Abstract class works as a blueprint for other classes. We can not instantiate an abstract class, but extend it.
Abstract class contains abstract methods, which do not definition of the method. We need to add the definition of those abstract methods, in the child(class that extends abstract class) class.
Abstract classes and methods are not directly built into the Python programming language.
Abstract feature supported by a module named “abc“. Module name “abc” represents “Abstract Base Class“.
from abc import ABC
class BigBoxAbs(ABC):
Pythonfrom abc import ABC, abstractmethod
class BigBoxAbs(ABC):
def my_abs_method(self):
Pythonfrom abc import ABC, abstractmethod
class BigBoxAbs(ABC):
def my_abs_method(self):
class MyCls(BigBoxAbs):
obj = MyCls()
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "abs_example.py", line 12, in <module>
obj = MyCls()
TypeError: Can't instantiate abstract class MyCls with abstract method my_abs_method
Plaintextfrom abc import ABC, abstractmethod
class BigBoxAbs(ABC):
def my_abs_method(self):
class MyCls(BigBoxAbs):
def my_abs_method(self):
print("My abs method...")
obj = MyCls()
My abs method...