Design Pattern: Proxy Pattern in Go

Proxy pattern represents remote objects locally, this way the local object is used as a proxy of the remote object. The local one can be used in all cases where the remote object is required.

The local object can also add some additional functionality/checking while referring to the remote object.

This article demonstrates Proxy pattern implementations in Golang. Check the implementation details below.


Here are the steps to implement Proxy pattern in Go-

  • Declare an interface, which can be used by both the remote and local structs.
  • Define the remote struct as per requirement. The method implementations for the struct contains the actual functionality.
  • Define the proxy struct.
  • Declare a field in the proxy to store the reference to the actual struct.
  • In the method implementation of proxy check if a reference to the proxy is already initiated. If not then initiate the proxy.
  • Then in the proxy method call the method(s) from the actual struct. Add any checking or access control or enhancements in the method if required.


Here are a few examples of the Proxy pattern implementation in Go-

Example #1: Simple Proxy

Here is the simplest proxy example.

Proxy Interface

  • Create file “proxy_interface.go”.
  • Define interface “ProxyI”.
  • Declare methods as per requirement. There is no specific rule for this.
  • Use/implement the interface for the actual and proxy struct.
// proxy_interface.go

package main

type ProxyI interface {

Item Class

  • Create file “actual.go”.
  • Define struct “Actual”.
  • Define method “NewActual” which will create a new “Actual” struct and return that.
  • Implement interface “ProxyI” for the “Actual” struct. Write the method implementation as per requirement, for the interface implementation.
// actual.go

package main

import "fmt"

type Actual struct {}

func NewActual() (actual *Actual) {
	actual = &Actual{}
func (actual *Actual) Operation1() {
	fmt.Println("Performing operation 1 in the Actual Object")

func (actual *Actual) Operation2() {
	fmt.Println("Performing operation 2 in the Actual Object")

Proxy Class

  • Create file “proxy.go”.
  • Define struct “Proxy”.
  • Declare a field “actual” of the type “Actual” struct. This will be used to store a reference to an “Actual” struct.
  • Define the method “NewProxy”. This method creates a initiate “Proxy” struct and returns that.
  • Implement interface “ProxyI” for the “Proxy” struct. Define methods (Operation1 and Operation2) as part of the proxy interface implementation.
  • In the method implementation check if the “actual” is nil or already initiated, if not initiated then initiate that using the “NewActual” method.
  • In the method implementation call methods from the “actual”. 
  • Add any checking or additional functionality if required.
// proxy.go

package main

type Proxy struct {
	actual ProxyI

func NewProxy() (proxy *Proxy) {
	proxy = &Proxy{}

func (proxy *Proxy) Operation1() {
	if proxy.actual == nil {
		proxy.actual = NewActual()

func (proxy *Proxy) Operation2() {
	if proxy.actual == nil {
		proxy.actual = NewActual()


Using the proxy implementation is simple, just initiate the the “Proxy” struct and use that.

// main.go

package main

func main() {
	proxy := NewProxy()


Output of the demo code will be as below.

Performing operation 1 in the Actual Object
Performing operation 2 in the Actual Object

Source Code

Use the following link to get the source code:

Other Code Implementations

Use the following links to check Proxy pattern implementation in other programming languages.

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