Design Pattern: Proxy Pattern in TypeScript

Proxy pattern is used to represent one object(as a proxy) with another object, where we can not use the original object. This is used to represent a remote object or to control access.

This article demonstrates Proxy pattern implementations in TypeScript. Check the implementation details and examples.


Here are the steps for Proxy pattern implementation in TypeScript-

  • Make sure there is an interface for the proxy implementation. Then the actual/original class and the proxy class can implement the same interface.
  • The actual concrete class does not need any change. This class only needs to implement the interface mentioned above.
  • Create a proxy class and implement the interface.
  • Declare a property of the type of the original class. This will be used to hold a reference to the actual class object.
  • In the method calls, if an object of original class is already created, then use that, else create new object.
  • In the proxy method implementation, call the methods from the original object, when required.


Here are a few examples of the Proxy pattern implementation-

Example #1: Simple Proxy

Here is the simplest proxy implementation example.

Proxy Interface

  • Create file “proxy-interface.ts”.
  • Create interface “ProxyInterface”.
  • Declare some methods as per requirement.

This interface will be used by both the actual class and proxy class, to ensure a common interface between those.

// proxy-interface.ts

interface ProxyInterface {
    operation1(): void;
    operation2(): void;

export default ProxyInterface;

Item Class

  • Create file “item.ts”.
  • Create class “Item”.
  • Implement interface “ProxyInterface”. Implement methods for interface implementation.
// item.ts

import ProxyInterface from "./proxy-interface";

class Item implements ProxyInterface {
    operation1(): void {
        console.log("Performing operation 1 in the Actual Object");

    operation2(): void {
        console.log("Performing operation 2 in the Actual Object");

export default Item;

Proxy Class

  • Create file “proxy.ts”.
  • Create class “Proxy”.
  • Implement interface “ProxyInterface”.
  • Declare a private property named “item” of type “ProxyInterface”.
  • Create an object of the actual class, and assign it to the “item” if that is not set already.
  • In the method implementations, call the methods from “item”(actual object).
// proxy.ts

import Item from "./item";
import ProxyInterface from "./proxy-interface";

class Proxy implements ProxyInterface {
    private item: ProxyInterface | null = null;

    public operation1(): void {
        if (this.item == null) {
            this.item = new Item();

    public operation2(): void {
        if (this.item == null) {
            this.item = new Item();

export default Proxy;


For using the proxy implementation, just create a new instance of the proxy and use that.

// demo.ts

import Proxy from "./proxy";

const proxy = new Proxy();


Following output will be generated.

Performing operation 1 in the Actual Object
Performing operation 2 in the Actual Object

Source Code

Use the following link to get the source code:

Other Code Implementations

Use the following links to check Proxy pattern implementation in other programming languages.

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