Case #1
discount = 20
price = input("Enter price of the product: ")
calculated_price = float(price) - discount
calculated_price = 0
PythonRun the script again and enter some string when it asks for the price-
Enter price of the product: abcdef
PythonRun the script and enter some decimal value when it asks for the price-
Enter price of the product: 33
PythonCase #2
If we know what type of exception might occur in certain cases, then we can define the except to handle that type of exception only.
Like, here we know that a ValueError might occur, so we have added a handler only for the ValueError-
discount = 20
calculated_price = 0
price = input("Enter price of the product: ")
if float(price) > discount:
calculated_price = float(price) - discount
calculated_price -= 1
except ValueError as err:
calculated_price = 0
print(f'calculated price: {calculated_price}')
PythonIf we use a number as input, then we get a result-
Enter price of the product: 99
calculated price: 79.0
PythonBut, if we use some string, then we can see that the script was unable to convert that string to float-
Enter price of the product: kkk
could not convert string to float: 'kkk'
calculated price: 0