "; AND Result: " . var_export($andResult1, true) . "n";
echo "Data: " . $checkStr2 . "; AND Result: " . var_export($andResult2, true) . "n";
echo "Data: " . $checkStr3 . "; AND Result: " . var_export($andResult3, true) . "n";
echo "Data: " . $checkStr4 . "; AND Result: " . var_export($andResult4, true) . "n";
$orResult1 = $orChecker->execute($checkStr1);
$orResult2 = $orChecker->execute($checkStr2);
$orResult3 = $orChecker->execute($checkStr3);
$orResult4 = $orChecker->execute($checkStr4);
echo "Data: " . $checkStr1 . "; OR Result: " . var_export($orResult1, true) . "n";
echo "Data: " . $checkStr2 . "; OR Result: " . var_export($orResult2, true) . "n";
echo "Data: " . $checkStr3 . "; OR Result: " . var_export($orResult3, true) . "n";
echo "Data: " . $checkStr4 . "; OR Result: " . var_export($orResult4, true) . "n";
$xorResult1 = $xorChecker->execute($checkStr1);
$xorResult2 = $xorChecker->execute($checkStr2);
$xorResult3 = $xorChecker->execute($checkStr3);
$xorResult4 = $xorChecker->execute($checkStr4);
echo "Data: " . $checkStr1 . "; XOR Result: " . var_export($xorResult1, true) . "n";
echo "Data: " . $checkStr2 . "; XOR Result: " . var_export($xorResult2, true) . "n";
echo "Data: " . $checkStr3 . "; XOR Result: " . var_export($xorResult3, true) . "n";
echo "Data: " . $checkStr4 . "; XOR Result: " . var_export($xorResult4, true) . "n";
The output will be as below-
Data: Big Box Code; AND Result: true
Data: Only Big Code; AND Result: false
Data: Only Box Code; AND Result: false
Data: No Code; AND Result: false
Data: Big Box Code; OR Result: true
Data: Only Big Code; OR Result: true
Data: Only Box Code; OR Result: true
Data: No Code; OR Result: false
Data: Big Box Code; XOR Result: false
Data: Only Big Code; XOR Result: true
Data: Only Box Code; XOR Result: true
Data: No Code; XOR Result: false
Source Code
Use the following link to get the source code:
Example | Source Code Link |
Example #1: Logical Operation | GitHub |
Other Code Implementations
Use the following links to check Interpreter pattern implementation in other programming languages.