Redis Command: HINCRBY


Command NameHINCRBY
UsageIncrement hash field integer value
Group hash
ACL Category@write
Time ComplexityO(1)


HINCRBY <key> <field> <increment>


Increment the integer value of a hash field. This command increments the field value by a certain amount that is provided.


  • If the hash(the provided <key>) does not exist, then the hash is created. Then the field is created and the value is set to Zero(0). Then the increment operation is performed.
  • If the hash exists but the field does not exist, then the field is created and set to Zero(0). The increment operation is performed after that.
  • The field’s max and min allowed value is of a 64-bit signed integer.


<key>Name of the key of the hashkeykey
<field>Name of the fieldfieldstring
<increment>Increment (+ve) or decrement(-ve) by this amount.
Both positive and negative values are allowed.


  • Both increment and decrement operations can be performed by providing positive(+ve) or negative(-ve) value for the <increment> argument.

Return Value

Return valueCase for the return valueType
Value after incrementOn successful this command returns the value of the field after incrementinginteger
errorIf applied to wrong data type,
or the value is out of the 64-bit signed integer range


  • If the command is applied to a key that is not a hash, then the following error is returned-
    (error) WRONGTYPE Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value
  • If the value is out of the range 64-bit integer then we get the following error-
    (error) ERR increment or decrement would overflow


Here are a few examples of the usage examples of the Redis HINCRBY command-

# Redis HINCRBY command examples

# Set hash fields> hset customer:100 name "Kenneth Braun" gender male age 42 order_count 1
(integer) 4

# Check hash fields> hgetall customer:100
1) "name"
2) "Kenneth Braun"
3) "gender"
4) "male"
5) "age"
6) "42"
7) "order_count"
8) "1"

# Increament order_count field by 2> hincrby customer:100 order_count 2
(integer) 3

# Check the order_count field> hget customer:100 order_count

# bigboxhash does not exist
Check field of a non existing hash> hget bigboxhash firstfield

# Try to apply HINCRBY on a hash that does not exist>  hincrby bigboxhash firstfield 100
(integer) 100

# Increament firstfield of bigboxhash
# We see the increased value> hget bigboxhash firstfield

# Check a non existing field, of a hash that exists> hget bigboxhash secondfield

# Implement HINCRBY on a non existing field>  hincrby bigboxhash secondfield 5
(integer) 5

# Check the secondfield> hget bigboxhash secondfield

# Use a negative value with HINCRBY
# That will decrease the existing value>  hincrby bigboxhash secondfield -3
(integer) 2

# Check secondfield value> hget bigboxhash secondfield

# Decreament of the hash field by -5>  hincrby bigboxhash secondfield -5
(integer) -3

# Check the secondfield value> hget bigboxhash secondfield

# Set a string key> set bigboxstr "some str value here"

# Try to use HINCRBY on the string
# We get an error as command is applied to a wrong data type>  hincrby bigboxstr field1 10
(error) WRONGTYPE Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value

# Check cutsomer name> hget customer:100 name
"Kenneth Braun"

# Try to apply HINCRBY on the name field
# We get an error, as the field has string value>  hincrby customer:100 name 10
(error) ERR hash value is not an integer

# Set a filed of a hash to a larg integer value> hset bigboxhash max_test_field 9223372036854775806
(integer) 1

# Max value of allowed integer for 64-bit integer is 9,223,372,036,854,775,807
# So if we try to increment max_test_field by 10 then it excedes the max integer limit
# We get an error related to max value overflow> hincrby bigboxhash max_test_field 10
(error) ERR increment or decrement would overflow

# Set field value of a has to large negative nubmer> hset bigboxhash max_test_field -9223372036854775709
(integer) 0

# Check the value, we se the negative value is set
# as it is withing the limit of 64-bit signed integer> hget bigboxhash max_test_field

# Min value allowed as 64-bit int is -9,223,372,036,854,775,808
# Try to decrease the value by 10
# We get an error as the target value goes beyond the minimum integer value> hincrby bigboxhash max_test_field -100
(error) ERR increment or decrement would overflow


  • If the hash does not exist, or the field does not exist, then the hash and/or the field will be created. So we will never get any error related to non-existing hash key or field.

Code Implementations

Redis HINCRBY command example implementation in Golang, NodeJS, Java, C#, PHP, Python, Ruby-

// Redis HINCRBY command example in Golang

package main

import (


var rdb *redis.Client
var ctx context.Context

func init() {
	rdb = redis.NewClient(&redis.Options{
		Addr:     "localhost:6379",
		Username: "default",
		Password: "",
		DB:       0,

	ctx = context.Background()

func main() {

	* Set hash fields
	* Command:  hset customer:100 name "Kenneth Braun" gender male age 42 order_count 1
	* Result: (integer) 4
	hsetResult, err := rdb.HSet(ctx, "customer:100",
		"name", "Kenneth Braun",
		"gender", "male",
		"age", "42",
		"order_count", "1",

	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Command: hset customer:100 name "Kenneth Braun" gender male age 42 order_count 1 | Error: " + err.Error())

	fmt.Println("Command: hset customer:100 name "Kenneth Braun" gender male age 42 order_count 1 | Result: ", hsetResult)

	* Check hash fields
	* Command:  hgetall customer:100
	* Result:
	*      1) "name"
	*      2) "Kenneth Braun"
	*      3) "gender"
	*      4) "male"
	*      5) "age"
	*      6) "42"
	*      7) "order_count"
	*      8) "1"
	hgetAllResult, err := rdb.HGetAll(ctx, "customer:100").Result()

	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Command: hgetall customer:100 | Error: " + err.Error())

	fmt.Println("Command: hgetall customer:100 | Result: ", hgetAllResult)

	* Increament order_count field by 2
	* Command:  hincrby customer:100 order_count 2
	* Result: (integer) 3
	hincrbyResult, err := rdb.HIncrBy(ctx, "customer:100", "order_count", 2).Result()

	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Command: hincrby customer:100 order_count 2 | Error: " + err.Error())

	fmt.Println("Command: hincrby customer:100 order_count 2 | Result: ", hincrbyResult)

	* Check the order_count field
	* Command:  hget customer:100 order_count
	* Result: "3"
	hgetResult, err := rdb.HGet(ctx, "customer:100", "order_count").Result()

	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Command: hget customer:100 order_count | Error: " + err.Error())

	fmt.Println("Command: hget customer:100 order_count | Result: " + hgetResult)

	* bigboxhash does not exist
	Check field of a non existing hash
	* Command:  hget bigboxhash firstfield
	* Result: (nil)
	hgetResult, err = rdb.HGet(ctx, "bigboxhash", "firstfield").Result()

	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Command: hget bigboxhash firstfield | Error: " + err.Error())

	fmt.Println("Command: hget bigboxhash firstfield | Result: " + hgetResult)

	* Try to apply HINCRBY on a hash that does not exist
	* Command:   hincrby bigboxhash firstfield 100
	* Result: (integer) 100
	hincrbyResult, err = rdb.HIncrBy(ctx, "bigboxhash", "firstfield", 100).Result()

	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Command: hincrby bigboxhash firstfield 100 | Error: " + err.Error())

	fmt.Println("Command: hincrby bigboxhash firstfield 100 | Result: ", hincrbyResult)

	* Increament firstfield of bigboxhash
	* We see the increased value
	* Command:  hget bigboxhash firstfield
	* Result: "100"
	hgetResult, err = rdb.HGet(ctx, "bigboxhash", "firstfield").Result()

	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Command: hget bigboxhash firstfield | Error: " + err.Error())

	fmt.Println("Command: hget bigboxhash firstfield | Result: " + hgetResult)

	* Check a non existing field, of a hash that exists
	* Command:  hget bigboxhash secondfield
	* Result: (nil)
	hgetResult, err = rdb.HGet(ctx, "bigboxhash", "secondfield").Result()

	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Command: hget bigboxhash secondfield | Error: " + err.Error())

	fmt.Println("Command: hget bigboxhash secondfield | Result: " + hgetResult)

	* Implement HINCRBY on a non existing field
	* Command:   hincrby bigboxhash secondfield 5
	* Result: (integer) 5
	hincrbyResult, err = rdb.HIncrBy(ctx, "bigboxhash", "secondfield", 5).Result()

	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Command: hincrby bigboxhash secondfield 5 | Error: " + err.Error())

	fmt.Println("Command: hincrby bigboxhash secondfield 5 | Result: ", hincrbyResult)

	* Check the secondfield
	* Command:  hget bigboxhash secondfield
	* Result: "5"
	hgetResult, err = rdb.HGet(ctx, "bigboxhash", "secondfield").Result()

	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Command: hget bigboxhash secondfield | Error: " + err.Error())

	fmt.Println("Command: hget bigboxhash secondfield | Result: " + hgetResult)

	* Use a negative value with HINCRBY
	* That will decrease the existing value
	* Command:   hincrby bigboxhash secondfield -3
	* Result: (integer) 2
	hincrbyResult, err = rdb.HIncrBy(ctx, "bigboxhash", "secondfield", -3).Result()

	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Command: hincrby bigboxhash secondfield -3 | Error: " + err.Error())

	fmt.Println("Command: hincrby bigboxhash secondfield -3 | Result: ", hincrbyResult)

	* Check secondfield value
	* Command:  hget bigboxhash secondfield
	* Result: "2"
	hgetResult, err = rdb.HGet(ctx, "bigboxhash", "secondfield").Result()

	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Command: hget bigboxhash secondfield | Error: " + err.Error())

	fmt.Println("Command: hget bigboxhash secondfield | Result: " + hgetResult)

	* Decreament of the hash field by -5
	* Command:   hincrby bigboxhash secondfield -5
	* Result: (integer) -3
	hincrbyResult, err = rdb.HIncrBy(ctx, "bigboxhash", "secondfield", -5).Result()

	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Command: hincrby bigboxhash secondfield -5 | Error: " + err.Error())

	fmt.Println("Command: hincrby bigboxhash secondfield -5 | Result: ", hincrbyResult)

	* Check the secondfield value
	* Command:  hget bigboxhash secondfield
	* Result: "-3"
	hgetResult, err = rdb.HGet(ctx, "bigboxhash", "secondfield").Result()

	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Command: hget bigboxhash secondfield | Error: " + err.Error())

	fmt.Println("Command: hget bigboxhash secondfield | Result: " + hgetResult)

	* Set a string key
	* Command:  set bigboxstr "some str value here"
	* Result: OK
	setResult, err := rdb.Set(ctx, "bigboxstr", "some str value here", 0).Result()

	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Command: set bigboxstr "some str value here" | Error: " + err.Error())

	fmt.Println("Command: set bigboxstr "some str value here" | Result: " + setResult)

	* Try to use HINCRBY on the string
	* We get an error as command is applied to a wrong data type
	* Command:   hincrby bigboxstr field1 10
	* Result: (error) WRONGTYPE Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value
	hincrbyResult, err = rdb.HIncrBy(ctx, "bigboxstr", "field1", 10).Result()

	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Command: hincrby bigboxstr field1 10 | Error: " + err.Error())

	fmt.Println("Command: hincrby bigboxstr field1 10 | Result: ", hincrbyResult)

	* Check cutsomer name
	* Command:  hget customer:100 name
	* Result: "Kenneth Braun"
	hgetResult, err = rdb.HGet(ctx, "customer:100", "name").Result()

	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Command: hget customer:100 name | Error: " + err.Error())

	fmt.Println("Command: hget customer:100 name | Result: " + hgetResult)

	* Try to apply HINCRBY on the name field
	* We get an error, as the field has string value
	* Command:   hincrby customer:100 name 10
	* Result: (error) ERR hash value is not an integer
	hincrbyResult, err = rdb.HIncrBy(ctx, "customer:100", "name", 10).Result()

	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Command: hincrby customer:100 name 10 | Error: " + err.Error())

	fmt.Println("Command: hincrby customer:100 name 10 | Result: ", hincrbyResult)

	* Set a filed of a hash to a larg integer value
	* Command:  hset bigboxhash max_test_field 9223372036854775806
	* Result: (integer) 1
	hsetResult, err = rdb.HSet(ctx, "bigboxhash", "max_test_field", "9223372036854775806").Result()

	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Command: hset bigboxhash max_test_field 9223372036854775806 | Error: " + err.Error())

	fmt.Println("Command: hset bigboxhash max_test_field 9223372036854775806 | Result: ", hsetResult)

	* Max value of allowed integer for 64-bit integer is 9,223,372,036,854,775,807
	* So if we try to increment max_test_field by 10 then it excedes the max integer limit
	* We get an error related to max value overflow
	* Command:  hincrby bigboxhash max_test_field 10
	* Result: (error) ERR increment or decrement would overflow
	hincrbyResult, err = rdb.HIncrBy(ctx, "bigboxhash", "max_test_field", 10).Result()

	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Command: hincrby bigboxhash max_test_field 10 | Error: " + err.Error())

	fmt.Println("Command: hincrby bigboxhash max_test_field 10 | Result: ", hincrbyResult)

	* Set field value of a has to large negative nubmer
	* Command:  hset bigboxhash max_test_field -9223372036854775709
	* Result: (integer) 0
	hsetResult, err = rdb.HSet(ctx, "bigboxhash", "max_test_field", "-9223372036854775709").Result()

	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Command: hset bigboxhash max_test_field -9223372036854775709 | Error: " + err.Error())

	fmt.Println("Command: hset bigboxhash max_test_field -9223372036854775709 | Result: ", hsetResult)

	* Check the value, we se the negative value is set
	* as it is withing the limit of 64-bit signed integer
	* Command:  hget bigboxhash max_test_field
	* Result: "-9223372036854775709"
	hgetResult, err = rdb.HGet(ctx, "bigboxhash", "max_test_field").Result()

	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Command: hget bigboxhash max_test_field | Error: " + err.Error())

	fmt.Println("Command: hget bigboxhash max_test_field | Result: " + hgetResult)

	* Min value allowed as 64-bit int is -9,223,372,036,854,775,808
	* Try to decrease the value by 10
	* We get an error as the target value goes beyond the minimum integer value
	* Command:  hincrby bigboxhash max_test_field -100
	* Result: (error) ERR increment or decrement would overflow
	hincrbyResult, err = rdb.HIncrBy(ctx, "bigboxhash", "max_test_field", -100).Result()

	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Command: hincrby bigboxhash max_test_field -100 | Error: " + err.Error())

	fmt.Println("Command: hincrby bigboxhash max_test_field -100 | Result: ", hincrbyResult)



Command: hset customer:100 name "Kenneth Braun" gender male age 42 order_count 1 | Result:  4
Command: hgetall customer:100 | Result:  map[age:42 gender:male name:Kenneth Braun order_count:1]

Command: hincrby customer:100 order_count 2 | Result:  3
Command: hget customer:100 order_count | Result: 3

Command: hget bigboxhash firstfield | Error: redis: nil
Command: hget bigboxhash firstfield | Result:
Command: hincrby bigboxhash firstfield 100 | Result:  100
Command: hget bigboxhash firstfield | Result: 100

Command: hget bigboxhash secondfield | Error: redis: nil
Command: hget bigboxhash secondfield | Result:
Command: hincrby bigboxhash secondfield 5 | Result:  5
Command: hget bigboxhash secondfield | Result: 5

Command: hincrby bigboxhash secondfield -3 | Result:  2
Command: hget bigboxhash secondfield | Result: 2

Command: hincrby bigboxhash secondfield -5 | Result:  -3
Command: hget bigboxhash secondfield | Result: -3

Command: set bigboxstr "some str value here" | Result: OK
Command: hincrby bigboxstr field1 10 | Error: WRONGTYPE Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value
Command: hincrby bigboxstr field1 10 | Result:  0

Command: hget customer:100 name | Result: Kenneth Braun
Command: hincrby customer:100 name 10 | Error: ERR hash value is not an integer
Command: hincrby customer:100 name 10 | Result:  0

Command: hset bigboxhash max_test_field 9223372036854775806 | Result:  1
Command: hincrby bigboxhash max_test_field 10 | Error: ERR increment or decrement would overflow
Command: hincrby bigboxhash max_test_field 10 | Result:  0

Command: hset bigboxhash max_test_field -9223372036854775709 | Result:  0
Command: hget bigboxhash max_test_field | Result: -9223372036854775709
Command: hincrby bigboxhash max_test_field -100 | Error: ERR increment or decrement would overflow
Command: hincrby bigboxhash max_test_field -100 | Result:  0


  • Use “HIncrBy” method from redis-go module.
  • Signature of the method is-
    HIncrBy(ctx context.Context, key, field string, incr int64) *IntCmd
// Redis HINCRBY command example in JavaScript(NodeJS)

import { createClient } from "redis";

// Create redis client
const redisClient = createClient({
  url: "redis://default:@localhost:6379",

redisClient.on("error", (err) =>
  console.log("Error while connecting to Redis", err)

// Connect Redis client
await redisClient.connect();

 * Set hash fields
 * Command:  hset customer:100 name "Kenneth Braun" gender male age 42 order_count 1
 * Result: (integer) 4
let commandResult = await redisClient.hSet("customer:100", {
  name: "Kenneth Braun",
  gender: "male",
  age: "42",
  order_count: "1",

  'Command: hset customer:100 name "Kenneth Braun" gender male age 42 order_count 1 | Result: ' +

 * Check hash fields
 * Command:  hgetall customer:100
 * Result:
 *      1) "name"
 *      2) "Kenneth Braun"
 *      3) "gender"
 *      4) "male"
 *      5) "age"
 *      6) "42"
 *      7) "order_count"
 *      8) "1"
commandResult = await redisClient.hGetAll("customer:100");

console.log("Command: hgetall customer:100 | Result: ", commandResult);

 * Increament order_count field by 2
 * Command:  hincrby customer:100 order_count 2
 * Result: (integer) 3
commandResult = await redisClient.hIncrBy("customer:100", "order_count", 2);

  "Command: hincrby customer:100 order_count 2 | Result: " + commandResult

 * Check the order_count field
 * Command:  hget customer:100 order_count
 * Result: "3"
commandResult = await redisClient.hGet("customer:100", "order_count");

  "Command: hget customer:100 order_count | Result: " + commandResult

* bigboxhash does not exist
Check field of a non existing hash
* Command:  hget bigboxhash firstfield
* Result: (nil)
commandResult = await redisClient.hGet("bigboxhash", "firstfield");

console.log("Command: hget bigboxhash firstfield | Result: " + commandResult);

 * Try to apply HINCRBY on a hash that does not exist
 * Command:   hincrby bigboxhash firstfield 100
 * Result: (integer) 100
commandResult = await redisClient.hIncrBy("bigboxhash", "firstfield", 100);

  "Command: hincrby bigboxhash firstfield 100 | Result: " + commandResult

 * Increament firstfield of bigboxhash
 * We see the increased value
 * Command:  hget bigboxhash firstfield
 * Result: "100"
commandResult = await redisClient.hGet("bigboxhash", "firstfield");

console.log("Command: hget bigboxhash firstfield | Result: " + commandResult);

 * Check a non existing field, of a hash that exists
 * Command:  hget bigboxhash secondfield
 * Result: (nil)
commandResult = await redisClient.hGet("bigboxhash", "secondfield");

console.log("Command: hget bigboxhash secondfield | Result: " + commandResult);

 * Implement HINCRBY on a non existing field
 * Command:   hincrby bigboxhash secondfield 5
 * Result: (integer) 5
commandResult = await redisClient.hIncrBy("bigboxhash", "secondfield", 5);

  "Command: hincrby bigboxhash secondfield 5 | Result: " + commandResult

 * Check the secondfield
 * Command:  hget bigboxhash secondfield
 * Result: "5"
commandResult = await redisClient.hGet("bigboxhash", "secondfield");

console.log("Command: hget bigboxhash secondfield | Result: " + commandResult);

 * Use a negative value with HINCRBY
 * That will decrease the existing value
 * Command:   hincrby bigboxhash secondfield -3
 * Result: (integer) 2
commandResult = await redisClient.hIncrBy("bigboxhash", "secondfield", -3);

  "Command: hincrby bigboxhash secondfield -3 | Result: " + commandResult

 * Check secondfield value
 * Command:  hget bigboxhash secondfield
 * Result: "2"
commandResult = await redisClient.hGet("bigboxhash", "secondfield");

console.log("Command: hget bigboxhash secondfield | Result: " + commandResult);

 * Decreament of the hash field by -5
 * Command:   hincrby bigboxhash secondfield -5
 * Result: (integer) -3
commandResult = await redisClient.hIncrBy("bigboxhash", "secondfield", -5);

  "Command: hincrby bigboxhash secondfield -5 | Result: " + commandResult

 * Check the secondfield value
 * Command:  hget bigboxhash secondfield
 * Result: "-3"
commandResult = await redisClient.hGet("bigboxhash", "secondfield");

console.log("Command: hget bigboxhash secondfield | Result: " + commandResult);

 * Set a string key
 * Command:  set bigboxstr "some str value here"
 * Result: OK
commandResult = await redisClient.set("bigboxstr", "some str value here");

  'Command: set bigboxstr "some str value here" | Result: ' + commandResult

 * Try to use HINCRBY on the string
 * We get an error as command is applied to a wrong data type
 * Command:   hincrby bigboxstr field1 10
 * Result: (error) WRONGTYPE Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value
try {
  commandResult = await redisClient.hIncrBy("bigboxstr", "field1", 10);

    "Command: hincrby bigboxstr field1 10 | Result: " + commandResult
} catch (err) {
  console.log("Command: hincrby bigboxstr field1 10 | Error: ", err);

 * Check cutsomer name
 * Command:  hget customer:100 name
 * Result: "Kenneth Braun"
commandResult = await redisClient.hGet("customer:100", "name");

console.log("Command: hget customer:100 name | Result: " + commandResult);

 * Try to apply HINCRBY on the name field
 * We get an error, as the field has string value
 * Command:   hincrby customer:100 name 10
 * Result: (error) ERR hash value is not an integer
try {
  commandResult = await redisClient.hIncrBy("customer:100", "name", 10);

    "Command: hincrby customer:100 name 10 | Result: " + commandResult
} catch (err) {
  console.log("Command: hincrby customer:100 name 10 | Error: ", err);

 * Set a filed of a hash to a larg integer value
 * Command:  hset bigboxhash max_test_field 9223372036854775806
 * Result: (integer) 1
commandResult = await redisClient.hSet(

  "Command: hset bigboxhash max_test_field 9223372036854775806 | Result: " +

 * Max value of allowed integer for 64-bit integer is 9,223,372,036,854,775,807
 * So if we try to increment max_test_field by 10 then it excedes the max integer limit
 * We get an error related to max value overflow
 * Command:  hincrby bigboxhash max_test_field 10
 * Result: (error) ERR increment or decrement would overflow
try {
  commandResult = await redisClient.hIncrBy("bigboxhash", "max_test_field", 10);

    "Command: hincrby bigboxhash max_test_field 10 | Result: " + commandResult
} catch (err) {
  console.log("Command: hincrby bigboxhash max_test_field 10 | Error: ", err);

 * Set field value of a has to large negative nubmer
 * Command:  hset bigboxhash max_test_field -9223372036854775709
 * Result: (integer) 0
commandResult = await redisClient.hSet(

  "Command: hset bigboxhash max_test_field -9223372036854775709 | Result: " +

 * Check the value, we se the negative value is set
 * as it is withing the limit of 64-bit signed integer
 * Command:  hget bigboxhash max_test_field
 * Result: "-9223372036854775709"
commandResult = await redisClient.hGet("bigboxhash", "max_test_field");

  "Command: hget bigboxhash max_test_field | Result: " + commandResult

 * Min value allowed as 64-bit int is -9,223,372,036,854,775,808
 * Try to decrease the value by 10
 * We get an error as the target value goes beyond the minimum integer value
 * Command:  hincrby bigboxhash max_test_field -100
 * Result: (error) ERR increment or decrement would overflow
try {
  commandResult = await redisClient.hIncrBy(

    "Command: hincrby bigboxhash max_test_field -100 | Result: " + commandResult
} catch (err) {
  console.log("Command: hincrby bigboxhash max_test_field -100 | Error: ", err);



Command: hset customer:100 name "Kenneth Braun" gender male age 42 order_count 1 | Result: 4
Command: hgetall customer:100 | Result:  [Object: null prototype] {
  name: 'Kenneth Braun',
  gender: 'male',
  age: '42',
  order_count: '1'
Command: hincrby customer:100 order_count 2 | Result: 3
Command: hget customer:100 order_count | Result: 3
Command: hget bigboxhash firstfield | Result: null
Command: hincrby bigboxhash firstfield 100 | Result: 100
Command: hget bigboxhash firstfield | Result: 100
Command: hget bigboxhash secondfield | Result: null
Command: hincrby bigboxhash secondfield 5 | Result: 5
Command: hget bigboxhash secondfield | Result: 5
Command: hincrby bigboxhash secondfield -3 | Result: 2
Command: hget bigboxhash secondfield | Result: 2
Command: hincrby bigboxhash secondfield -5 | Result: -3
Command: hget bigboxhash secondfield | Result: -3
Command: set bigboxstr "some str value here" | Result: OK
Command: hincrby bigboxstr field1 10 | Error:  [ErrorReply: WRONGTYPE Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value]
Command: hget customer:100 name | Result: Kenneth Braun
Command: hincrby customer:100 name 10 | Error:  [ErrorReply: ERR hash value is not an integer]
Command: hset bigboxhash max_test_field 9223372036854775806 | Result: 1
Command: hincrby bigboxhash max_test_field 10 | Error:  [ErrorReply: ERR increment or decrement would overflow]
Command: hset bigboxhash max_test_field -9223372036854775709 | Result: 0
Command: hget bigboxhash max_test_field | Result: -9223372036854775709
Command: hincrby bigboxhash max_test_field -100 | Error:  [ErrorReply: ERR increment or decrement would overflow]


  • Use the function “hIncrBy” of node-redis.
  • Signature of the method-
    function hIncrBy(key: RedisCommandArgument, field: RedisCommandArgument, increment: number)
// Redis HINCRBY Command example in Java

import redis.clients.jedis.Jedis;
import redis.clients.jedis.JedisPool;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

public class HIncrBy {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        JedisPool jedisPool = new JedisPool("localhost", 6379);

        try (Jedis jedis = jedisPool.getResource()) {

             * Set hash fields
             * Command:  hset customer:100 name "Kenneth Braun" gender male age 42 order_count 1
             * Result: (integer) 4
            Map<String, String> hashData = new HashMap<>() {{
                put("name", "Kenneth Braun");
                put("gender", "male");
                put("age", "42");
                put("order_count", "1");
            long hsetResult = jedis.hset("customer:100", hashData);

            System.out.println("Command: hset customer:100 name "Kenneth Braun" gender male age 42 order_count 1 | Result: " + hsetResult);

             * Check hash fields
             * Command:  hgetall customer:100
             * Result:
             *      1) "name"
             *      2) "Kenneth Braun"
             *      3) "gender"
             *      4) "male"
             *      5) "age"
             *      6) "42"
             *      7) "order_count"
             *      8) "1"
            Map<String, String> hgetAllResult = jedis.hgetAll("customer:100");

            System.out.println("Command: hgetall customer:100 | Result: " + hgetAllResult.toString());

             * Increament order_count field by 2
             * Command:  hincrby customer:100 order_count 2
             * Result: (integer) 3
            long hincrbyResult = jedis.hincrBy("customer:100", "order_count", 2);

            System.out.println("Command: hincrby customer:100 order_count 2 | Result: " + hincrbyResult);

             * Check the order_count field
             * Command:  hget customer:100 order_count
             * Result: "3"
            String hgetResult = jedis.hget("customer:100", "order_count");

            System.out.println("Command: hget customer:100 order_count | Result: " + hgetResult);

             * bigboxhash does not exist
             Check field of a non existing hash
             * Command:  hget bigboxhash firstfield
             * Result: (nil)
            hgetResult = jedis.hget("bigboxhash", "firstfield");

            System.out.println("Command: hget bigboxhash firstfield | Result: " + hgetResult);

             * Try to apply HINCRBY on a hash that does not exist
             * Command:   hincrby bigboxhash firstfield 100
             * Result: (integer) 100
            hincrbyResult = jedis.hincrBy("bigboxhash", "firstfield", 100);

            System.out.println("Command: hincrby bigboxhash firstfield 100 | Result: " + hincrbyResult);

             * Increament firstfield of bigboxhash
             * We see the increased value
             * Command:  hget bigboxhash firstfield
             * Result: "100"
            hgetResult = jedis.hget("bigboxhash", "firstfield");

            System.out.println("Command: hget bigboxhash firstfield | Result: " + hgetResult);

             * Check a non existing field, of a hash that exists
             * Command:  hget bigboxhash secondfield
             * Result: (nil)
            hgetResult = jedis.hget("bigboxhash", "secondfield");

            System.out.println("Command: hget bigboxhash secondfield | Result: " + hgetResult);

             * Implement HINCRBY on a non existing field
             * Command:   hincrby bigboxhash secondfield 5
             * Result: (integer) 5
            hincrbyResult = jedis.hincrBy("bigboxhash", "secondfield", 5);

            System.out.println("Command: hincrby bigboxhash secondfield 5 | Result: " + hincrbyResult);

             * Check the secondfield
             * Command:  hget bigboxhash secondfield
             * Result: "5"
            hgetResult = jedis.hget("bigboxhash", "secondfield");

            System.out.println("Command: hget bigboxhash secondfield | Result: " + hgetResult);

             * Use a negative value with HINCRBY
             * That will decrease the existing value
             * Command:   hincrby bigboxhash secondfield -3
             * Result: (integer) 2
            hincrbyResult = jedis.hincrBy("bigboxhash", "secondfield", -3);

            System.out.println("Command: hincrby bigboxhash secondfield -3 | Result: " + hincrbyResult);

             * Check secondfield value
             * Command:  hget bigboxhash secondfield
             * Result: "2"
            hgetResult = jedis.hget("bigboxhash", "secondfield");

            System.out.println("Command: hget bigboxhash secondfield | Result: " + hgetResult);

             * Decreament of the hash field by -5
             * Command:   hincrby bigboxhash secondfield -5
             * Result: (integer) -3
            hincrbyResult = jedis.hincrBy("bigboxhash", "secondfield", -5);

            System.out.println("Command: hincrby bigboxhash secondfield -5 | Result: " + hincrbyResult);

             * Check the secondfield value
             * Command:  hget bigboxhash secondfield
             * Result: "-3"
            hgetResult = jedis.hget("bigboxhash", "secondfield");

            System.out.println("Command: hget bigboxhash secondfield | Result: " + hgetResult);

             * Set a string key
             * Command:  set bigboxstr "some str value here"
             * Result: OK
            String setResult = jedis.set("bigboxstr", "some str value here");

            System.out.println("Command: set bigboxstr "some str value here" | Result: " + setResult);

             * Try to use HINCRBY on the string
             * We get an error as command is applied to a wrong data type
             * Command:   hincrby bigboxstr field1 10
             * Result: (error) WRONGTYPE Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value
            try {
                hincrbyResult = jedis.hincrBy("bigboxstr", "field1", 10);

                System.out.println("Command: hincrby bigboxstr field1 10 | Result: " + hincrbyResult);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                System.out.println("Command: hincrby bigboxstr field1 10 | Error: " + e.getMessage());

             * Check cutsomer name
             * Command:  hget customer:100 name
             * Result: "Kenneth Braun"
            hgetResult = jedis.hget("customer:100", "name");

            System.out.println("Command: hget customer:100 name | Result: " + hgetResult);

             * Try to apply HINCRBY on the name field
             * We get an error, as the field has string value
             * Command:   hincrby customer:100 name 10
             * Result: (error) ERR hash value is not an integer
            try {
                hincrbyResult = jedis.hincrBy("customer:100", "name", 10);

                System.out.println("Command: hincrby customer:100 name 10 | Result: " + hincrbyResult);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                System.out.println("Command: hincrby customer:100 name 10 | Error: " + e.getMessage());

             * Set a filed of a hash to a larg integer value
             * Command:  hset bigboxhash max_test_field 9223372036854775806
             * Result: (integer) 1
            hsetResult = jedis.hset("bigboxhash", "max_test_field", "9223372036854775806");

            System.out.println("Command: hset bigboxhash max_test_field 9223372036854775806 | Result: " + hsetResult);

             * Max value of allowed integer for 64-bit integer is 9,223,372,036,854,775,807
             * So if we try to increment max_test_field by 10 then it excedes the max integer limit
             * We get an error related to max value overflow
             * Command:  hincrby bigboxhash max_test_field 10
             * Result: (error) ERR increment or decrement would overflow
            try {
                hincrbyResult = jedis.hincrBy("bigboxhash", "max_test_field", 10);

                System.out.println("Command: hincrby bigboxhash max_test_field 10 | Result: " + hincrbyResult);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                System.out.println("Command: hincrby bigboxhash max_test_field 10 | Error: " + e.getMessage());

             * Set field value of a has to large negative nubmer
             * Command:  hset bigboxhash max_test_field -9223372036854775709
             * Result: (integer) 0
            hsetResult = jedis.hset("bigboxhash", "max_test_field", "-9223372036854775709");

            System.out.println("Command: hset bigboxhash max_test_field -9223372036854775709 | Result: " + hsetResult);

             * Check the value, we se the negative value is set
             * as it is withing the limit of 64-bit signed integer
             * Command:  hget bigboxhash max_test_field
             * Result: "-9223372036854775709"
            hgetResult = jedis.hget("bigboxhash", "max_test_field");

            System.out.println("Command: hget bigboxhash max_test_field | Result: " + hgetResult);

             * Min value allowed as 64-bit int is -9,223,372,036,854,775,808
             * Try to decrease the value by 10
             * We get an error as the target value goes beyond the minimum integer value
             * Command:  hincrby bigboxhash max_test_field -100
             * Result: (error) ERR increment or decrement would overflow
            try {
                hincrbyResult = jedis.hincrBy("bigboxhash", "max_test_field", -100);

                System.out.println("Command: hincrby bigboxhash max_test_field -100 | Result: " + hincrbyResult);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                System.out.println("Command: hincrby bigboxhash max_test_field -100 | Error: " + e.getMessage());




Command: hset customer:100 name "Kenneth Braun" gender male age 42 order_count 1 | Result: 4
Command: hgetall customer:100 | Result: {gender=male, order_count=1, name=Kenneth Braun, age=42}

Command: hincrby customer:100 order_count 2 | Result: 3
Command: hget customer:100 order_count | Result: 3

Command: hget bigboxhash firstfield | Result: null
Command: hincrby bigboxhash firstfield 100 | Result: 100

Command: hget bigboxhash firstfield | Result: 100

Command: hget bigboxhash secondfield | Result: null
Command: hincrby bigboxhash secondfield 5 | Result: 5
Command: hget bigboxhash secondfield | Result: 5

Command: hincrby bigboxhash secondfield -3 | Result: 2
Command: hget bigboxhash secondfield | Result: 2

Command: hincrby bigboxhash secondfield -5 | Result: -3
Command: hget bigboxhash secondfield | Result: -3

Command: set bigboxstr "some str value here" | Result: OK
Command: hincrby bigboxstr field1 10 | Error: WRONGTYPE Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value

Command: hget customer:100 name | Result: Kenneth Braun
Command: hincrby customer:100 name 10 | Error: ERR hash value is not an integer

Command: hset bigboxhash max_test_field 9223372036854775806 | Result: 1
Command: hincrby bigboxhash max_test_field 10 | Error: ERR increment or decrement would overflow

Command: hset bigboxhash max_test_field -9223372036854775709 | Result: 0
Command: hget bigboxhash max_test_field | Result: -9223372036854775709
Command: hincrby bigboxhash max_test_field -100 | Error: ERR increment or decrement would overflow


  • Use method “hincrby” from Jedis package.
  • The signature of the method is-
    public long hincrBy(final String key, final String field, final long value)
// Redis HINCRBY command examples in C#

using StackExchange.Redis;

namespace HIncrBy
    internal class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            ConnectionMultiplexer redis = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect("localhost");
            IDatabase rdb = redis.GetDatabase();

             * Set hash fields
             * Command:  hset customer:100 name "Kenneth Braun" gender male age 42 order_count 1
             * Result: (integer) 4
            HashEntry[] hashData = new HashEntry[] {
                new HashEntry("name", "Kenneth Braun"),
                new HashEntry("gender", "male"),
                new HashEntry("state", "California"),
                new HashEntry("age", "42"),
                new HashEntry("order_count", "1"),
            rdb.HashSet("customer:100", hashData);

            Console.WriteLine("Command: hset customer:100 name "Kenneth Braun" gender male age 42 order_count 1");

             * Check hash fields
             * Command:  hgetall customer:100
             * Result:
             *      1) "name"
             *      2) "Kenneth Braun"
             *      3) "gender"
             *      4) "male"
             *      5) "age"
             *      6) "42"
             *      7) "order_count"
             *      8) "1"
            HashEntry[] hgetAllResult = rdb.HashGetAll("customer:100");

            Console.WriteLine("Command: hgetall customer:100 | Result: ", String.Join(",", hgetAllResult));

             * Increament order_count field by 2
             * Command:  hincrby customer:100 order_count 2
             * Result: (integer) 3
            long hincrbyResult = rdb.HashIncrement("customer:100", "order_count", 2);

            Console.WriteLine("Command: hincrby customer:100 order_count 2 | Result: " + hincrbyResult);

             * Check the order_count field
             * Command:  hget customer:100 order_count
             * Result: "3"
            RedisValue hgetResult = rdb.HashGet("customer:100", "order_count");

            Console.WriteLine("Command: hget customer:100 order_count | Result: " + hgetResult);

             * bigboxhash does not exist
             Check field of a non existing hash
             * Command:  hget bigboxhash firstfield
             * Result: (nil)
            hgetResult = rdb.HashGet("bigboxhash", "firstfield");

            Console.WriteLine("Command: hget bigboxhash firstfield | Result: " + hgetResult);

             * Try to apply HINCRBY on a hash that does not exist
             * Command:   hincrby bigboxhash firstfield 100
             * Result: (integer) 100
            hincrbyResult = rdb.HashIncrement("bigboxhash", "firstfield", 100);

            Console.WriteLine("Command: hincrby bigboxhash firstfield 100 | Result: " + hincrbyResult);

             * Increament firstfield of bigboxhash
             * We see the increased value
             * Command:  hget bigboxhash firstfield
             * Result: "100"
            hgetResult = rdb.HashGet("bigboxhash", "firstfield");

            Console.WriteLine("Command: hget bigboxhash firstfield | Result: " + hgetResult);

             * Check a non existing field, of a hash that exists
             * Command:  hget bigboxhash secondfield
             * Result: (nil)
            hgetResult = rdb.HashGet("bigboxhash", "secondfield");

            Console.WriteLine("Command: hget bigboxhash secondfield | Result: " + hgetResult);

             * Implement HINCRBY on a non existing field
             * Command:   hincrby bigboxhash secondfield 5
             * Result: (integer) 5
            hincrbyResult = rdb.HashIncrement("bigboxhash", "secondfield", 5);

            Console.WriteLine("Command: hincrby bigboxhash secondfield 5 | Result: " + hincrbyResult);

             * Check the secondfield
             * Command:  hget bigboxhash secondfield
             * Result: "5"
            hgetResult = rdb.HashGet("bigboxhash", "secondfield");

            Console.WriteLine("Command: hget bigboxhash secondfield | Result: " + hgetResult);

             * Use a negative value with HINCRBY
             * That will decrease the existing value
             * Command:   hincrby bigboxhash secondfield -3
             * Result: (integer) 2
            hincrbyResult = rdb.HashIncrement("bigboxhash", "secondfield", -3);

            Console.WriteLine("Command: hincrby bigboxhash secondfield -3 | Result: " + hincrbyResult);

             * Check secondfield value
             * Command:  hget bigboxhash secondfield
             * Result: "2"
            hgetResult = rdb.HashGet("bigboxhash", "secondfield");

            Console.WriteLine("Command: hget bigboxhash secondfield | Result: " + hgetResult);

             * Decreament of the hash field by -5
             * Command:   hincrby bigboxhash secondfield -5
             * Result: (integer) -3
            hincrbyResult = rdb.HashIncrement("bigboxhash", "secondfield", -5);

            Console.WriteLine("Command: hincrby bigboxhash secondfield -5 | Result: " + hincrbyResult);

             * Check the secondfield value
             * Command:  hget bigboxhash secondfield
             * Result: "-3"
            hgetResult = rdb.HashGet("bigboxhash", "secondfield");

            Console.WriteLine("Command: hget bigboxhash secondfield | Result: " + hgetResult);

             * Set a string key
             * Command:  set bigboxstr "some str value here"
             * Result: OK
            bool setResult = rdb.StringSet("bigboxstr", "some str value here");

            Console.WriteLine("Command: set bigboxstr "some str value here" | Result: " + setResult);

             * Try to use HINCRBY on the string
             * We get an error as command is applied to a wrong data type
             * Command:   hincrby bigboxstr field1 10
             * Result: (error) WRONGTYPE Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value
                hincrbyResult = rdb.HashIncrement("bigboxstr", "field1", 10);

                Console.WriteLine("Command: hincrby bigboxstr field1 10 | Result: " + hincrbyResult);
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("Command: hincrby bigboxstr field1 10 | Error: " + e.Message);

             * Check cutsomer name
             * Command:  hget customer:100 name
             * Result: "Kenneth Braun"
            hgetResult = rdb.HashGet("customer:100", "name");

            Console.WriteLine("Command: hget customer:100 name | Result: " + hgetResult);

             * Try to apply HINCRBY on the name field
             * We get an error, as the field has string value
             * Command:   hincrby customer:100 name 10
             * Result: (error) ERR hash value is not an integer
                hincrbyResult = rdb.HashIncrement("customer:100", "name", 10);

                Console.WriteLine("Command: hincrby customer:100 name 10 | Result: " + hincrbyResult);
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("Command: hincrby customer:100 name 10 | Error: " + e.Message);

             * Set a filed of a hash to a larg integer value
             * Command:  hset bigboxhash max_test_field 9223372036854775806
             * Result: (integer) 1
            bool hsetResult = rdb.HashSet("bigboxhash", "max_test_field", "9223372036854775806");

            Console.WriteLine("Command: hset bigboxhash max_test_field 9223372036854775806 | Result: " + hsetResult);

             * Max value of allowed integer for 64-bit integer is 9,223,372,036,854,775,807
             * So if we try to increment max_test_field by 10 then it excedes the max integer limit
             * We get an error related to max value overflow
             * Command:  hincrby bigboxhash max_test_field 10
             * Result: (error) ERR increment or decrement would overflow
                hincrbyResult = rdb.HashIncrement("bigboxhash", "max_test_field", 10);

                Console.WriteLine("Command: hincrby bigboxhash max_test_field 10 | Result: " + hincrbyResult);
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("Command: hincrby bigboxhash max_test_field 10 | Error: " + e.Message);

             * Set field value of a has to large negative nubmer
             * Command:  hset bigboxhash max_test_field -9223372036854775709
             * Result: (integer) 0
            hsetResult = rdb.HashSet("bigboxhash", "max_test_field", "-9223372036854775709");

            Console.WriteLine("Command: hset bigboxhash max_test_field -9223372036854775709 | Result: " + hsetResult);

             * Check the value, we se the negative value is set
             * as it is withing the limit of 64-bit signed integer
             * Command:  hget bigboxhash max_test_field
             * Result: "-9223372036854775709"
            hgetResult = rdb.HashGet("bigboxhash", "max_test_field");

            Console.WriteLine("Command: hget bigboxhash max_test_field | Result: " + hgetResult);

             * Min value allowed as 64-bit int is -9,223,372,036,854,775,808
             * Try to decrease the value by 10
             * We get an error as the target value goes beyond the minimum integer value
             * Command:  hincrby bigboxhash max_test_field -100
             * Result: (error) ERR increment or decrement would overflow
                hincrbyResult = rdb.HashIncrement("bigboxhash", "max_test_field", -100);

                Console.WriteLine("Command: hincrby bigboxhash max_test_field -100 | Result: " + hincrbyResult);
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("Command: hincrby bigboxhash max_test_field -100 | Error: " + e.Message);


Command: hset customer:100 name "Kenneth Braun" gender male age 42 order_count 1
Command: hgetall customer:100 | Result:
Command: hincrby customer:100 order_count 2 | Result: 3
Command: hget customer:100 order_count | Result: 3
Command: hget bigboxhash firstfield | Result:
Command: hincrby bigboxhash firstfield 100 | Result: 100
Command: hget bigboxhash firstfield | Result: 100
Command: hget bigboxhash secondfield | Result:
Command: hincrby bigboxhash secondfield 5 | Result: 5
Command: hget bigboxhash secondfield | Result: 5
Command: hincrby bigboxhash secondfield -3 | Result: 2
Command: hget bigboxhash secondfield | Result: 2
Command: hincrby bigboxhash secondfield -5 | Result: -3
Command: hget bigboxhash secondfield | Result: -3
Command: set bigboxstr "some str value here" | Result: True
Command: hincrby bigboxstr field1 10 | Error: WRONGTYPE Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value
Command: hget customer:100 name | Result: Kenneth Braun
Command: hincrby customer:100 name 10 | Error: ERR hash value is not an integer
Command: hset bigboxhash max_test_field 9223372036854775806 | Result: True
Command: hincrby bigboxhash max_test_field 10 | Error: ERR increment or decrement would overflow
Command: hset bigboxhash max_test_field -9223372036854775709 | Result: False
Command: hget bigboxhash max_test_field | Result: -9223372036854775709
Command: hincrby bigboxhash max_test_field -100 | Error: ERR increment or decrement would overflow


  • Use the method “HashIncrement” from StackExchange.Redis.
  • Signatures of the method are-
    • long HashIncrement(RedisKey key, RedisValue hashField, long value = 1, CommandFlags flags = CommandFlags.None)
    • double HashIncrement(RedisKey key, RedisValue hashField, double value, CommandFlags flags = CommandFlags.None)
// Redis HINCRBY command example in PHP

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

// Connect to Redis
$redisClient = new PredisClient([
    'scheme' => 'tcp',
    'host' => 'localhost',
    'port' => 6379,

 * Set hash fields
 * Command:  hset customer:100 name "Kenneth Braun" gender male age 42 order_count 1
 * Result: (integer) 4
$commandResult = $redisClient->hset("customer:100",
    "name", "Kenneth Braun",
    "gender", "male",
    "age", "42",
    "order_count", "1"

echo "Command: hset customer:100 name "Kenneth Braun" gender male age 42 order_count 1 | Result: " . $commandResult . "n";

 * Check hash fields
 * Command:  hgetall customer:100
 * Result:
 *      1) "name"
 *      2) "Kenneth Braun"
 *      3) "gender"
 *      4) "male"
 *      5) "age"
 *      6) "42"
 *      7) "order_count"
 *      8) "1"
$commandResult = $redisClient->hgetall("customer:100");

echo "Command: hgetall customer:100 | Result: ";

 * Increament order_count field by 2
 * Command:  hincrby customer:100 order_count 2
 * Result: (integer) 3
$commandResult = $redisClient->hincrby("customer:100", "order_count", 2);

echo "Command: hincrby customer:100 order_count 2 | Result: " . $commandResult . "n";

 * Check the order_count field
 * Command:  hget customer:100 order_count
 * Result: "3"
$commandResult = $redisClient->hget("customer:100", "order_count");

echo "Command: hget customer:100 order_count | Result: " . $commandResult . "n";

 * bigboxhash does not exist
 Check field of a non existing hash
    * Command:  hget bigboxhash firstfield
    * Result: (nil)
$commandResult = $redisClient->hget("bigboxhash", "firstfield");

echo "Command: hget bigboxhash firstfield | Result: " . $commandResult . "n";

 * Try to apply HINCRBY on a hash that does not exist
 * Command:   hincrby bigboxhash firstfield 100
 * Result: (integer) 100
$commandResult = $redisClient->hincrby("bigboxhash", "firstfield", 100);

echo "Command: hincrby bigboxhash firstfield 100 | Result: " . $commandResult . "n";

 * Increament firstfield of bigboxhash
 * We see the increased value
 * Command:  hget bigboxhash firstfield
 * Result: "100"
$commandResult = $redisClient->hget("bigboxhash", "firstfield");

echo "Command: hget bigboxhash firstfield | Result: " . $commandResult . "n";

 * Check a non existing field, of a hash that exists
 * Command:  hget bigboxhash secondfield
 * Result: (nil)
$commandResult = $redisClient->hget("bigboxhash", "secondfield");

echo "Command: hget bigboxhash secondfield | Result: " . $commandResult . "n";

 * Implement HINCRBY on a non existing field
 * Command:   hincrby bigboxhash secondfield 5
 * Result: (integer) 5
$commandResult = $redisClient->hincrby("bigboxhash", "secondfield", 5);

echo "Command: hincrby bigboxhash secondfield 5 | Result: " . $commandResult . "n";

 * Check the secondfield
 * Command:  hget bigboxhash secondfield
 * Result: "5"
$commandResult = $redisClient->hget("bigboxhash", "secondfield");

echo "Command: hget bigboxhash secondfield | Result: " . $commandResult . "n";

 * Use a negative value with HINCRBY
 * That will decrease the existing value
 * Command:   hincrby bigboxhash secondfield -3
 * Result: (integer) 2
$commandResult = $redisClient->hincrby("bigboxhash", "secondfield", -3);

echo "Command: hincrby bigboxhash secondfield -3 | Result: " . $commandResult . "n";

 * Check secondfield value
 * Command:  hget bigboxhash secondfield
 * Result: "2"
$commandResult = $redisClient->hget("bigboxhash", "secondfield");

echo "Command: hget bigboxhash secondfield | Result: " . $commandResult . "n";

 * Decreament of the hash field by -5
 * Command:   hincrby bigboxhash secondfield -5
 * Result: (integer) -3
$commandResult = $redisClient->hincrby("bigboxhash", "secondfield", -5);

echo "Command: hincrby bigboxhash secondfield -5 | Result: " . $commandResult . "n";

 * Check the secondfield value
 * Command:  hget bigboxhash secondfield
 * Result: "-3"
$commandResult = $redisClient->hget("bigboxhash", "secondfield");

echo "Command: hget bigboxhash secondfield | Result: " . $commandResult . "n";

 * Set a string key
 * Command:  set bigboxstr "some str value here"
 * Result: OK
$commandResult = $redisClient->set("bigboxstr", "some str value here");

echo "Command: set bigboxstr "some str value here" | Result: " . $commandResult . "n";

 * Try to use HINCRBY on the string
 * We get an error as command is applied to a wrong data type
 * Command:   hincrby bigboxstr field1 10
 * Result: (error) WRONGTYPE Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value
try {
    $commandResult = $redisClient->hincrby("bigboxstr", "field1", 10);

    echo "Command: hincrby bigboxstr field1 10 | Result: " . $commandResult . "n";
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo "Command: hincrby bigboxstr field1 10 | Error: " . $e->getMessage() . "n";

 * Check cutsomer name
 * Command:  hget customer:100 name
 * Result: "Kenneth Braun"
$commandResult = $redisClient->hget("customer:100", "name");

echo "Command: hget customer:100 name | Result: " . $commandResult . "n";

 * Try to apply HINCRBY on the name field
 * We get an error, as the field has string value
 * Command:   hincrby customer:100 name 10
 * Result: (error) ERR hash value is not an integer
try {
    $commandResult = $redisClient->hincrby("customer:100", "name", 10);

    echo "Command: hincrby customer:100 name 10 | Result: " . $commandResult . "n";
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo "Command: hincrby customer:100 name 10 | Error: " . $e->getMessage() . "n";

 * Set a filed of a hash to a larg integer value
 * Command:  hset bigboxhash max_test_field 9223372036854775806
 * Result: (integer) 1
$commandResult = $redisClient->hset("bigboxhash", "max_test_field", "9223372036854775806");

echo "Command: hset bigboxhash max_test_field 9223372036854775806 | Result: " . $commandResult . "n";

 * Max value of allowed integer for 64-bit integer is 9,223,372,036,854,775,807
 * So if we try to increment max_test_field by 10 then it excedes the max integer limit
 * We get an error related to max value overflow
 * Command:  hincrby bigboxhash max_test_field 10
 * Result: (error) ERR increment or decrement would overflow
try {
    $commandResult = $redisClient->hincrby("bigboxhash", "max_test_field", 10);

    echo "Command: hincrby bigboxhash max_test_field 10 | Result: " . $commandResult . "n";
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo "Command: hincrby bigboxhash max_test_field 10 | Error: " . $e->getMessage() . "n";

 * Set field value of a has to large negative nubmer
 * Command:  hset bigboxhash max_test_field -9223372036854775709
 * Result: (integer) 0
$commandResult = $redisClient->hset("bigboxhash", "max_test_field", "-9223372036854775709");

echo "Command: hset bigboxhash max_test_field -9223372036854775709 | Result: " . $commandResult . "n";

 * Check the value, we se the negative value is set
 * as it is withing the limit of 64-bit signed integer
 * Command:  hget bigboxhash max_test_field
 * Result: "-9223372036854775709"
$commandResult = $redisClient->hget("bigboxhash", "max_test_field");

echo "Command: hget bigboxhash max_test_field | Result: " . $commandResult . "n";

 * Min value allowed as 64-bit int is -9,223,372,036,854,775,808
 * Try to decrease the value by 10
 * We get an error as the target value goes beyond the minimum integer value
 * Command:  hincrby bigboxhash max_test_field -100
 * Result: (error) ERR increment or decrement would overflow
try {
    $commandResult = $redisClient->hincrby("bigboxhash", "max_test_field", -100);

    echo "Command: hincrby bigboxhash max_test_field -100 | Result: " . $commandResult . "n";
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo "Command: hincrby bigboxhash max_test_field -100 | Error: " . $e->getMessage() . "n";


Command: hset customer:100 name "Kenneth Braun" gender male age 42 order_count 1 | Result: 4
Command: hgetall customer:100 | Result: Array
    [name] => Kenneth Braun
    [gender] => male
    [age] => 42
    [order_count] => 1
Command: hincrby customer:100 order_count 2 | Result: 3
Command: hget customer:100 order_count | Result: 3
Command: hget bigboxhash firstfield | Result:
Command: hincrby bigboxhash firstfield 100 | Result: 100
Command: hget bigboxhash firstfield | Result: 100
Command: hget bigboxhash secondfield | Result:
Command: hincrby bigboxhash secondfield 5 | Result: 5
Command: hget bigboxhash secondfield | Result: 5
Command: hincrby bigboxhash secondfield -3 | Result: 2
Command: hget bigboxhash secondfield | Result: 2
Command: hincrby bigboxhash secondfield -5 | Result: -3
Command: hget bigboxhash secondfield | Result: -3
Command: set bigboxstr "some str value here" | Result: OK
Command: hincrby bigboxstr field1 10 | Error: WRONGTYPE Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value
Command: hget customer:100 name | Result: Kenneth Braun
Command: hincrby customer:100 name 10 | Error: ERR hash value is not an integer
Command: hset bigboxhash max_test_field 9223372036854775806 | Result: 1
Command: hincrby bigboxhash max_test_field 10 | Error: ERR increment or decrement would overflow
Command: hset bigboxhash max_test_field -9223372036854775709 | Result: 0
Command: hget bigboxhash max_test_field | Result: -9223372036854775709
Command: hincrby bigboxhash max_test_field -100 | Error: ERR increment or decrement would overflow


  • Use the method “hincrby” of predis.
  • Signature of the method is-
    hincrby(string $key, string $field, int $increment): int
# Redis HINCRBY command example in Python

import redis
import time

# Create Redis client
redisClient = redis.Redis(
    host="localhost", port=6379, username="default", password="", decode_responses=True

# Set hash fields
# Command:  hset customer:100 name "Kenneth Braun" gender male age 42 order_count 1
# Result: (integer) 4
commandResult = redisClient.hset(
        "name": "Kenneth Braun",
        "gender": "male",
        "age": "42",
        "order_count": "1",

    'Command: hset customer:100 name "Kenneth Braun" gender male age 42 order_count 1 | Result: {}'.format(

# Check hash fields
# Command:  hgetall customer:100
# Result:
#      1) "name"
#      2) "Kenneth Braun"
#      3) "gender"
#      4) "male"
#      5) "age"
#      6) "42"
#      7) "order_count"
#      8) "1"
commandResult = redisClient.hgetall("customer:100")

print("Command: hgetall customer:100 | Result: {}".format(commandResult))

# Increament order_count field by 2
# Command:  hincrby customer:100 order_count 2
# Result: (integer) 3
commandResult = redisClient.hincrby("customer:100", "order_count", 2)

print("Command: hincrby customer:100 order_count 2 | Result: {}".format(commandResult))

# Check the order_count field
# Command:  hget customer:100 order_count
# Result: "3"
commandResult = redisClient.hget("customer:100", "order_count")

print("Command: hget customer:100 order_count | Result: {}".format(commandResult))

# bigboxhash does not exist
# Check field of a non existing hash
# Command:  hget bigboxhash firstfield
# Result: (nil)
commandResult = redisClient.hget("bigboxhash", "firstfield")

print("Command: hget bigboxhash firstfield | Result: {}".format(commandResult))

# Try to apply HINCRBY on a hash that does not exist
# Command:   hincrby bigboxhash firstfield 100
# Result: (integer) 100
commandResult = redisClient.hincrby("bigboxhash", "firstfield", 100)

print("Command: hincrby bigboxhash firstfield 100 | Result: {}".format(commandResult))

# Increament firstfield of bigboxhash
# We see the increased value
# Command:  hget bigboxhash firstfield
# Result: "100"
commandResult = redisClient.hget("bigboxhash", "firstfield")

print("Command: hget bigboxhash firstfield | Result: {}".format(commandResult))

# Check a non existing field, of a hash that exists
# Command:  hget bigboxhash secondfield
# Result: (nil)
commandResult = redisClient.hget("bigboxhash", "secondfield")

print("Command: hget bigboxhash secondfield | Result: {}".format(commandResult))

# Implement HINCRBY on a non existing field
# Command:   hincrby bigboxhash secondfield 5
# Result: (integer) 5
commandResult = redisClient.hincrby("bigboxhash", "secondfield", 5)

print("Command: hincrby bigboxhash secondfield 5 | Result: {}".format(commandResult))

# Check the secondfield
# Command:  hget bigboxhash secondfield
# Result: "5"
commandResult = redisClient.hget("bigboxhash", "secondfield")

print("Command: hget bigboxhash secondfield | Result: {}".format(commandResult))

# Use a negative value with HINCRBY
# That will decrease the existing value
# Command:   hincrby bigboxhash secondfield -3
# Result: (integer) 2
commandResult = redisClient.hincrby("bigboxhash", "secondfield", -3)

print("Command: hincrby bigboxhash secondfield -3 | Result: {}".format(commandResult))

# Check secondfield value
# Command:  hget bigboxhash secondfield
# Result: "2"
commandResult = redisClient.hget("bigboxhash", "secondfield")

print("Command: hget bigboxhash secondfield | Result: {}".format(commandResult))

# Decreament of the hash field by -5
# Command:   hincrby bigboxhash secondfield -5
# Result: (integer) -3
commandResult = redisClient.hincrby("bigboxhash", "secondfield", -5)

print("Command: hincrby bigboxhash secondfield -5 | Result: {}".format(commandResult))

# Check the secondfield value
# Command:  hget bigboxhash secondfield
# Result: "-3"
commandResult = redisClient.hget("bigboxhash", "secondfield")

print("Command: hget bigboxhash secondfield | Result: {}".format(commandResult))

# Set a string key
# Command:  set bigboxstr "some str value here"
# Result: OK
commandResult = redisClient.set("bigboxstr", "some str value here")

print('Command: set bigboxstr "some str value here" | Result: {}'.format(commandResult))

# Try to use HINCRBY on the string
# We get an error as command is applied to a wrong data type
# Command:   hincrby bigboxstr field1 10
# Result: (error) WRONGTYPE Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value
    commandResult = redisClient.hincrby("bigboxstr", "field1", 10)

    print("Command: hincrby bigboxstr field1 10 | Result: {}".format(commandResult))
except Exception as error:
    print("Command: hincrby bigboxstr field1 10 | Error: ", error)

# Check cutsomer name
# Command:  hget customer:100 name
# Result: "Kenneth Braun"
commandResult = redisClient.hget("customer:100", "name")

print("Command: hget customer:100 name | Result: {}".format(commandResult))

# Try to apply HINCRBY on the name field
# We get an error, as the field has string value
# Command:   hincrby customer:100 name 10
# Result: (error) ERR hash value is not an integer
    commandResult = redisClient.hincrby("customer:100", "name", 10)

    print("Command: hincrby customer:100 name 10 | Result: {}".format(commandResult))
except Exception as error:
    print("Command: hincrby customer:100 name 10 | Error: ", error)

# Set a filed of a hash to a larg integer value
# Command:  hset bigboxhash max_test_field 9223372036854775806
# Result: (integer) 1
commandResult = redisClient.hset("bigboxhash", "max_test_field", "9223372036854775806")

    "Command: hset bigboxhash max_test_field 9223372036854775806 | Result: {}".format(

# Max value of allowed integer for 64-bit integer is 9,223,372,036,854,775,807
# So if we try to increment max_test_field by 10 then it excedes the max integer limit
# We get an error related to max value overflow
# Command:  hincrby bigboxhash max_test_field 10
# Result: (error) ERR increment or decrement would overflow
    commandResult = redisClient.hincrby("bigboxhash", "max_test_field", 10)

        "Command: hincrby bigboxhash max_test_field 10 | Result: {}".format(
except Exception as error:
    print("Command: hincrby bigboxhash max_test_field 10 | Error: ", error)

# Set field value of a has to large negative nubmer
# Command:  hset bigboxhash max_test_field -9223372036854775709
# Result: (integer) 0
commandResult = redisClient.hset("bigboxhash", "max_test_field", "-9223372036854775709")

    "Command: hset bigboxhash max_test_field -9223372036854775709 | Result: {}".format(

# Check the value, we se the negative value is set
# as it is withing the limit of 64-bit signed integer
# Command:  hget bigboxhash max_test_field
# Result: "-9223372036854775709"
commandResult = redisClient.hget("bigboxhash", "max_test_field")

print("Command: hget bigboxhash max_test_field | Result: {}".format(commandResult))

# Min value allowed as 64-bit int is -9,223,372,036,854,775,808
# Try to decrease the value by 10
# We get an error as the target value goes beyond the minimum integer value
# Command:  hincrby bigboxhash max_test_field -100
# Result: (error) ERR increment or decrement would overflow
    commandResult = redisClient.hincrby("bigboxhash", "max_test_field", -100)

        "Command: hincrby bigboxhash max_test_field -100 | Result: {}".format(
except Exception as error:
    print("Command: hincrby bigboxhash max_test_field -100 | Error: ", error)


Command: hset customer:100 name "Kenneth Braun" gender male age 42 order_count 1 | Result: 4
Command: hgetall customer:100 | Result: {'name': 'Kenneth Braun', 'gender': 'male', 'age': '42', 'order_count': '1'}
Command: hincrby customer:100 order_count 2 | Result: 3
Command: hget customer:100 order_count | Result: 3
Command: hget bigboxhash firstfield | Result: None
Command: hincrby bigboxhash firstfield 100 | Result: 100
Command: hget bigboxhash firstfield | Result: 100
Command: hget bigboxhash secondfield | Result: None
Command: hincrby bigboxhash secondfield 5 | Result: 5
Command: hget bigboxhash secondfield | Result: 5
Command: hincrby bigboxhash secondfield -3 | Result: 2
Command: hget bigboxhash secondfield | Result: 2
Command: hincrby bigboxhash secondfield -5 | Result: -3
Command: hget bigboxhash secondfield | Result: -3
Command: set bigboxstr "some str value here" | Result: True
Command: hincrby bigboxstr field1 10 | Error:  WRONGTYPE Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value
Command: hget customer:100 name | Result: Kenneth Braun
Command: hincrby customer:100 name 10 | Error:  hash value is not an integer
Command: hset bigboxhash max_test_field 9223372036854775806 | Result: 1
Command: hincrby bigboxhash max_test_field 10 | Error:  increment or decrement would overflow
Command: hset bigboxhash max_test_field -9223372036854775709 | Result: 0
Command: hget bigboxhash max_test_field | Result: -9223372036854775709
Command: hincrby bigboxhash max_test_field -100 | Error:  increment or decrement would overflow


  • Use method “hincrby” from redis-py.
  • Signature of the method is –
    def hincrby(self, name: str, key: str, amount: int = 1) -> Union[Awaitable[int], int]
# Redis HINCRBY command example in Ruby

require 'redis'

redis = "localhost", port: 6379)

# Set hash fields
# Command:  hset customer:100 name "Kenneth Braun" gender male age 42 order_count 1
# Result: (integer) 4
commandResult = redis.hset(
        "name" => "Kenneth Braun",
        "gender" => "male",
        "age" => "42",
        "order_count" => "1",

print("Command: hset customer:100 name "Kenneth Braun" gender male age 42 order_count 1 | Result: ", commandResult, "n")

# Check hash fields
# Command:  hgetall customer:100
# Result:
#      1) "name"
#      2) "Kenneth Braun"
#      3) "gender"
#      4) "male"
#      5) "age"
#      6) "42"
#      7) "order_count"
#      8) "1"
commandResult = redis.hgetall("customer:100")

print("Command: hgetall customer:100 | Result: ", commandResult, "n")

# Increament order_count field by 2
# Command:  hincrby customer:100 order_count 2
# Result: (integer) 3
commandResult = redis.hincrby("customer:100", "order_count", 2)

print("Command: hincrby customer:100 order_count 2 | Result: ", commandResult, "n")

# Check the order_count field
# Command:  hget customer:100 order_count
# Result: "3"
commandResult = redis.hget("customer:100", "order_count")

print("Command: hget customer:100 order_count | Result: ", commandResult, "n")

# bigboxhash does not exist
# Check field of a non existing hash
# Command:  hget bigboxhash firstfield
# Result: (nil)
commandResult = redis.hget("bigboxhash", "firstfield")

print("Command: hget bigboxhash firstfield | Result: ", commandResult, "n")

# Try to apply HINCRBY on a hash that does not exist
# Command:   hincrby bigboxhash firstfield 100
# Result: (integer) 100
commandResult = redis.hincrby("bigboxhash", "firstfield", 100)

print("Command: hincrby bigboxhash firstfield 100 | Result: ", commandResult, "n")

# Increament firstfield of bigboxhash
# We see the increased value
# Command:  hget bigboxhash firstfield
# Result: "100"
commandResult = redis.hget("bigboxhash", "firstfield")

print("Command: hget bigboxhash firstfield | Result: ", commandResult, "n")

# Check a non existing field, of a hash that exists
# Command:  hget bigboxhash secondfield
# Result: (nil)
commandResult = redis.hget("bigboxhash", "secondfield")

print("Command: hget bigboxhash secondfield | Result: ", commandResult, "n")

# Implement HINCRBY on a non existing field
# Command:   hincrby bigboxhash secondfield 5
# Result: (integer) 5
commandResult = redis.hincrby("bigboxhash", "secondfield", 5)

print("Command: hincrby bigboxhash secondfield 5 | Result: ", commandResult, "n")

# Check the secondfield
# Command:  hget bigboxhash secondfield
# Result: "5"
commandResult = redis.hget("bigboxhash", "secondfield")

print("Command: hget bigboxhash secondfield | Result: ", commandResult, "n")

# Use a negative value with HINCRBY
# That will decrease the existing value
# Command:   hincrby bigboxhash secondfield -3
# Result: (integer) 2
commandResult = redis.hincrby("bigboxhash", "secondfield", -3)

print("Command: hincrby bigboxhash secondfield -3 | Result: ", commandResult, "n")

# Check secondfield value
# Command:  hget bigboxhash secondfield
# Result: "2"
commandResult = redis.hget("bigboxhash", "secondfield")

print("Command: hget bigboxhash secondfield | Result: ", commandResult, "n")

# Decreament of the hash field by -5
# Command:   hincrby bigboxhash secondfield -5
# Result: (integer) -3
commandResult = redis.hincrby("bigboxhash", "secondfield", -5)

print("Command: hincrby bigboxhash secondfield -5 | Result: ", commandResult, "n")

# Check the secondfield value
# Command:  hget bigboxhash secondfield
# Result: "-3"
commandResult = redis.hget("bigboxhash", "secondfield")

print("Command: hget bigboxhash secondfield | Result: ", commandResult, "n")

# Set a string key
# Command:  set bigboxstr "some str value here"
# Result: OK
commandResult = redis.set("bigboxstr", "some str value here")

print("Command: set bigboxstr "some str value here" | Result: ", commandResult, "n")

# Try to use HINCRBY on the string
# We get an error as command is applied to a wrong data type
# Command:   hincrby bigboxstr field1 10
# Result: (error) WRONGTYPE Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value
    commandResult = redis.hincrby("bigboxstr", "field1", 10)

    print("Command: hincrby bigboxstr field1 10 | Result: ", commandResult, "n")
rescue => e
    print("Command: hincrby bigboxstr field1 10 | Error: ", e, "n")

# Check cutsomer name
# Command:  hget customer:100 name
# Result: "Kenneth Braun"
commandResult = redis.hget("customer:100", "name")

print("Command: hget customer:100 name | Result: ", commandResult, "n")

# Try to apply HINCRBY on the name field
# We get an error, as the field has string value
# Command:   hincrby customer:100 name 10
# Result: (error) ERR hash value is not an integer
    commandResult = redis.hincrby("customer:100", "name", 10)

    print("Command: hincrby customer:100 name 10 | Result: ", commandResult, "n")
rescue => e
    print("Command: hincrby customer:100 name 10 | Error: ", e, "n")

# Set a filed of a hash to a larg integer value
# Command:  hset bigboxhash max_test_field 9223372036854775806
# Result: (integer) 1
commandResult = redis.hset("bigboxhash", "max_test_field", "9223372036854775806")

print("Command: hset bigboxhash max_test_field 9223372036854775806 | Result: ", commandResult, "n")

# Max value of allowed integer for 64-bit integer is 9,223,372,036,854,775,807
# So if we try to increment max_test_field by 10 then it excedes the max integer limit
# We get an error related to max value overflow
# Command:  hincrby bigboxhash max_test_field 10
# Result: (error) ERR increment or decrement would overflow
    commandResult = redis.hincrby("bigboxhash", "max_test_field", 10)

    print("Command: hincrby bigboxhash max_test_field 10 | Result: ", commandResult, "n")
rescue => e
    print("Command: hincrby bigboxhash max_test_field 10 | Error: ", e, "n")

# Set field value of a has to large negative nubmer
# Command:  hset bigboxhash max_test_field -9223372036854775709
# Result: (integer) 0
commandResult = redis.hset("bigboxhash", "max_test_field", "-9223372036854775709")

print("Command: hset bigboxhash max_test_field -9223372036854775709 | Result: ", commandResult, "n")

# Check the value, we se the negative value is set
# as it is withing the limit of 64-bit signed integer
# Command:  hget bigboxhash max_test_field
# Result: "-9223372036854775709"
commandResult = redis.hget("bigboxhash", "max_test_field")

print("Command: hget bigboxhash max_test_field | Result: ", commandResult, "n")

# Min value allowed as 64-bit int is -9,223,372,036,854,775,808
# Try to decrease the value by 10
# We get an error as the target value goes beyond the minimum integer value
# Command:  hincrby bigboxhash max_test_field -100
# Result: (error) ERR increment or decrement would overflow
    commandResult = redis.hincrby("bigboxhash", "max_test_field", -100)

    print("Command: hincrby bigboxhash max_test_field -100 | Result: ", commandResult, "n")
rescue => e
    print("Command: hincrby bigboxhash max_test_field -100 | Error: ", e, "n")


Command: hset customer:100 name "Kenneth Braun" gender male age 42 order_count 1 | Result: 4
Command: hgetall customer:100 | Result: {"name"=>"Kenneth Braun", "gender"=>"male", "age"=>"42", "order_count"=>"1"}
Command: hincrby customer:100 order_count 2 | Result: 3
Command: hget customer:100 order_count | Result: 3
Command: hget bigboxhash firstfield | Result: 
Command: hincrby bigboxhash firstfield 100 | Result: 100
Command: hget bigboxhash firstfield | Result: 100
Command: hget bigboxhash secondfield | Result: 
Command: hincrby bigboxhash secondfield 5 | Result: 5
Command: hget bigboxhash secondfield | Result: 5
Command: hincrby bigboxhash secondfield -3 | Result: 2
Command: hget bigboxhash secondfield | Result: 2
Command: hincrby bigboxhash secondfield -5 | Result: -3
Command: hget bigboxhash secondfield | Result: -3
Command: set bigboxstr "some str value here" | Result: OK
Command: hincrby bigboxstr field1 10 | Error: WRONGTYPE Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value
Command: hget customer:100 name | Result: Kenneth Braun
Command: hincrby customer:100 name 10 | Error: ERR hash value is not an integer
Command: hset bigboxhash max_test_field 9223372036854775806 | Result: 1
Command: hincrby bigboxhash max_test_field 10 | Error: ERR increment or decrement would overflow
Command: hset bigboxhash max_test_field -9223372036854775709 | Result: 0
Command: hget bigboxhash max_test_field | Result: -9223372036854775709
Command: hincrby bigboxhash max_test_field -100 | Error: ERR increment or decrement would overflow


  • Use method “hincrby” from the redis-rb.
  • Signature of the method is-

    # @param [String] key
    # @param [String] field
    # @param [Integer] increment
    # @return [Integer] value of the field after incrementing it

    def hincrby(key, field, increment)

Source Code

Use the following links to get the source code used in this article-

Related Commands

HSETNX Command Details
HMGET Command Details
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